
Round 2, Match 1

"You're the one screws around with gravity, right, Pink Cheeks?" Katsuki glared.

"Pink Cheeks?!" Ochaco lifted an eyebrow, offended by the nickname Katsuki just gave her.

"If you're gonna give up, do it now. I won't hold back just because you're a girl. I'm not like Deku and all those other guys who show mercy."

Ochaco took a deep breath in, then exhaled. She sent a glare right back at Katsuki, showing that she wouldn't back out just like that.

"Izuku," Tenya said, pointing a robotic hand at Izuku. "What was that strategy you were talking about earlier?"

"Oh, it's not much." Izuku looked at his notebook as he flipped through the pages. "If Ochaco were to touch Kacchan just once, then she could sent him out of bounds. Kacchan is so good with his Quirk, especially in close combat. The more he moves, the more he sweats, which means the stronger his Quirk will be."

"Are you kidding me?!" Kisu pointed at Izuku with a glare. "That lame strategy would never work!"

"It's not lame, it's actually something she could do." I smacked Kisu on the head, making her sit back down. "But it's not thought through enough. Yes, Ochaco could make Katsuki float, but, just like you said, he knows what he's doing when it comes to his Quirk. He'd use the remaining sweat he has to stay in the ring. Not to mention that he'd find a way to sweat while in the air. If she were to make something float, it'd be better to let Katsuki destroy things."


Ochaco started running toward Katsuki with her body low to the ground. "Withdrawing isn't an option!"

"Tch." Katsuki scoffed and raised his hand. "Then, die!" He swung his right arm before a large explosion blew up in Ochaco's face.

Ochaco went flying backwards. Idiot, she already saw it coming. Why didn't she dodge? Is she seriously just this terrible at close combat? What a pain it must be.

"Oooh!" Present Mic exclaimed. "Ochaco made her jacket float in the smoke! It's a decoy!"

"Now!" Ochaco reached out to touch Katsuki, but got another explosion in the face.

I crossed my arms as everyone exclaimed in shock. This was so stupid. Why are they so worried? They're thinking it wrong. He's not being merciless toward Ochaco, he's acknowledging her, the idiots.

"Katsuki just doesn't hold back, even against a girl." Tsuyu put a finger to her chin.

"Puh, idiots." I muttered.

"Hah?" Denki questioned. "Idiots? Why are you calling us 'idiots?!'"

"You think Katsuki is being merciless." I answered as Ochaco kept struggling against Katsuki's Quirk and quick reflexes. "He's not being mercilesss, he's acknowledging her. When you think about it, Ochaco is a very strong girl. If he held back, then he wouldn't see Ochaco anymore then just a fly that's needed to be squashed. Besides, if you look up and pay attention, you'll see she's already got a strategy of some sort."

"Now I've got you!" Ochaco yelled, tapping her fingertips together.

"Ohhh! There's a bunch of rocks up in the air!" Mic revealed and everyone looked up to see the smashed rocks and debris from the concrete.

Are you kidding me?! That dumbass just revealed everything she worked for! I just wanna strangle the teachers sometimes. So irritating, it makes my blood boil.

Katsuki held his arm up as Ochaco started to run toward him and the rocks fell down, right above Katsuki. An explosion came from just his palm, destroying all the rocks and the plan Ochaco had started with. The girl was pushed away from the force of the explosion. She fell down to the ground, dirt and scratches showing clearly in her skin.

"Tch, that hurt, damn it." Katsuki held his strained muscles.

"N- no," Ochaco tried standing up, but failed in doing so. "Not yet…I still have to move on!"

Katsuki shifted his stance before Midnight came over and kneeled down, holding a hand up showing Katsuki to stop. It was over. Ochaco had fainted from all of the damage that Katsuki had caused.

"Uraraka is unconscious! Bakugo moves on!" Midnight announced.

The girls in class started to pity Ochaco. Feeling bad that she had to fight Katsuki. Are these people dense? I just explained to them that she wasn't the frail girl everyone thinks she is, she's someone strong, but needs more practice. These people are seriously stupid as hell.

"Whoohooooo!" Mic exclaimed enthusiastically after complaining about a Katsuki playing around with Ochaco. "That was an awesome first round! We'll be right back after a short break!"

