
Knives in the Dark, Part Three

Neve fell back. 

As she hit the ground, Lia calmly sat down next to her seeming content to just watch her bleed out rather than finish her off. 

She was, quite frankly, surprised. Up until now, the only time an "NPC" had been genuinely hostile to her was when Alexander tried to shoot her when they first met. Ministress Jia and the old man back at Rorvan had both put on some slightly dangerous displays, but neither of them had been actually trying to hurt her. 

Alexander, the one NPC so far who had tried to kill her, put up little to no damage. She'd theorized before that this might have been because NPCs couldn't harm players, as she figured such a thing would be too boring for the Forces That Be. Apparently, she'd been wrong in that assessment. 

{The Undying Coward} slowly kicked in. 

Neve tried as hard as she could to piece together a plan. The first thing that came to her mind was to ask: 

"... Why?" 

Next chapter