
Chapter 36: Fate of the Uchiha Part III

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

"Hmm…."- Black Zetsu

Chapter 36:

Fate of the Uchiha Part III

Black Zetsu was feeling quite proud of himself at the moment. There was also a feeling of annoyance mixed in there as well. But that couldn't be helped, he supposed. He had gotten too greedy. He should have known that Uchiha Sasuke would somehow be informed of his plans and interfered. And the Uchiha that he was currently attached to didn't stand a chance in terms of powers to Sasuke. Only Madara did. Or at one point did. Now, the old Uchiha was nothing but a shadow of his former glory. Alas, Madara too would have his uses when the time came. For the moment, Black Zetsu needed to concern himself with making sure that this boy made it to Madara safely. There was still a long way to go before they reached Madara's new hideout in the Land of Earth. They still hadn't even made it out of the Land of Fire either. But Black Zetsu was confident in making sure that Kazuki made it out of his country in one piece. He would have felt safer if they at least had the Kyuubi in their possession, though. No plan was met without resistance, he guessed. Still, it was a bit annoying at having such a thorn at his side. Not to mention that other boy in Uzu. That damn Uzumaki. But Black Zetsu had already made the appropriate arrangements to take care of the Uzumaki at the very least.

"Oi, where are we going right now?"

Black Zetsu came out of his thoughts at hearing Kazuki speak. "To Uchiha Madara," Black Zetsu answered. "He's the one that will give you the necessary tools in order to succeed."

Kazuki frowned as he continued to run through the forest. "And that means what?"

"You lack information right now," Black Zetsu stated. "What I told you is nothing but the beginning of it all. Madara has much more information to share. Such as how you will begin capturing the bijuu, something that you can't do on your own."

"And why is that?"

"You only possess the Mangekyo. While you can control the bijuu with those eyes, you can't operate the Gedo Mazo, the former body of the Juubi. That is where we will store the bijuu until they're all together. But for that, we shall need a pair of eyes that you're nowhere near from attaining them."

Kazuki t'ched, not liking how this thing was pretty much telling him that he was useless.

It was something that Black Zetsu picked up on. "You shouldn't feel so bitter, Kazuki. Now, you will have the chance to be the leader of making the perfect world. You shall lead it. But for now, we need to focus on getting out of here before Uchiha Sasuke catches up to us."

Kazuki frowned at hearing Sasuke's name. "Just what do you know about Sasuke? How does he even posses stronger eyes than me?"

Black Zetsu was silent for a few moments. That was something that he had been trying to solve ever since he had been made aware of Sasuke's existence at the infamous ambush those four years ago. But he couldn't come up with anything. The Uchiha had just appeared out of thin air. The same rang true for that Uzumaki brat as well. It was puzzling. And troublesome. Black Zetsu had never expected to encounter such a strong obstacle so early in the game. It was annoying.

"I do not know. But we can't exactly contemplate on it right now. If we're not careful, he'll just capture you. In which case, you'll more than likely be executed for having killed the Uchiha clan head and betraying your former village."

Kazuki h'mphed at that, activating his Mangekyo sharingan. He wasn't planning on ever returning to Konoha other than to further his goals. That village was nothing to him now. His clan was nothing. Fugaku was nothing. And Sasuke was nothing. He just needed to focus on his goal now. Once that was accomplished, he would finally be able to have his true happiness.

Looking up at the sky, Kazuki estimated that it was probably around five in the morning. He had been running for a few hours now. But he wasn't tired at all. He supposed that it probably dealt with the thing that was currently attached to his body at the moment. Kazuki still didn't know what it was. But he would find out once he was finally out of this mess.

With that in mind, Kazuki and Black Zetsu pressed harder through the forest with the intent of getting out of the Land of Fire as soon as possible.

Black Zetsu smirked in success at seeing the two statues of Madara and Hashirama before him. They had finally made it to the closest place to cross over out of the Land of Fire. It had been a while since he had been here, though. The last time that he had stood in this place was when he had witnessed the incredible fight between Madara and Hashirama. Back then, Black Zetsu had still been in the process of getting his plan together. But now, years later, his plan was moving at an appropriate rate. While to others it might look as if it hadn't progressed at all, time was on Black Zetsu's side. He was immortal. As such, he could be patient as he needed to be until the time came for his mother's revival. He wasn't prone to making mistakes because of his impatience. That was only a human flaw.

Kazuki was silent as he stood on top of Hashirama's statue, looking down over at the flowing river. So he was finally here. Once he crossed over, he would finally be out of the Land of Fire and out of Konoha's reach.

Without any hesitation, the boy jumped to the other side, landing softly on top of Madara's statue. As he was about to take one step forward, though, the sound of a kunai heading towards him reached his ears. Quickly taking one of his own out as he spun, Kazuki blocked the incoming kunai just as he managed to spot Sasuke stopping on top of the Hashirama statue.

This only made Kazuki t'ch. "You have an annoying habit at showing up at the last second, Sasuke," he commented as he closed his eyes.