I sighed as Ochaco was pulled over to see Recovery Girl. Everyone was feeling bad for Ochaco. From their point of view, Ochaco had been beaten in a way that they considered terrible. What part of her was frail? Stupid.

I shook my head and walked over to the waiting room. I had to talk to Shoto about his fire and One For All at some point. The fool won't get over it, he keeps thinking that he disgraced his path to being a hero. What a load of crap. Oh, well. I'll just have to imprint it into his thick skull.

"I thought if I'd hurry up, I could help you guys." I heard Ochaco's voice. She seemed to be in the phone with someone. Her parents, maybe?

"Ochaco, it's okay. You don't have to rush just for us." Another voice coming from a phone said. Her father? It's definitely her dad. "You feeling this way shows that you're kind. I know you'll be a great hero."

I heard sniffles as I continued walking past the room. Ochaco was taking her loss hard. Her family appears to be poor. That's why she wants to be a hero. It sounds disgraceful, but she's just trying to help out her family in any way she can. And to live, money is something that's needed.

POV Izuku

As I walked through the halls, I thought to myself about Ochaco. She looked like she was okay, but behind that was frustration and sadness. Idiot, how could she not be frustrated? Even though she was upset and sad, I thought I helped her. But she's the one encouraging me again. I'm such an idiot.

Just then, two people stepped out. Two heroes who shared the same spot in ranking. It surprised me to see them just casually walking around with frowns of disgust on their faces.

"W- wahhhh?!" I yelled in surprise, jumping backward. "I recognize you two! You're the shadow heroes, Kage and Yurei! You guys are the No. 2 heroes now!"

The man in the black suit, Kage, looked at me with a serious face. And the lady, Yurei, wore a black tight suit with broken handcuffs, kind of like Midnight's but the chains dangled on each wrist.

"You." Kage pointed at me. "You're the boy who created so much wind pressure with just a flick of your fingers. You're Quirk, it's wonderful."

"If we were to talk about power alone," Yurei said. "It's comparable to All Might's."

My eyes widened at what Yurei said. I looked away and stuttered. "W- what do you mean by that? Sorry, I have to go."

I started walking away from the duo heroes. What a sec, did they know about One For All? That's impossible. Hold on, now that I'm looking at them they sort of look like Yuno. Am I going crazy or are they…never mind. I can't let THEM find out about One For All, especially.

"You're next match is with Yuno?" Kage asked. "Isn't that right, boy?"

I froze in my path. I turned back around to see both of them smiling. Yurei then covered her mouth and laughed a little.

"I see, you must've thought about it. The look on your face shows it all. Yuno has grown so much ever since then."

"As his parents," Kage chuckled. "We need to watch him so he can surpass All Might, now that he's become more powerful."

I grit my teeth. These people gave off vibes that I disliked. I admired them to some degree, kind of like I did with Endeavor, but these people…they're worse then Endeavor, I can tell just by watching them right now.

"I'm not…All Might." I said as I have a low growl. "It's obvious, right?"

"Of course, boy." Kage confirmed with me. "It's obvious you're not All Migh-"

"And Yuno's not you. I don't know what you think of Yuno, or what he thinks of you. I don't know what you did to him or what he did to you. But as far as I'm concerned, he doesn't need to be your pawn to surpass All Might."

I walked away, kind of irritated that Yuno's supposed parents would want him to be like that. It seemed as though they were forcing him to do this. Now that I think about it, he's never mentioned anything about himself, his childhood, his family. All we know about him is that he's transferred to our class because of his Quirk is amazingly powerful. Mr. Aizawa had said before that he failed the practical exam, just like Shinso. He applied for the Support Course as well. I guess he knew he would fail since the test only consisted of faux-villains. Yuno is so…mysterious. It's almost as though…he's completely alone.

POV Yuno

"HEYYYY!" Present Mic cheered. "We're back after a short break! Here's the first match of the second round, alright?! After an overwhelming victory, he's got brains, that's for sure! From the Hero and Support Course, Yuno Tsumuyuki! Versus! Barely making it past the first round! From the Hero Course, Izuku Midoryia!"

"Yuno, I can't let you win this match. Everyone who supported me is counting on me." Izuku gave a serious. "I can't lose this match."

"That makes sense I guess." I answered. "You're still going to lose either way. What do you expect to do against someone like me?"

