
Rude awakening

Pov: Takeo

Morning came, sunlight crept through the window, slowly illuminating the room. I woke up a little earlier than usual today for some reason, I don't know exactly why... I just felt hot and restricted.

I opened my eyes, trying to stretch, but I couldn't.

"Hmm? WHAT THE?!?!?"

I was utterly trapped!!! My body from the shoulders down was encased with spider webs! My gaze shifted, and I saw Silvia sleeping soundly on top of me! She probably woke up again at night and snuck her way back into my room without me noticing, but I didn't know she was capable of THIS!!! What has gotten into her lately!?!?!

'Oh, how can this situation get any worse!?!?' I thought

"Hey, Takeo!" It sounded like Teles, she was coming into my room, and apparently not knocking first before entering!

"Guess who's finally back- What the?"

As she walked in, Teles stopped in her tracks after noticing our current situation and seemed to be at a loss for words (I honestly can't blame her!)

"Takeo, what in the world happened here?"

"I-I don't know, I just woke up like this!!!" I said while trying to break out of my entanglement.

As I started to break out I heard a familiar voice in the distance.

"Wait, who's here anyway?" I asked (I definitely CAN'T have one of the townspeople in the house right now!)

"Well... You see, Rei's back, and she said she has news for you!"

"Oh, that's great!" I exclaimed, "Not the best timing sure, but I should hurry up and get ready so I can go out and greet her!"

"That's another thing..."


"I kinda invited her in already..."

I'd facepalm if I had better access to my hands...

"Oh, is he in here?" Rei questioned as she moved next to Teles, she had news for me, that well... seemed less important now...

After seeing me wrapped up in webs, Rei just stood there and stared at us for a few seconds, then immediately reached for her bow.

"Wait Wait!!! What are you doing!?!?!" I said while breaking out of my restrictions and moving in the way.

"What does it look like, this spider was clearly playing an act this whole time!!!"

"It's not what it looks like, no need to jump to conclusions so fast!!!"

"You were just ensnared with webbing, she was trying to kill you!"

"Look at me, I'm perfectly fine, I'm not harmed at all!" (just a little surprised of course!)

Rei lowered her guard a little bit and then asked "Then... you wanted this to happen?"

"Umm well... not really...."

Shortly after we noticed that Silvia slowly stirred awake, rising from the webbed-up bed and sitting upward, she seemed rather confused after rubbing her eyes.

In response, I took out my emergency hitting stick just in case this frenzy of hers continued.

I slowly approached her, motioning everyone else to stay back a little, but of course, I didn't want her to feel threatened.

"Morning, Silvia," I said cautiously, unsure how to approach the situation. "How are you feeling?"

"Morning!" Silvia greeted with a weary expression "I'm feeling a bit tired, but otherwise alright. Why do you ask?"

Silvia quickly noticed her surroundings "Wait, what am I doing in your room Takeo?"

"Hold on, you seriously don't know?" I asked with a shocked expression. "What was the last thing you remembered from yesterday?"

She pondered for a moment, then said "I was running to my room, and collapsed on my bed!"

"Is that all?" I asked

She nods

"So you don't remember what you tried to do to me last night?"


"Or when you tried to choke me out?" Teles asked

"She did what!?!?!" I shouted

"And I'm assuming you also don't remember encasing Takeo with Webs too?"


"Alright alright, it's clear that you had no idea what was going on, and we can't fix what happened the other night alright?" I said trying to reassure the situation.

"Okay, but how will we stop this from happening a second time?" Teles responded

"Do you guys even know what the problem is here, to begin with?" Rei asked

"All we know is that this only happens at night!"

"Night...." I pondered "Wait a minute! I think I know the issue here!"

Everyone stopped chatting and fixed their gaze on me

I started pacing back and forward while I gave an explanation,

"It's clear at this point that every demi monster has some kind of weakness that still lingers in their blood when they look human again, whether it's burning during the day, water, or falling from a really high place, etc."

"Where are you going with this?" Rei asked

"Hang on hang on, I'm getting there!" I responded as I continued my monologue, "You see, the spider mob itself doesn't have any special weaknesses, but instead, they are usually passive during the day, they won't attack on sight!"


"However, the reason why most spiders become hostile is when nightfall happens, or when they're in caves but that detail doesn't matter in this situation."

"Just so we're on the same page here, you're saying that the reason Sylvie went on this rampage the other night was because she's still part spider?" Rei concluded

"Exactly!" I said while pointing in her direction

"So this is why you were so secluded during the night huh?" Teles asked Silvia

"yeah... I'm sorry I didn't say anything about it sooner."

Rei looked down and slowly shook her head, "This trip of ours isn't going to work out with her like this, especially since this isn't a one-day sort of thing!"

"Well, who's to say we have to cancel everything, I'd say we just have to put things on hold for a little bit!" I said winking

"You got some kind of strange solution to fix this Takeo?"

"Yep... well no.... it might work!" I said as I exited the room and entered my small library, I quickly started browsing my shelves. Everyone followed behind me. "It won't hurt to try!!!"

"Try what exactly?" Rei asked from behind

"Let's see... sharpness, no... Smite? That's not it either... AH, Here we go!"

I turned to everyone with one of the most pointless enchantment books in my hand, the bane of arthropods enchantment.

Basically, what this enchantment does is that it makes you do more damage specifically to spiders or other bug-type mobs, sounds cool right? Wrong! I personally think this enchantment is pointless to put on swords when there are things like the sharpness enchantment.

There are really only like 4 monsters that Bane of Arthropods works on, those being spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, and endermites.

The main reason monsters like those were hard to kill was because of their speed and swarm, but really the Arthropod mobs had pretty low health, the only reason why I even used this enchantment when I played Minecraft was because I created spider farms (Though in this situation, creating a spider farm sounds horrifying!!!) However, I think I now found a new good use for this enchantment!

"The 'bane of arthropods' enchantment? I don't get it?"

"You know how I enchanted your hair accessories with fire protection, and now you can't burn in daylight?"

"Well yeah, but fire protection works on armor/clothing, bane of arthropods only works on weapons."

"Yeah I'm aware of that, but what if I used it on a wearable weapon?"

"A wearable weapon? You mean like claws or iron fists?"

"Oh please, her spider legs are dangerous enough alone!" Teles whispered to herself

"Well no, I'm not talking about a fighting weapon, just something to stop her from going into a natural frenzy, so I was hoping we could make something a little more comfortable to wear at night, and I know exactly what to make!"

I turned my attention towards Silvia and said"I need an accessory made, where I come from it's called a 'paracord tactile wrist band' Ever hear of it?"

"Umm I don't think so..."

"Well I know what it is, give me a second!"

I ran off to go see what I can accomplish, it may be a ***** pull here, it might not even work, but if I don't try it, I'll never know, after all, it's 10 times easier than coming up with more xp somehow! (My farms are pretty slow...)


What's something that you'd really hate waking up to? (can be anything that sounds terrible)

Spider_Thiefcreators' thoughts
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