
My dear Aunt

Time-skip 7 months, POV Chris…

"Extraordinary!" I heard, startling me as I opened my eyes to look around to see an oddly familiar person in front of me. Standing in the dark. "Wait what are you-" I stopped as I felt like my voice was gone. "Just extraordinary that despite how weak you are you still act so careless!" he said as I turned to see a completely different place from before. 'Is this the house?' I looked around for a second before I turned back to him.

"What, why are we-" I said before I stopped when I heard someone. "Mijo, who is that?" I heard from my side as I saw Camila standing there with Luz, both with scared looks on their faces as I noticed two dark tendrils rising from the ground behind them. "RUN!!!" I yelled out as I sprinted toward them, trying to cast a spell to stop the tendrils only for nothing to happen as I saw them being impaled by the tendrils as if it was slow motion. "NOOOOOO!" I screamed out before I stopped completely looking on as their bodies went limp.

"This is what happens when you're too weak to save someone else… now let's conclude our final encounter." I heard him say before I saw something piercing straight through my chest. "*gasp*" I shot up from my bed with a cold sweat beading down my forehead as I looked around before my breathing settled. "It- it was just a dream." I let out a relieved sigh as I sat there for a bit thinking about my dream and what it meant… though I'd already figured that out months ago.

"I need to get stronger," I whispered to myself as I got out of bed and got dressed before I stopped in front of my suitcase. "Oh yeah, summer starts today doesn't it?" I said to myself as I grabbed my bag and walk up to the kitchen. "Hey Mama, hey Luz how are you feeling today?" I greeted them with the same old smile I usually gave them. "Just fine, what about you Mijo?" Capital asked as I turned to her. "Just fine, I mean I'm about to go to a pretty cool 'camp'!" I said as I gave Camila a thumbs up.

"Well you might want to hurry since you're supposed to be there in 7 minutes." she said making me realize how late I woke up. 'why didn't my alarm go off?' I thought frustrated as I grabbed a piece of bacon off the kitchen table and hugged Camila. "Well then I'm off see you after summer!" I said in a seemingly cheerful manner as I ran off toward the portal.

"Hoo, made it," I said with a tired look as I stopped to catch my breath. "Man, I didn't realize how far this would actually be to run." I continued as I walked up the shack as I noticed the portal door wasn't open. "What! No no no, did I get here too late, I thought I was right on time?!" I said a bit panicked thinking about how awkward it would be to have to go back home knowing that the only reason why was because I slept in. "Uhhh, maybe I can try and make a portal this time?" I said to myself as I thought back to a few months ago when I tried to make a portal and it sputtered out.

'I guess because my magic's out I can't create portals like I usually do?' I thought to myself as I started to draw the glyph I usually would use, noticing that there seemed to be a glow coming from it. 'Is it finally working? Yes, finally!' I thought before I noticed that it didn't behave like I remembered before I saw it shift into a familiar form, one that I knew all too well. "Are you kidding me it was just the portal door!" I said annoyed when I realized it was just Eda opening the door rather than my glyph working.

"*sigh*, whatever." I said as Eda appeared from the door. "Oh, hey kid just on time!" Eda said as stood by the door. "What's with that face, aren't you happy to be coming back to the boiling isles? Actually, don't answer that." Eda said before turning toward the portal. "Now come on kid, let's get going, last one there's a rotten griffin's egg!" Eda said before taking off into the portal. "Hey wait up!" I yelled to her as I chased after her.

As I crossed through the portal I was met with something... different. 'Wait is this?-' I thought as I looked before I realized where we were. "Eda, why are we here?" I asked as I stepped out to see Eda standing by a table holding a bunch of objects from the human world before looking back to see the tent I just stepped out of. "Isn't it obvious kid, you're going to help me sell my stuff!" Eda said grabbing my attention as I turned back to her with a deadpan look. "But what about training?" I asked as Eda turned away. "It's fine, I mean nothing will happen just because you take a break once in a while," Eda said as I rubbed my forehead. 'Of course, Eda would do this, she's always looking for something to help her make money even though I could use it for training.' I thought still annoyed as I walked up to Eda.