Black Zetsu on the other hand was watching Sasuke closely. Said Uchiha already had his Eternal Mangekyo sharingan activated. It looked as if he wasn't going to play around this time. But he was already injured. Black Zetsu could still see the dried blood on the Uchiha's shoulder from when he had stabbed him earlier at Mito's house. Even so, the Uchiha hadn't let that stop him.

Kazuki reopened his eyes, his Mangekyo meeting Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyo. "So it looks like you really do have those eyes…..I wonder how you were able to attain them, though," Kazuki said with a small grin. "But really. You have no business trying to lecture me then. If you have those eyes, I'm sure you've done your fair share of despicable actions."

"That's right," Sasuke stated without any hesitation, speaking for the first time. "I'm nor going to stand here and try to tell you that I'm any better than you. Because I'm not. But I've come to realize that the path that you're trying to walk won't lead you anywhere. It's only filled with pain and solitude."

"And I'm prepared for that," Kazuki replied as he spread his arms out. "What I'm trying to accomplish is peace. Some sacrifices have to be made for that goal."

Sasuke smirked. "You'd be surprised to know that there's an idiot out there with the same goal who won't let anything escape his reach. He wants it all. He's not willing to compromise or bend his beliefs for that goal. And that is where he succeeds and you fail. That is where his dream exists while yours is nothing more than an ambition."

Kazuki scowled. "I'm not going to let you scold me anymore, Sasuke. We're not brats anymore. This is reality. The world is filled with nothing more than pain. What meaning is there in that? Why would anyone want to continue living in that suffering? That's why I'm going to try to remake the world into a utopia. One where everyone can be happy. Are you telling me that that's wrong?"

Sasuke shook his head. "No, it's not. I also feel the same way as you do."


"But I can't accept the method in which you plan to carry this out," Sasuke stated, cutting Kazuki off. "This dream world that you seek…..it's nothing more than a lie!"

Black Zetsu narrowed his eye at hearing that. So the Uchiha knew about Infinite Tsukuyomi too…..just how?

But Kazuki didn't pick up on that as he narrowed his eyes. "That's the only way that any sort of peace can be found here. Open your eyes, Sasuke! We've already lived through one war. It's only a matter of time before another one ensues. And for what!? For land!? For the profit of other people!? What's the purpose in that!? Answer me!"

"Blame the system that is in place," Sasuke replied with a small shake of his head. "That's what has brought this current present into being. As shinobi, we're forced to take from one another over and over again. We kill one another for no reason whatsoever. And that is why I will remake that system. I will change the world. But I won't do that by sacrificing the world. I want to make that happen here, in the real world. Not one that is fake. No one wants that. It isn't true peace. You can delude yourself into thinking that it is, but the fact of the matter is that it is not. Can't you understand that?"

Kazuki didn't respond, looking down at his hands.

Sasuke took a step froward, stretching his arm out towards Kazuki. "Come with me. It's still not too late. You can still make this peace true. But here, in the real world. With me. Come, Kazuki."

"Don't let him delude you."

Sasuke's eyes widened at hearing the unfamiliar voice.

Kazuki still said nothing as he focused on Black Zetsu.

"Peace in this world can't be achieved. Humanity doesn't want that. In this world, wherever there is light, there are also shadows. This world transforms everything good into bad. No matter how much you try to fight that, you eventually get sucked up in it. Just look at him. He's also been through this cycle. No matter what happens or what you try to do. It is inevitable. That's why the only way to achieve true peace is through the Infinite Tsukuyomi. In another world. One where you can rewrite the rules so that this paradox doesn't happen. It is the only way. Otherwise, this cycle shall go on forever. And your father would have died for nothing."

Kazuki turned his attention to Sasuke who was looking at him with a pleading looking. Giving him a small bitter smile, Kazuki said, "I'm sorry, Sasuke. I can no longer believe in this world. It only takes and takes. And I can't live while taking that anymore."

Sasuke jumped into the air just as Kazuki came charging at him with the kunai in his hands.

Looking up, Kazuki exclaimed, "Now, let's just see which of our ideals is just, Sasuke!"

Sarutobi looked at Mito with a sigh, not knowing what to say. He was currently inside the hospital room that she had been taken to after she had reported to the Anbu what had happened just hours earlier.

"Don't lie to me, Saru," Mito stated. "That boy has the same powers as Madara. It's not something that just anyone can attain. I want to know just why and how he has them. He's just a child."

Sarutobi sighed again, realizing that Sasuke had made his job harder for him. But considering the circumstances, he couldn't really fault the boy for what he had done. It was better than for Mito to have been captured all right. Still. The Uzumaki wasn't going to let this go either. Not after seeing what she had seen.

"There are some things that even I can't tell you, Mito-sama," Sarutobi began, choosing his words carefully. "For the safety of the village."

Mito narrowed her eyes. Even in her old age, her mind hadn't lost its edge. "Don't give me that, Saru. Not after what happened tonight. Someone just tried to take the Kyuubi from me. As such, this is something that concerns me. The Kyuubi and I are one now, after all. And it will remain that way until the day that I die. So that means that I need to know about this."

