
The Oracle's Prophecy

No one had really seen the number one player on the leaderboard in person, but it did not mean that rumors would not spread. 

It was unknown where the source originated from, but some said that the player had made a pact with the Nightmare and could be considered as half the Nightmare creature themselves, while others believed that they were a demon who had lived for centuries. Shen Nianzu had heard no less than a hundred rumors about this player, and thus he had never put it into mind, always keeping the skeptical attitude of 'seeing is believing'.

However, never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that the rumor of the player being a child was true, and a little girl at that!

This was not the Cycle where players could change their appearance at will with the aid of a prop. This was the real world, which meant that sitting before him was really the true identity of the strongest player in the entire country! 