"Can I at least drop my stuff off at the house first?" I asked knowing that there was no way to convince Eda not to put me to work. "Nah, I got that covered," Eda said confidently as she suddenly cast a spell as my luggage disappeared. "Hey, wha- did you just teleport my stuff?!" I said with surprise as Eda stood there with a proud smile on her face. "Yeah I did, your stuff should be back at my place right now," Eda said as I could only sigh again. "Whatever, so what should I do?" I asked as placed her hands on my shoulders.

"I'm glad you asked!" Eda said as she placed a large bag in front of me. "What's with the bag?" I asked as her smile became a grin. "It's your job, you're going to sort through the human stuff Owlbert brought back!" Eda as she pushed it towards me. "Now go on and get sorting!" Eda said as she turned her attention back to the walkway that people passed through once in a while. 'Whatever, I'll just train while sorting.' I thought as I walked off toward the tent. "And don't think about doing anything else but sorting while we're here," Eda said as I stopped before letting out an irritated grumble as I continued walking.

Time-skip a few hours later...

"Ugh, this is stupid!" I said annoyed as I stood up and walked over to the opening of the tent. "Eda, when are going to leave?" I asked as Eda seemed to ignore him. "Hey, Eda?" I said trying to get her attention before I noticed someone there. 'Wait is that... Lilith?" I thought out loud as I looked at the navy blue-haired woman standing in front of the stand. "Edalyn why are y- who is that?" The blue-haired woman asked as Eda turned to see me before I noticed a grin appear on her face.

'What is she?... Oh no.' I thought before realizing what she intended to do. "Well, that's my kid!" Eda stated confidently causing Lilith to look at me with a surprised face. "Eda stop-" I said as I ran up to Eda in an attempt to stop her from saying anything else before I felt her stop me from talking instead as she continued. "Yep, this is your nephew right here." She said pointing to me as I struggled to get out of her grip.

"Edalyn I had no idea." Lilith said still surprised before Eda turned to me. 'Don't you dare...' I thought seeing the look on her face as she turned back to Lilith. "Hey, I have an idea..." Eda said as Lilith looked at her curiously. "And what would that be?" Lilith asked as Eda's grin widened. 'You wouldn't...' I thought freezing for a second before struggling with renewed vigor. "How about you and him-" 'No!' "-Hang out?" Eda said as I stopped struggling, knowing I failed to stop her.

"… oh uh sure?" Lilith agreed awkwardly as Eda quickly gathered all of her things. "Welp that's great, see you at home Az!" Eda said quickly as she ran off further into town. "Wait Eda what about training?" I yelled out as she turned a corner and flew off. 'Ugh, what am I supposed to do now?' I thought before turning back to Lilith who seemed just as awkward as me. "Uh so nice to meet you, Aunt Lilith?" I said as she looked down at me.

"Yes, so…" "Az" "so Az I have some time to spend with you since this is the time I usually spend trying to…" Lilith paused in the middle of speaking as a thoughtful look appeared on her face. "Say, do you think you could…" Before she could continue speaking, I stopped her. "Before you ask me to help, no I will not help you besides I have training I need to do," I said still feeling annoyed about Eda ditching me as I turned to where she took off. "Training, like magical training?" She asked curiously as I turned back.

"I wish, unfortunately, my magic is caput until further notice," I said annoyed before I noticed Lilith look at me with a thoughtful expression. "…What?" I asked confused before she seemed to snap out of her thoughts. "W-well I think I know something that can help." She said as I looked at her in surprise. "You do?" I said curious as she nodded. "Yes, but we'll have to head back to the Emporer's castle for it," Lilith said as she took out her staff. "It will take only a moment, please get on," Lilith said sitting on her staff as she patted the empty space behind her on her staff.

'Fuck, Bellos' castle, that's the LAST place I want to go!' I thought as my fist tightened.

"Come on, we don't have all day," Lilith said a bit more impatiently. "Yep coming," I said as I reluctantly sat on the staff. '*sigh*, maybe it won't be so bad, I mean it's years before canon.' I thought trying to relieve my worries a bit as we take off toward the castle.

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