Sarutobi was stuck between a rock and a hard place all right. He really didn't know just what information he could tell her. Sasuke had never mentioned if he ever wanted for Mito to know anything about other than what she already knew. But also knowing that he was Hokage, Sarutobi knew that he could make the call here.

"There are forces at play here," he said, "forces that will one day threaten the entire world. Sasuke-kun has decided to stand against them. This decision is what led him to be here today. It is also what led him to protect you today. But there are things that I can't tell you without his knowing. It's for the safety of our mission."

Mito sighed as she leaned back on her bed, letting her body relax as she relented. There was a small smile on her face as she said, "I knew that boy was different since the first time I saw him. But who would have thought that an Uchiha would actually be doing all of this. I guess times really do change."

Sarutobi chuckled as well. "You're not the only one. But for now, you should rest. You can ask Sasuke-kun anything you want once he returns."

Nodding, Mito closed her eyes as she began to doze off. The night had been extremely taxing on her body and mind. She just wanted to relax now.

Seeing this, Sarutobi headed out of the hospital room and onto the hallway outside where Sakumo was standing with his arms crossed.

"Is she all right?" he asked.

Sarutobi nodded. "Yeah. She's just tired is all. I can't really blame her. This isn't the kind of stuff that she can put up with anymore."

"She doesn't have very long, does she?" Sakumo asked, despite already knowing the answer to that.

Sarutobi sighed. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, we need to handle this matter."

Sakumo sighed as well. "I wish that you would have contacted me earlier. Then, I could be with Jiraiya right now and following after Sasuke."

"It couldn't be helped," Sarutobi said in response with an apologetic look. "Jiraiya happened to find out about this first and headed out of here in a flash."

"He really does worry about him, eh?" Sakumo said with a small chuckle.

Sarutobi smiled as he replied, "Yes. What Sasuke-kun is doing is also his dream, after all. But for now, we have to wait until they return."

Sakumo nodded, knowing that that was the only choice for now. Which was frustrating.

Sasuke gritted his teeth as he and Kazuki clashed over and over again all throughout the top of the waterfall on the two statues' heads with their kunais. This had been going on for a few minutes now, and it was leading to nowhere. Sasuke didn't intend to play around here. But he also didn't want to kill his uncle. For once in his life, he was hesitant in taking the life of an obstacle that wasn't Naruto.

Kazuki was also growing tired of the stalemate. Unlike Sasuke, he didn't have as much chakra. Nor did he know just how much chakra this thing attached to him could provide him with. So he didn't want to risk it.

But having been so consumed in his thoughts, Kazuki wasn't able to pay close enough attention to Sasuke who charged his kunai with lightning. With this power up, Sasuke's kunai was able to slice through Kazuki's with relative ease. The younger Uchiha t'ched at seeing this, jumping back to put some distance between himself and Sasuke on top of the Madara statue.

"So you can also use lightning then," Kazuki commented with narrowed eyes, throwing his now shattered kunai to the side. It no longer served a purpose, after all.

Sasuke h'mphed as he pocketed his own. "There are many things that you don't know about me."

Kazuki laughed bitterly at that. "Isn't that the truth! It looks like you've been playing us for fools this whole time! If it weren't for any of this, then I never would have guessed either. Well, not like any of it matters. Once I kill you here today, I will finally be able to move on to my true goal."

Sasuke's hands quickly came together, running through a familiar set of handseals. "You talk too much!"

Kazuki narrowed his eyes as he followed Sasuke's example, the two Uchiha finishing at the same time.

"Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu!"

"Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu!"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes as well at seeing their two techniques clash once more, bringing them to another stalemate. But unlike before, Sasuke was prepared to play more of his cards.

Kazuki's eyes widened when he saw Sasuke gathering more chakra in his eyes. A moment later, black flames took the place of Sasuke's regular flames from before. And right before Kazuki's eyes, he saw how the black flames began to consume his own flames like they were nothing.

'Just what the hell is this technique!?'

Black Zetsu was also observing this with slight amazement. This was the first time that he was watching Sasuke show off this jutsu, after all.

Kazuki canceled his jutsu as all of his flames were easily being consumed by the black flames. If he continued, it would only be a waste of chakra.

Sasuke h'mphed as he canceled the Amaterasu flames as well, the black flames dying out a few moments later.

Taking a step back, Kazuki began to sweat a little. And it wasn't because of the resulting heat that had come about because of the fire style jutsu that they had both just done. Oh, no. Unlike before, he was starting to see that Black Zetsu's warnings hadn't been for nothing.

But his pride flared up, telling him that he was no longer the same as well. He had the Mangekyo now. Surely that elevated him closer to Sasuke.

Sasuke's left hand was soon engulfed in lightning, which he brought up in front of him. "I don't want to hurt you, Kazuki," Sasuke said. "Despite what you've done, I still think that you can be redeemed. But you're not leaving me many options right now."

Kazuki t'ched as he shook his head. "You just don't understand, do you? I've already given up on this world. Nothing you can say will change that."

"If you really did believe that," Sasuke retorted, "then you wouldn't have those eyes right now. It's only because you regret what you did that you now have the Mangekyo. And you can only feel regret if you have any sort of attachment. Or am I wrong?"

