
Trick 23: Nearly getting Murdered by a Giant Dwarf!

They arrived at a steaming hot workshop looking place.

There were giants everywhere and Ace was looking around curiously, holding onto his things as he stared around in awe. The Ancient One walked past the giants, explaining "These Dwarves are the best craftsmen in the universe. I may have had to pull some favors for you, behave yourself."

Ace nodded seriously, swallowing as he looked at various blueprints on the side, not recognizing any of the runes on the print! His eyes lit up and the Ancient One slapped his shoulder with her fan.

Ace turned back and continued following her until they came to a Dwarf, who was hammering some sort of weapon. The Ancient One stood by the side, watching with her hands behind her back patiently.

Ace craned his neck, looking over the huge table to see what the Dwarf was working on.

After a few more hits of the hammer, the Dwarf stopped and wiped his forehead. He turned his head, looking down at the duo, bellowing "Master Ancient One, is there a problem with the Sling Rings?"

The Ancient One smiled and shook her head, replying "They are perfectly crafted as always, Eitris. Rather, I came to you for a new project today. My apprentice would like a few magic artifacts made. All Dimensions know of your craftsmanship."

Eitris sat down and drank from a giant mug, laughing loudly "Tis a tremendous honor, Master Ancient One! I shall take your compliment! Gahahahaha!" He leaned over and eyed Ace, who swallowed and shrank back slightly.

Eitris burst out laughing, "Your successor doesn't seem to have the courage! GAHAHAHA!" The Ancient One replied "Yes, well, we're working on it. Could I count on you, Eitris?" Eitris rubbed his chin and replied "I'd have to see what sort of artifacts they are for starters."

The Ancient One glanced at Ace, who looked at her saying incredulously "Successor?!" She ignored him, saying "Your things, Ace." Ace took out everything.

The Papers of Fate, Box of Darkness, Loom of Fate, Philosopher's Stone, Invisibility Cloak, Tarot Cards, Deck of Cards, magical items he found at Hogwarts, magical things he bought at Diagon Alley, etc.

He laid them out on a table before turning around. Eitris looked at the items and started laughing as the Ancient One sighed, looking at Ace helplessly.

Ace scratched his head and said "What?" Eitris slapped his knee and laughed harder as the Ancient One said "Well, nevermind. I will help you." she threw out the trash items on the table, disintegrating them as Ace groaned on the side.

His heart was bleeding! He collected all those knick knacks!

The Ancient One was a bit surprised at the yield, there were some Phoenix Feathers, Dragon Teeth, and precious Gems in the pile. She added a piece of ore and a few other things to the pile before saying "A cloak is preferable."

Eitris stopped laughing and eyed the materials as he hummed to himself. His eyes lit up slightly, saying "Aye, Phoenix feathers, eh? I was a wee lad when I last saw 'em." Ace suddenly thought of something and added "Can you make something else too?"

Eitris looked at him and said "I can make anything, boy!" Ace curled his lips and explained what he wanted exactly for everything. Eitris' eyes glowed and he replied "Interesting! Difficult but interesting!"

Ace grinned and the Ancient One smiled, asking "Perhaps a bit of Uru Metal as well?" Eitris' face smoothed out and he asked seriously with a dignified tone "Have you the permission of his Majesty the King?"

The Ancient One opened her palm and revealed a seal to which Eitris knelt and said "Then tis no issue, Master Ancient One." The Ancient One closed her palm and smiled "Thank you, Eitris." before turning to Ace and saying "Let's go."

Ace looked at Eitris before opening his mouth, the Ancient One pulled him along through a portal, saying "Not now." Ace pouted and the Ancient One rolled her eyes, adding "The secrets of the Dwarves Forging Methods are sacred, perhaps instead of an artifact, you would be torn limb from limb?"

Ace paused and sighed, muttering "Why are all the good things forbidden…" The Ancient One snorted in amusement before handing Ace a book. Ace took the book and looked at her in confusion as she explained "This is an endless notebook. It will never be full. You can write all your notes here for thousands of years and it will never be full. I made it myself."

Ace was moved and looked at the Ancient One, saying "Thank you! I nev-" The Ancient One smiled and said "Yes, well, time for you to go! I'll pick you up when you're done, goodbye for now!" before waving her hand and sending Ace through a portal.

The Ancient One let out a breath when Ace was gone, rubbing her temples as she muttered "Such a child, hopefully he can grow… Otherwise…" before sighing again.

Mordo walked in, asking "Master. Is he gone?" The Ancient One rolled her eyes and nodded. Mordo let out a breath of relief and said behind him "He left!" A group of mages grinned and ran off, leaving the Ancient One speechless.

She looked at Mordo, asking "Is it necessary?" Mordo replied seriously, "Master, you may have the temperament and patience for him, but we cannot handle all of his questions and non-stop chattering." he paused for a moment before adding "Is he…?"

The Ancient One turned to a window overlooking Kamar-Taj as she replied "I have tested his heart many times. He holds a justice that may even trump his own kindness. This is a potential problem I have not yet solved."

She fanned herself and frowned slightly. Mordo was confused and asked "A kindness, Master?" The Ancient One explained "I fear greatly that the consequences for the greater good may be disastrous should he have the power to choose. The kindness in his heart must balance his logical thinking."

Mordo paused for a few moments before replying "I see." the Ancient One asked once again, "Mordo, could you please look into this Sharon Carter?" Mordo bowed and replied "Of course, Master." before leaving the room.

The Ancient One paced around the room, humming to herself, "Brand or Strange… Should I test him again?" before sighing.

Far away~

Ace appeared on the street in Diagon Alley once again!

He stood up and dusted himself off, muttering "Damn! Just like that!" he paused and noticed shady people looking at him. He turned his head and said "Hm! Can anyone point me in the direction of Diagon Alley?"

The shady looking people had strange smiles as they walked over in a group, saying "Don't worry, darling! Come with us, we'll take you to where you want to go… Hehehe~" Ace hummed to himself, licking his lips as he replied "Actually, I have a feeling you will not. Crazy, huh?" as he tried to go around them.

However, the people blocked him, saying "Come now… Don't be scared, haven't your parents ever told you to trust strangers?" Ace shivered and replied "Please. That doesn't even make sense!" as he pulled out his wand.

The wizards and witches grasped at their waists in preparation but before anything could be done, there was a voice "Ace?!" Ace looked over and said in surprise "Hagrid? Harry! What are you guys doing here?"

Hagrid walked over and said "Off you go, filthy swine!" before hugging Ace, "Been a while since I saw ya! Professor Dumbledore told me you were studyin' abroad! Glad to have you back!"

Ace was lifted a meter off the ground and coughed as he replied breathlessly "Yeah… me too…" Harry looked up and smiled "Miss you, Ace!" Ace smiled at him and nodded, "Can we get out of here? I can't breathe…"

Hagrid put him down and laughed, slapping Ace's back as he said "Come on then! Hahaha!" before walking away as Ace stumbled forward awkwardly. Harry chuckled and the trio left the shady alley, arriving in Diagon Alley main street.

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