"Match, START!" Present Mic yelled.

Immediately, Izuku lifted a hand and flicked, sending a gust of wind at me. I sighed and waved my hand, causing Izuku to lift his hand slightly before he flicked, barely missing me as little strands of my hair were cut off.

"I'm guessing you came across someone before the match. It seems you're distracted. If you were focused, then you wouldn't be so reckless as to use your Quirk right away. If you weren't distracted, then you would have analyzed the situation first. You already know that I'm not allowed to use my Quirk excessively during the Sports Festival."

I pulled a knife out of my pocket and cut myself as Izuku stood there, his hands being held by his side stiffly. My wrist started to leak with blood and started dripping onto the ground.

"Tsumuyuki just cut himself? Hahhh?! Is he crazy?!" Present Mic yelled in surprise. "And why is Midoryia just standing there?! Is this Tsumuyuki's Quirk?"

I lifted my hand up as the blood floated in the air. "This will all be over too soon. I don't see how you could beat me at your level. I'll give you one chance. You lose out of humiliation or you can give up now."

Izuku simply stared at me as he stood there, stiff. He was serious about this battle. I don't know how he would win this match with. Nobody has out-willed my Quirk. It's not like someone can just break free of my grasp on them. But maybe, just maybe, Izuku has the power and the will to break free.

"I told you," Izuku shot a glare at me. "I'm not going to give up."

I smiled at this as the floating blood turned into small wind streaks. "Alright. Do me a favor when I win. Tell my parents that they can piss off. Cause I don't feel like seeing their faces."

I released Izuku from my hold on him. As soon as Izuku moved, I swung my arm and sent bullets of my blood in Izuku's direction. One hit his shoulder while another hit his hand. Izuku stepped back, holding his shoulder.

"What do you even have against your parents?" Izuku asked me, making me flinch from the tone he took. Where did this question even come from?

"My parents?" I tilted my head. "Hm, why? Did they stick their noses in others business again? That's the shadow duo for you."

Izuku held his wrist as I walked closer. He let go and sent another force of wind at me. I raised my hand and used my blood as I barrier, coming out unscathed.

"You act like you don't know them. Do you not like them?" Izuku winced from the pain of his broken fingers.

"Dislike them?" I asked as a butterfly made of my blood landed in the side of my head, sitting on my hair. "I don't just dislike them," I glared with a smile on my face. Izuku stepped back again, a cold shudder running down his spine. "I hate them. With every fiber of my being."

Izuku closed his eyes right before holding his wrist and flicking again. He was losing fingers. He was already three down. He only had five left. Better choose your next moves wisely, Izuku Midoryia.

I used my blood to block the attack again. He's using his Quirk unintelligibly. Only four fingers left. What will you do? Keep using your Quirk until you break? Or will you get it through your thick head and surrender before you hurt yourself more?

"What's he doing? What are they talking about?" Kyoka asked as Izuku kept attacking. "Is Yuno just messing around? Or is Izuku trying to distract?"

"What a stupid dumbass." Kisu rolled her eyes, crossing her arms, then her legs. "If you're going to battle, do it the right way."

"Huh?" Eijiro exclaimed while rotating his shoulder. "Fight the right way? How do you even do that?"

"He's playing with his prey. Kind of like a game of cat and mouse, but his own version of it. I've known Yuno for so damn long, I can tell what he's doing just by looking at him. He's not being nice or taking it easy. He's playing dirty. That's how he plays the game. Those are his rules."

"Playing dirty?" Katsuki questioned. "I'll show him what playing dirty is like!"

"You don't know what your up against, Katsuki." Kisu lowered her head and closed her eyes, giving a thoughtful look. "When Yuno plays, he thinks up a strategy that no one else would. He messes with his prey, then defeats them slowly, so they can sit in despair and humiliation. He wants the enemy to know that he's superior, and he is. He shuts himself out from everyone else for a reason. He's so powerful and smart because he's worked up to it. He plays this way because he's…"

Everyone stared at Kisu, waiting for an answer. She sighed and opened her eyes, showing a serious look as she watched the match between me and Izuku.

"A monster."

Kage means shadow and Yurei means ghost(s) in Japanese.

BakuNoNiicreators' thoughts
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