Kazuki narrowed his eyes. "That was nothing more than a means to an end. You're only grasping at straws now, Sasuke."

Sasuke shook his head. "I don't think so. But it looks like you really won't listen to anything that I have to say."

Kazuki wasn't prepared for the many lighting styled needles that were suddenly fired at him from Sasuke's lightning covered hand. But Black Zetsu was. Kazuki's left Mangekyo eye spun as Black Zetsu took control of it, which he focused on the incoming Chidori needles. A moment later, the needles stopped in midair right before they could hit Kazuki.

Seeing this, Sasuke was shocked at what had just happened. It was a shock that Kazuki was currently sharing as well.

'What is this?'

"This is your Mangekyo powers," Black Zetsu explained in his mind. "Time manipulation. You can stop any ninjutsu from hitting you since you can stop time. But that's only your left eye. Your right eye can reverse it!"

Understanding what he meant, Kazuki focused more of his chakra on his right Mangekyo eye, said eye spinning a moment later just like his other eye a moment before.

Sasuke gritted his teeth when he saw his own attack being fired back at him. He jumped into the air just in time to dodge the Chidori based needles. Looking down at Kazuki, Sasuke was able to see the younger Uchiha smirking.

'So he discovered his Mangekyo powers…..' And they were troubling powers at that. 'I really can't afford to hold back here…..'

"Katon: Kaen Senpu!"

Sasuke t'ched when he saw the spiraling flames erupting from Kazuki and towards him while he was still in midair. Realizing that he had to step up his game, Sasuke focused more chakra, his Susanoo ribcage exploding into life a moment later.

Kazuki narrowed his eyes at noticing this just as his fire style jutsu hit Sasuke, which had no effect against his fellow Uchiha.

'It's that thing again…..'

"It's the Susanoo," Black Zetsu stated as Sasuke landed back on the ground in front of them. "It's one of the Uchiha clan's most powerful jutsu. And he has already mastered it."

Kazuki did scowl at hearing that, looking at the purple glowing ribcage surrounding Sasuke. "You really do have your surprises, Sasuke."

"I'm not the only one," Sasuke retorted, referring to Kazuki's Mangekyo powers. "You have your fair share of surprises." He looked at Black Zetsu specifically while saying that.

Kazuki then smirked. "Well, it looks like you do have your shield. But a shield isn't something that can defeat me."

Sasuke chuckled at hearing that, his Susanoo changing into its basic form around him. Kazuki narrowed his eyes at seeing this, his eyes meeting Sasuke's Susanoo's ghostly yellow ones.

"The Susanoo is both a shield and a sword," Sasuke stated as two energy swords materialized on the Susanoo's hands.

Knowing what was going to happen, Kazuki focused his chakra on both of his eyes just as the Susanoo swung the two swords towards him, sending two waves of pure energy towards him. But just like with the Chidori needles form before, Kazuki stopped them both before sending them straight back towards Sasuke. Seeing this, Sasuke instantly jumped back off the Madara statue and towards the river down below, his Susanoo still around him. The two reflected energy waves passed over to the Hashirama statue without hitting either of their intended targets.

Kazuki walked calmly to the edge of the statue to look down below towards the bottom of the waterfall. What he saw was Sasuke standing in the middle of the river calmly with the Susanoo still surrounding him.

"This is perfect. We should use this opportunity to escape and-"

"No," Kazuki interrupted with a firm tone. "You may have had your way before, but not now. I'm fighting Sasuke, no matter what you say. I have to see just how I measure up against him."

"And I told you that-"

"Yes, I know what you told me," Kazuki acknowledged. "But I want to see it with my own eyes."

Without waiting for another word, Kazuki jumped down from the statue and to the river down below, his hands once more running through more handseals.

"Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu!"

Sasuke simply crossed his arms within his Susanoo as the volley of fireballs hit the Susanoo dead on without causing any damage whatsoever.

"That's not going to work," Black Zetsu cut in. He wasn't enjoying what was happening in front of him. But Kazuki wasn't allowing him to take control of his body anymore. It seemed as if the boy had learned how to withstand it since he had done it when they had been in Mito's house. "The Susanoo can't be penetrated by such weak attacks."

Kazuki was starting to realize that. But as far as ninjutsu went, he didn't have anything that was stronger. Other than his Mangekyo. Landing on the river a few feet away from Sasuke, the boy contemplated his next course of action. He had to find a way around the Susanoo. But how?

Sasuke narrowed his eyes as his Susanoo began to shift into its second stage. For now, he needed to find out as much information as he could about Kazuki's Mangekyo powers. And for that, he would use his Susanoo's fast and deadly arrow attacks. Sans the Amaterasu flames.

Kazuki gritted his teeth at seeing the Susanoo change forms. 'What's happening now!?'

"The Susanoo has many different levels," Black Zetsu explained. "The one you've seen up to now has been the weakest. Now, it's going into an even stronger mode. But it's not its final form either."

Kazuki began to feel frustrated at hearing that. This Susanoo jutsu was really starting to make this fight feel more like a chore than anything else. And that didn't sit well with him. After all, Sasuke could just sit within that damn thing and not do a single thing.

