
Building bases and trust part 4

I asked my few friends around here for ideas on how to get the locals here to trust me more, and they all said I could go complete requests that were posted either in the town square, or the guild.

Now did I feel like doing this? Of course not, but this is another way I could make money around here, and I can help out those who might not be available to do it themselves, after all, Stephen would've gone out of his way to help others, why shouldn't I do the same?

If this was the smartest move, so be it, I started by going to the bulletin board to see who has requests posted, I looked at the details and this one guy only needed sugar cane!?!? that's way easy, I went to the local riverside and followed it until I could find some, I took all of it, and with a water bucket made a farm to reproduce the cane, I then proceeded to make a bone meal with the bones I got after fighting those skeletons that one night, and surprisingly the sugar cane grew. (good thing, cause that trick only worked on bedrock edition when I tried it) I'm just glad most of the game exploits still work around here, after I completed the tasks I picked another and another. I received small rewards for my tasks like different varieties of emeralds or other miscellaneous items, it seems like the residents around here are starting to take a liking to me!


I didn't just strictly use my time to complete objectives around the city, in my free time, I would sometimes practice my sword fighting in case I came across more monsters, I sparred with Steve, Alex, and sometimes other warriors of the village. They had their own fighting styles and weapons different than just the default weapons you can usually craft. Alex had created enchanted gold duel blades and had more of a speedy aggro strategy when fighting, While Steve was more of a powerhouse type strategy, using a shield in one hand, and an iron greatsword. Me however... well I just had a stone sword at the time, but I wanna create something that really is a cool stand-out weapon once I get better materials.

"Hey! You're pretty good! Ever considered joining the ranks?"

I responded with a peal of quiet nervous laughter "Heh umm, I'm good thanks, I'm just doing this for self-defense!"

Can you blame me? The monsters around here are awful, I'd rather not look for a fight and just play it safe around here! Though I have to admit, it's kinda cool that Minemore City has its own military, but that life just isn't for me, I will gladly come here to train on my sword combat though!


A few weeks passed and the residents really started to appreciate the work I do for the village, just like the advice I got from Steve and Alex, they really are starting to like me, and I'm starting to stick out as a true member of this village! It seems like I'm being trusted with more important tasks around here!


Morning came, and I walked out of my outpost, I noticed something was in my poorly designed mailbox, Inside was a fancy envelope with my name on it, I opened it and noticed I had a special building request.


Dear Takeo Warren

I've gotten word of the deeds you accomplished lately from the citizens, I have a personal request for you.

It's going to be very difficult to build, but if you think you're up to the task, visit my office at any time so I can give you the details.

You will be greatly rewarded for completing a task like this one, so talk to me once you've made up your mind.

Until then,

Signed Richard Sullivan


Huh, so the chief prefers to go by his first name rather than his last huh? Honestly a pretty respectable call, I like this guy! (It shows you can be a little more at ease around him!)

A more pressing matter though, doing a request by someone so important can REALLY put me on good terms with Minemore citizens, so this is something I CAN'T pass up! Though I wonder why I'm trusted with a task like this. Were they really trying to test me? See what I can do? Looks like this is something I just gotta wait and see!

I finish getting ready and I rush over to the Hall.


"So, You need me to build new Battlements around the city?" I questioned Richard

Richard was at his desk as he was giving me information,

"Yes, ever since our community got into the war, our defenses were in shambles, the new Battlements we're trying to make are taking way too much time!"

"I see I see, but why do you want to entrust me with the task?"

"We've seen you're set of skills, I think you'd be the perfect Canadit to help us here!"

I thought for a moment "Okay, I think I know what to do!"

"Of course, you'll be rewarded for this feat if you complete it, we will discuss it after you are able to complete what you agreed to do."

"Got it."

"We of course will provide you with any base materials or builders you need for the project!"

I thought about it again and came to a conclusion "Alright, here's what I'll need!"

"I'm listening."

"I'll need 64 pieces of iron, 10 lava buckets, some dripstone, and some disposable building blocks!"

"And, I think you'll also want stone too right?"

"Nope, just those things!" I said as I exited the room

Everyone seemed a bit confused about why I didn't even ask for any cobblestones or other hard blocks, but I had a plan, a plan that sounds so simple to be true!


I needed to build a defensive wall around the whole village(jeez talk about something big!). Now normally something like this would take a very long time to do, and an absurd amount of stone, but luckily I had another exploit in mind!

Once I got the materials delivered to my base, I used the iron to upgrade my tools and got straight to work!

I built a setup called an infinite lava source around my base, by placing dripstone over a cauldron and lava securely placed above the dripstone, and of course, I also created an infinite water source, but those are easy, just 2 water buckets and a 2x2 hole.

