
The Spiderweb Party

Once Albrecht got out of the Zecian Portal and returned to the real world, he was exhausted to death.

More than anything, he wanted to crawl into a futon and sleep on his stomach. It didn't matter where he fell asleep.

With a sigh, he found an empty spot on the ground, put on his futon, and proceeded to lie down.

"Yukina, oi~ Yukina," Albrecht called from within the Summoner's Ring he wore. There wasn't a formal name for the item so Albrecht just called Summoner's Ring.

Unbeknownst to him, the ring was actually just a normal spatial storage ring, but thanks to his power, it could function as a temporary living space.

From within the Summoner's ring, Yukina heard Albrecht calling out to her.

"Hmm~?" Yukina sleepily answered as she rubbed her eyes. She had been sleeping all this time and she missed the action that happened in the past twelve hours.

"Can you look after me? I'm just going to take a quick nap." He asked. A split second later, he was asleep.

Regarding the fight with Prima Whitelock, it was actually canceled by Theresa Whitelock herself, and she greatly reprimanded the village elder for his haughtiness.

Prima had the gall to reason out to the chieftess, but Theresa cut her off by threatening to remove him from his position.

Thus the fight was canceled, Theresa returned to her position, and Hunter stopped his pursuit of the leadership position.

Also, Claude was alive, much to everyone's surprise.

Albrecht left soon after that, reassuring the chieftess and her daughter that he would return.

Now, back to the present, Albrecht slept on the outskirts of the Rilegarthe Kingdom where the First Outerlayer was located. There were a couple of open dungeons in the vicinity, but Albrecht didn't care.

He slept right then and there, a couple of meters away from the Zecian Portal where he came out.

Second Outerlayer, Rihark's Dungeon

Dungeon Boss, Two-Headed Wood Turtle, Level 31

"Alexander! Switch!" Sun Wu propped his Alprechian Staff on the ground and extended it to dodge the bite of the turtle.

In a flash, Alexander switched from being a tank to a Cavalier in the form of a centaur. After blocking the bite, he stepped sideways and equipped a lance.

With his Centaur Cavalier form, Alexander moved more smoothly and he stabbed the Two-Headed Wood Turtle right in the eye.

This made the turtle scream in pain, opening its vulnerable mouth as it did so.

"Holmes, now!" Sun Wu screamed.

"Walkers of the earth, take heed as the sovereign of fire comes, may the ever-burning flames engulf the life with ease— Firestorm!" Holmes screamed as he raised his Scepter of Caduceus.

Honestly, he didn't have to chant. He didn't even have to shout out the name of his skill.

However, he was more into character that way, so he made up a few words as if it would make sense as a spell (it didn't mean anything, though).

A spire of flame shot out from his scepter, and it spiraled to the open mouth of the turtle.

An explosion was heard, and the turtle let out a pained groan.

"Hah- hah- HAH—!" Repeatedly, Holmes continued to release a fiery pillar of swirling flames from his scepter. And he didn't stop until the Two-Headed Wood Turtle was dead.

Slowly, the Two-Headed Wood Turtle staggered before the second head fell to the ground.

They've already defeated the first head, and defeating the second head was far easier compared to the first. It was a smooth run, and they finally cleared the C-Rank Dungeon.

"Whew~ that was pretty good," Alexander said as he collapsed on the ground. Switching back and forth as a tank and a cavalier drained his Zecian Aura.

Then again, it was a small price to pay in order to clear the dungeon.

"This should last us a couple of months... but the guild would still ask us to clear a couple of dungeons here and there so there's nothing we can do about it." Sun Wu wearily explained. "Now let's get out of here before the dungeon closes."

As the Heroes of Relics got out of the Dungeon Portal, they noticed a new group of adventurers heading out to another dungeon.

It was already noontime, and the sun was directly overhead, shining on the Zecian Portals that littered the first Outerlayer.

A warm breeze blew by, scattering dust on the heroes while they examined the new group of adventurers who were also attempting to conquer a dungeon.

Within the group was a familiar face, and it angered Sun Wu to see him again.

— — —

Seven hours after Albrecht fell asleep,

Watching over Albrecht bored the life out of Yukina, even the white snakes on her head were beginning to yawn as she got sleepy.

It didn't take long before Yukina snuggled between Albrecht's arms and joined Albrecht in his sleep.

Unbeknownst to Albrecht, someone from the Medusa Tribe was normally sleepy, that's why Yukina could sleep for some time unless Albrecht woke her up.

A group of adventurers, who were part of the Rilegarthe Guild, were assigned to clear an F-Rank Dungeon. They call themselves the Spiderweb Party.

Their party leader was the one who came up with the name, saying that they should be a team of five people covering each other's weaknesses so they could provide food on the table— the main function of a spiderweb to a spider.

Hex Cruxio is a father of two, and he goes on adventuring to provide for his family. He was once unemployed but was lucky enough to become an adventurer after awakening a unique skill.

"All right, just like last time. I'm taking the vanguard, and our main damage dealer, Erwin Knightlight, will take the rear." Hex told them.

Since their porter went on a sudden vacation, currently, there were only four members of the team. Hex is the tank, Erwin the damage dealer, Sylvia the healer, and Natalie the mage.

On their way to the Zecian Portal which would transport them to an F-Rank Dungeon, they saw someone sleeping on the ground.

And by the looks of it, he seemed like a porter.

"Ah- a porter." Sylvia Heartcross muttered as she pointed at Albrecht who was having the time of his life sleeping.

They spotted a pokemon in the wild~ hehhe

I'll be uploading three chapters today, thank you so much for reading and please continue giving your support ^-^

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