But he came out of his thoughts at seeing the Susanoo prepare to fire an arrow at him which it materialize as well as the bow that came with it. Seeing an opportunity, Kazuki focused his Mangekyo on the arrow which was fired at him a moment later.

Not wasting a second, Sasuke prepared to fire another arrow at the younger Uchiha.

Sweat began to roll down Kazuki's face as he managed to stop the arrow from hitting him. But unlike before, it was actually much harder. But why?

"Your chakra can't handle it," Black Zetsu said, speaking up. "In your current state, you can't spam this jutsu. Not only that, but the stronger the jutsu, the more chakra that you have to expend in order to stop it. If it weren't for me, then you would have drop dead a long time ago."

Before Kazuki could reply, his ears picked up the sound of another arrow being shot. Realizing that he had been dwelling inside his own little world too much, Kazuki tried to stop the second arrow, only to find that he couldn't. It was with this information that Kazuki realized just what Sasuke had been trying to do. And the boy also realized that he was about to be hit since he wasn't able to resend the first arrow back in time.

Sasuke didn't bat an eye as the second arrow collided with the first. The clash was enough to push the first arrow towards Kazuki, the second coming in a few seconds later. The result was an explosion that sent waves crashing all throughout the area.

'So he can't use the jutsu consecutively or when he's already in the middle of using it,' Sasuke summarized to himself. 'Not only that, but the attack that is being affected by the jutsu can be affected by any outside force as well.'

Sasuke smirked at learning all of this. The last attack had certainly provided him with a lot of information all right. But Sasuke wasn't concerned about Kazuki for the moment. He was certain that his uncle wouldn't go down that easily.

And he was proven right as, in the aftermath of the attack, Kazuki emerged without a single scratch. Not only that, but something else had happened. Surrounding him for the moment was his own Susanoo ribcage. Unlike Sasuke's, though, this one was gold.

Kazuki looked around him in surprise, showing that he had not been the one to activate the Susanoo of his own will. Which meant…..

"This is your Susanoo," Black Zetsu stated. "Although it's nowhere near being completed."

Kazuki smirked as he turned his attention back to Sasuke. He could already feel the toll that all of this was taking on his body. He was sure that the moment that this thing left his body, it was the moment that he would pass out. But for now, he would use it in order to defeat Sasuke.

"That's plenty enough."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, wondering just how Kazuki was able to maintain such techniques with his chakra alone. It just wasn't possible for someone his age. But then what? His eyes immediately went to that thing that was attached to Kazuki's left side. There was something suspicious about that thing. But that was obvious. Sasuke didn't know what to make of it, though. But for now, that didn't matter. He needed to stop Kazuki here and now.

"I'm through playing games with you, Kazuki," Sasuke stated as he began to gather more chakra. "I've been trying to avoid injuring you in any major way. But it looks like I really can't be that considerate."

Kazuki chuckled. "Oh, is that so? You can't fool me with your bluff, Sasuke. Now, I also have the Susanoo. Just like you. That puts us in the same level, don't you think?"

Sasuke didn't respond as the Susanoo began to disperse around him. Seeing this, Kazuki couldn't help but narrow his eyes in confusion. Just why was Sasuke canceling his Susanoo? Not only that, but through his sharingan, Kazuki was able to see how Sasuke was still gathering more and more chakra. So what was he doing then?

Black Zetsu was also paying rapt attention, wondering just what he was going to witness here today. And what happened next was something that he had not been expecting to see at all.

All around Sasuke, the Susanoo began to encase his body like the perfect body armor. Black Zetsu could see that it was based on the Susanoo's perfect form, two energy blades emerging at Sasuke's sides. It was something that Black Zetsu had never witnessed before. Not even Madara had been able to achieve this.

Kazuki gritted his teeth in frustration, no longer being able to look at Sasuke's face as it was now covered by the Susanoo's face armor, the eery yellow eyes looking straight at Kazuki.

"Oi, just what the hell is this?" Kazuki asked, looking at Black Zetsu. But said being didn't respond as he looked at Sasuke's new form intently, wondering if the Susanoo still had the same destructive power as when it was in its gigantic perfect form.

Sasuke didn't say a word as he unsheathed one of the energy blades. This had the effect of making Black Zetsu panic. He realized that it was finally time to make their exit.

"Oi, get out of here. NOW."

Kazuki frowned, wondering why he was suddenly panicking. He really didn't understand what the big deal was. So Sasuke could control just how big the Susanoo could be. Big deal. It didn't make a difference.

But Kazuki wasn't able to dwell on this topic any longer as Sasuke was suddenly in front of him in less than a second. Both Kazuki's and Black Zetsu's eyes widened in shock, neither having been able to see the Uchiha move.

Sasuke didn't waste the opening, though, as he swung his energy blade straight towards Kazuki who wasn't able to dodge or use his Mangekyo powers. The end result was the blade hitting his Susanoo ribcage just in time. And in doing so, Black Zetsu's question as to whether the perfect Susanoo retained its destructive power despite having shrunken in size was answered as a giant explosion took place a moment later. It was powerful enough to send a normal size earthquake throughout the area as well as destroy most of the Madara statue. And that was because Sasuke had held back some still, despite having said that he wouldn't.