I then proceeded to build upward around the perimeter of the city, made sure no one was around my work of course, and placed lava down on the sides of my cobblestone bridge, after the lava almost touched the ground, I placed water above it, automatically making a moderately sized cobblestone wall around the city. I proceeded to do the same trick around the rest of the city and in under a few days I finished the wall and proceeded to make a few large draw doors in the walls so people could walk in and out with ease, and they put guards there of course. ( I also asked some friends of mine to the excess cobblestone around the wall to make it look less messy)


Everyone who gathered around was in complete shock, I basically upgraded the town's defense in under a few days, and they cheered for me as I stood there on top of the newly finished wall, I've never felt so honorable and accepted before, and all this just because I looked back on an old exploit I had used a while back! I can see why Stephen has always had such an altruistic attitude!

I still had some water buckets on me and decided to do a celebratory MLG water bucket clutch for my success. "HERE WE GOOOOO!!!" I jump off the tower while confidently holding the water bucket in my hands and....

*crack* "GAH *** *** ****** * ******** ****** ***** MY ANKELS!!!!!!"

never mind, I need a celebratory golden apple instead...

Steve and Alex looked at my accomplishments amazed

"so this was the potential you saw in these otherworlders" Alex said to Chief Richard

"Yeah, and if he is capable of this, then we've made a good call so far" Richard replied


POV Richard:

Things have been pretty rough at Minemore city before this Takeo fellow arrived, our defenses are taking forever to be built, many monsters entered the village and injured our soldiers and citizens, and we were running rather low on resources. To make matters worst, I feel like some Enderman monsters are stalking us from afar.

At this rate, this village will be abandoned in a few months from now. I didn't know what else to do! However, our prophets gave us a vision, of special personnel called "The otherworlders", humans that may look like us but are brought here from another world, they have knowledge and abilities far greater than then most people.

Takeo wasn't the first person who showed up here though, in fact, multiple otherworlders arrived at our village, but none of them really improved our conditions here, and trust me, We don't talk about our encounter with Aaron, the first otherworlder who made things worst the second he showed up here. He never wanted to help us, he just wanted to run dangerous experiments for some kind of cause, I don't remember exactly what he wanted to do, but I had no choice but to banish him from the city. The next thing I knew, there was a strange laboratory built little ways away from all the villages, I had a hunch that Aaron is playing a part in this, I have no actual proof he was doing this, but with the past information I have with Aaron, there is a good chance he's apart of it.

A month passed, and another otherworlder showed up, but unfortunately, he got killed in a monster encounter only a few days after his arrival.

Ever since then, I've practically lost hope, we were lucky enough to have 2 otherworlders show up here and it was nothing but a lost cause!!! However, one night I got a report from one of the village's scouts, there was an individual nearby who was caught in a hoard of monsters! I don't know where all these mobs were coming from, but I didn't want to lose anyone else around here, so I sent some fighters to go save them.

It looks like everyone got there just in time, the individual was badly wounded, but they were just unconscious and sent to the village infirmary. When I went to go visit the person who was rescued I had no idea what to expect, once things were clear I walked into the room to try to get some information.

When I walked in, I noticed she.... I mean he had actually recovered quite quickly, seems like just overnight he went from being beaten, to back to his old state. Something seemed off about him though, I can't put my mind to it. When my prophet used my secret tool, I learned that he lied to me about his background, but once I learned the truth, I couldn't stay mad about it, for I couldn't believe we'd actually saved another otherworlder. We better keep him around for now, I hope he doesn't get suspicious of how easily we had accepted him here, but I don't want to lose yet another soul who didn't ask to be sent into this unforgiving world.


When Takeo got here, we had our suspicions, trying to make sure he wasn't like Aaron, but not even a full week, and he is already helping the village thrive! He miraculously created a defensive wall around our village in a day than it took us months, he was able to make compact farms that automatically harvest crops, and judging by the amount of mob drops he got with just a wooden sword, he knew how to fight too. Something was also different about this guy as he would always find a way to work smarter and more efficiently than harder and unsuccessful. I will keep my watch on him, and see what unpredictable things he will do, I just hope he won't walk into any more trouble than he needs to!


POV Takeo:

The next day I was called back to Richard's office regarding the project I recently completed, I won't bore you with all the details, but I basically got one ***** of a promotion!

I was put in charge of the building committee, which means I can make more buildings, or improve the land of the city.

I was even put in charge of the other builders in the community, think of me as the head, for I can send the workers to complete certain projects for me, though to be honest they build a lot slower than I can!

Besides that, I was also paid a lot of money (which were basically emeralds) And I hardly have to pay anything when it comes to the city's taxes. People around here have really appreciated what I did, they trust me a lot more, and accept me as if I've lived here for years.

They offered to move my house near the city's center, but I rejected the idea.

I liked the base I built and preferred to live there because I had my own custom design, even though it was located in the outskirts.

I kinda preferred a quieter area, honestly, I still prefer a bit of a secluded lifestyle.