Sasuke re-sheathed the energy blade as he looked at the aftermath of his attack, pleased that he had taken the time to master the Susanoo to another level. Looking towards the middle of the underwater crater that he had created in the river, Sasuke was soon able to spot Kazuki who was floating in the middle on his back, no doubt unconscious. Most of the boy's clothes were torn into pieces with large amounts of blood oozing from his body. Sasuke knew that he had to be quick in bringing his uncle back to Konoha. Otherwise he would bleed to death. But Sasuke didn't regret doing what he had. The boy hadn't left him with any other choice.

With that in mind, Sasuke began to make his way towards his fellow Uchiha as the Susanoo armor around disappeared. But before he could make it, Kazuki stood back up in an instant. Except that Sasuke could instantly tell that something was off from the way that Kazuki began to sway back and forth, his eyes still closed. Realizing what was happening, Sasuke began to form another Chidori in his hand until Kazuki jumped back up to stand on top of the Madara statue's head, it being the only part that was pretty much still perfectly intact. All the other parts had a hole through them or had been pretty much obliterated.

Black Zetsu looked down at Sasuke, having now perfect control of Kazuki's body. It was about damn time too. But he couldn't waste too much time here any longer. It took a large amount of effort on his part to prevent the boy from dying from blood loss.

"Let Kazuki go this instant!" Sasuke roared as he jumped to stand on top of the Hashirama statue, his Eternal Mangekyo flaring in anger.

Black Zetsu chuckled as he took out another kunai from the pouch that was strapped to the back of Kazuki's body.

"I wouldn't do anything rash if I were you," Black Zetsu said as he brought the kunai to Kazuki's throat. "Unlike you, I really don't care whether this boy lives or not. I can always find another later. Your clan is so easy to manipulate, after all."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at hearing this. "So you're the one behind Kazuki's change….."

"Oh, that's not entirely true," Black Zetsu replied. "I only gave the boy a small push. He was already itching to do this from the bottom of his heart. Not like it's anything new."

"Just who are you?" Sasuke asked, already realizing that this individual was going to be a problem.

Black Zetsu was genuinely surprised at hearing the question. "Oh? So you don't know of my existence then. How curious. You already happened to be aware of Madara's. But it's just another one of the many questions that I have about you and that other Uzumaki brat."

Sasuke t'ched. "And what do you know about him?"

Black Zetsu chuckled. "I'll make you a deal, Uchiha. Let us go, and I'll give you a tip about what your old friend Danzo is up to at the moment. It deals with your good Uzumaki friend, after all."

Sasuke's blood ran cold at hearing this. "What?"

"Oh, so you really didn't know about his new plan. How unfortunate for Uzu. Neither of her guardians will be able to come to her aid this time. Although that's exactly like how I wanted it to be."

"Just what the hell are you talking about!?" Sasuke roared, his temper flaring up.

Black Zetsu was silent for a few moments. It made Sasuke wonder if he was going to get a reply or not. But before the Uchiha could say anything else, Black Zetsu beat him to it.

"A few days from now, Uzu will be attacked by a combined force of Iwa, Kumo, and Kiri. It was all organized by Danzo himself. Except unlike with the ambush, this will take place right inside Uzu."

Sasuke shook his head. "That can't be. The barrier-"

"It's meaningless now," Black Zetsu cut in, a small grin forming itself on his face. "Danzo was able to trick an Uzumaki into joining him. With that piece, Danzo already has Uzu in checkmate without any of them knowing this. I do wonder if anyone will survive, though….."

Sasuke shook his fists at his side in barely restrained anger. This was it. This was the last straw. Now, it didn't matter what the Sandaime said. As far as Sasuke was concerned, Danzo was a dead man.

Using this opportunity, Black Zetsu was able to send some of his chakra into Kazuki's now unconscious self, his Mangekyo flaring into life.

Sasuke came out of his thoughts just in time to see a giant Susanoo arm coming straight for him. But he was still able to react fast enough as he jumped out of the way just before it could squash him like a bug. Sasuke's Susanoo ribcage sprung to life around him just as a pair of shuriken came flying towards him, forcing him to go down towards the river below once more.

Twisting himself in midair, Sasuke gritted his teeth as he landed on the river for a second before boosting up into the air again via chakra. Quickly looking towards the Madara statue, Sasuke didn't see anyone there anymore. Which could only mean one thing.

Landing on top of the head, Sasuke screamed out in fury at what he had just learned as well as the fact that Kazuki had gotten away from him.

'No, not yet,' Sasuke thought with determination as he looked towards the forest that stood behind the Madara statue. 'I can still catch up to him.'

It was then that the injury on his shoulder made itself known with fury as pain spread throughout his body, more blood beginning to drip out of the injury. While normally something like this wouldn't be anything to worry about, Sasuke hadn't bothered to do anything in order to at least stop the bleeding as he had been too busy trying to catch up to his uncle. But now, the wound had reopened itself even more, largely in part due to him having used the perfect Susanoo. It had put a strain on his body.

Sasuke's vision began to darken as he looked towards the forest once more.

The last thing the Uchiha heard before he passed out was a barrage of shouts from behind him.

"You really are reckless, you know."

Sasuke scowled as he stood inside his mind as he was currently being scolded by Hamura himself.

"I know that you like to think of yourself as above pretty much anything," Hamura continued, "but you still have limits. You don't have Naruto's stamina or inhuman recuperation abilities. What did you think was going to happen to that wound? That it would disappear?" Hamura sighed as he shook his head. "You're just as reckless as Naruto is."

"I wasn't going to let him go without a fight," Sasuke retorted. "Besides, I was able to learn useful information…"

Hamura then found himself on the receiving end of one of Sasuke's infamous glares. "You knew about the attack already, didn't you?"

Hamura sighed, already realizing where this conversation was headed. "That's correct."

"And you didn't tell me why?" Sasuke knew that it was pointless to ask that question at this point. But he just wanted to humor the dead Otsutsuki for a moment.

"This isn't like the other information I've withheld," Hamura replied. "This is something of major importance. Something that Naruto has to take care by himself. Without you."

Sasuke scowled. "Don't give me that crap. The moment that you sent both him and me into the past together, we stopped being just 'I'. If there's anything happening with that idiot, I want to know about it. Got it?"

Out of all of the reactions that Sasuke had been expecting out of Hamura, a smirk had not been one of them.

"And it looks like your test paid off, Sasuke."

Sasuke was taken back by the response. "What are you talking about?"

"Before we brought you and Naruto here, it was agreed that you would each face a test to see if you were worthy enough for the gifts that we had to offer you," Hamura began as he explained. "You managed to pass your test. Hence, you now have my brother's ocular abilities. We didn't want to do this since we already thought you two were worthy enough. But if we didn't agree to those terms, then you two would not be here at the moment. It was inevitable."

Sasuke closed his eyes for a moment, taking this information in. Opening them again, he looked at Hamura with realization dawning on him. "So when you first showed up….."

"That's right," Hamura said, confirming Sasuke's guess with a nod. "And now, it's Naruto's turn to face his trial. Unlike yours, though, his is…different. Very different."

"Let me guess," Sasuke said with a bitter smile. "It ties with Uzu's destruction, doesn't it?"

Hamura was silent. But his silence was more than enough to confirm Sasuke's fears.

"And what happens if he fails?"

Hamura hesitated for a moment before he answered truthfully, "If he fails, then he might very well end up becoming your enemy, Sasuke. An enemy far more dangerous than either Obito and Madara."

Sasuke gritted his teeth in frustration at hearing this. But it also gave him all the confirmation that he needed.

"You're going to Uzu, aren't you?"

"What do you think?" Sasuke said in response with a frown. "And before you start talking about not interfering, then shut it. I already told you that Naruto and I are no longer just one. He and I are together in this. We're brothers. And just like he's helped me, it's my turn to help him. So I'm going to Uzu, and you can't do or say anything that's going to stop me. Got it?"

But Hamura did neither of these things. He simply looked at Sasuke with a small smile.

Sasuke awoke in the same way that he had when he had first arrived to the past: with pain all over his body as well as having a simple ceiling to stare at. It didn't take long for the Uchiha to realize that he was once again in the hospital.

"Ah, so the prodigal Uchiha finally wakes up."

Sasuke fought back the urge to retort as he struggled to get up into a sitting position. He was finally able to do so after a few moments. When he did, he saw that his room was filled with three people: the Hokage, Jiraiya, and Sakumo with Jiraiya having been the one that had just spoken.

"It looks like this is the second time that I bring your sorry behind to the hospital, Sasuke," Jiraiya said with a chuckle.

Sasuke rolled his eyes at that. "How long have I been out for?"

"Just a few hours," Sarutobi answered with a chuckle as well. "It seems like even you can be reckless as well."

"I've been told that too much for my liking already," Sasuke muttered.

"So?" Jiraiya said with his arms crossed. "Do you mind filling us in about just what exactly happened with that Uchiha brat? He managed to cause quite the uproar before he left."

"I will, but we don't have time for that right now," Sasuke replied as he as stood up from his bed, flexing his shoulder for a moment. "Something more troubling has come up."

"And that is?" Sakumo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Danzo is planning on invading Uzu," Sasuke answered. "And he has three of the main nations backing him up."

Silence ran throughout the room after Sasuke had uttered those words. But it was to be expected. It wasn't everyday that one heard that one's ally was about to be destroyed. It was troublesome news all right.

"This could very well result in the next war," Sakumo muttered with a worried look.

Sasuke looked towards Sarutobi as he said, "Hokage. I don't care what else you have to say. I've had enough. As soon as I see Danzo, I'm going to kill him. I can't let him run around any longer. I was willing to give him a chance before. But now…that's no longer possible."

Jiraiya glanced towards his sensei who looked at Sasuke in silence before nodding.

"Yes, I understand. I am also in agreement," Sarutobi said with a sigh as he rubbed his forehead. "I didn't want it to come to this. I hoped for a compromise at the very least. But it does look like such a thing will not be possible."

Nodding, Sasuke turned towards Sakumo. "I'm going to need an army to come with me. As well as a general. Do you think that you can handle it?"

Sakumo grinned. "Don't take me lightly. I'll lead without any hesitation."

Sasuke smirked in appreciation, glad to have the man on board with him.

"So you're really heading towards Uzu, eh?"

Sasuke turned to look at Jiraiya, nodding again. "Yeah. I've been made aware of other…..things that are taking place there. I have to go."

"Then I'm going with you as well," Jiraiya stated with a determined look.

"But your trip to Ame…"

"They can take care of themselves for a bit longer," Jiraiya said with reassurance, a small smile on his face. "I did leave them with a few handy jutsu in case things do turn for the worst. But right now, this takes precedence. Besides, it looks like I'll be able to meet this Naruto friend of yours at long last. I can't pass up that opportunity."

Sasuke smiled at that, already knowing how the idiot was going to react when he saw the man alive again. It was going to be a funny reunion all right. Speaking about that…..

"I'm going to bring Tsunade with me too," Sasuke said as he looked at Sarutobi who raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Tsunade?" he repeated. "Is this strictly as a shinobi or as a member…?"

"I want her as one of our own," Sasuke stated with conviction. "Her medical ninjutsu is something that I cannot ignore. Not only that, but Naruto trusts her. And that's all the confirmation I need."

'I'm guessing that's why he decided to tell me all of this as well,' Sarutobi thought to himself with a chuckle. Well, other than the fact that he was the Hokage.

A similar thought was running through Jiraiya's head at the moment too.

"Just what will happen with the Uchiha now?" Sasuke then asked, referring to the fact that the clan head was now dead.

Sarutobi sighed, closing his eyes. This was a topic which he had wanted to avoid as long as possible. Just as with the stuff that was taking place with Mito for the moment. But it couldn't be avoided, after all.

"For the moment, the Uchiha council will take control of the clan until the chosen heir takes control when he's old enough…."

Sasuke sighed at hearing this. "So they're probably going to try and get more power on their hands by taking it from my father." He would have to do something about that to.

Sarutobi hesitated. "Not exactly….."

Sasuke looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

Clearing his throat for a moment, Sarutobi replied, "Kenshin's will was read an hour earlier. And in it, it was stated how he wanted for you, Uchiha Sasuke, to be the next clan head..."

Just like before, silence ensued. But this time it was Sasuke that was shocked.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard him," Sakumo said with a small smile. "You're going to be the next clan head."

"Congratulations, brat," Jiraiya added with a smirk, putting his two cents in.

The Uchiha looked at Sarutobi, expecting this to be some kind of joke. But instead, he was met with Sarutobi's serious expression, letting him know that he really was going to be the next clan head.

'Tch, just another thing to worry about now…..' But Sasuke could already see the benefits of this. If he could, he would thank his grandfather as well as ask him just why he thought he was qualified, especially since he wasn't even supposed to be related to him by blood. Other than the fact that they were both Uchiha anyway. But this was something that Sasuke could dwell on later after he returned. For now, Uzu was his top priority.

Sasuke turned his attention to the window inside the room, looking towards the sun that was now illuminating the village.

'Just hang in there, idiot. I'm coming…..'

And that was a promise.

Kazuki panted as he felt himself on the verge of death. Black Zetsu didn't say anything as he stood before him, waiting for the boy to get used to being by himself again.

"You only have yourself to blame for this," Black Zetsu stated. "I told you that you didn't stand a chance against him."

Kazuki scowled at the reminder as he struggled to get back up on his feet, using the trunk of the tree that he was currently under as leverage. "Yeah, I know already. I let my pride and eagerness get the better of me. It won't happen again."

Black Zetsu nodded in satisfaction as he turned to face towards the direction of where Madara's hideout laid. "But you don't have to be so anxious anymore. We're no longer in the Land of Fire. And unless they want to provoke another war, Konoha won't cross over into the Land of Earth. So for now, you're safe. Use this time to relax and recuperate before we head over to where Madara is."

Kazuki didn't respond as he continued to pant, doing his best to catch his breath. He was nearly out of chakra now. Not only that, but the injuries he had sustained from that last attack had been severe. If it hadn't been for this thing patching him up while he had been attached to his body, Kazuki was sure that he would have been dead a long time ago.

Black Zetsu merely stayed silent as he waited for the Uchiha boy to regain his strength. What he had told Sasuke was true. He could find another accomplice anytime. The Uchiha were easy to fool, after all.

But such was the fate of the Uchiha. Their fated destiny of hate.

Nori chuckled in glee as he looked at all of the pieces on the board. This was what he had been waiting for. For the moment where we would finally come out on top! Everything was already set, just like he had planned. It had taken him some time. But now, he was confident that things would go his way.

'Now, Asura-kun,' he thought in glee, 'you will learn the true meaning of despair.'

His laughter continued to boom throughout the palace.

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