
The crazed spider

I noticed Silvia was still acting strange, so I took her outside to get some fresh air. We sat outside on a clear night, staring at the stars. I couldn't help but notice Sylvie was quieter than usual. I asked her what was on her mind.

"Nothing," she replied, but I knew her too well. "It's just… I can't stop thinking about Takeo. He's so kind and brave and… I want to be closer to him."

I couldn't help but smile, ah I see what's going on here!

"yeah, I like him too!" I beamed


"Yeah, we go way back!"

"....." she started to be lost in thought again, except now she was mumbling to herself, her glowing red eyes frozen in place, until finally, she spoke up.

"Would you two happen to be very... close?"

"Of course! We've lived together here for quite some time!"


"He helped me fit in the village."


"He even lets me sleep in his room from time to time!"

Silvia stopped looking upset and smiled, resting her head on her right hand,

"Ah, it all makes sense now!!!"

"umm, What does?" I asked a bit nervously

She instantly deployed all the spider legs out of her back

"so you were the one who was getting in the way of us!!!"

I blink twice "Huh?"

"Admit it, it was YOU who kept locking me up in that room every night!!!"

"What?!?! You were the one doing that to yourself! Don't blame me for it!"

Before I could react, one of her spider legs was launched at me, and it constricted around my neck! The next thing I knew I was being lifted up and dangling off the ground being choked half to death! I couldn't exactly teleport away either since anyone I touch teleports with me, so there is no point in trying that, but why is she even trying to kill me here in the first place, I was only agreeing with her!?!? (I may be taller than she was, but I never knew she could reach this far with them, talk about dangerous!)

I was then moved slowly toward Silvia's direction so she could whisper something to me,

"Listen here! I will warn you only this one time!" her expression started getting serious, but still psychotic if you ask me

"Stay away from Takeo, He's mine!!!" she threatened.

I was then released from her claws and dropped back to the ground, I was sitting there gasping for air as I held my throat.

What is with her all of a sudden!!! Are you crazy? Why haven't I seen this side of you before!?!?! Thoughts were racing through my head trying to catch up with the current situation as the crazed spider looked down at me with her red glowing eyes!

"Looks like we're on the same page here!" Silvia said with a grin

I collect myself and stand back up. I was enraged with how she was acting all of a sudden, purple particles started emitting around me like an aura, and my teeth felt sharp, I didn't want to kill her, but I should just knock her out instead so we can figure out what was wrong. I've known Silvia for quite some time, she was never like this, and if it was all just an act, she would've done something sooner!

However, we were interrupted when we heard someone inside the base.

"Okay, I've got the- huh? umm hello?"

It was Takeo, I guess he still thought Silvia was unconscious and brought her some medications.

We walked back into the living room like nothing ever happened, I really don't want to escalate things here, especially at a time like this, best wait for Silvia to cool down a little before we try to resolve this.

"Is everything okay?" Takeo worriedly asked while putting the medications away in his inventory.

"It is now!" Silvia replied running up and hugging Takeo with all of her spider legs.

"...." I stayed silent, still a bit concerned

"Haha, well glad to hear it, you gave us a bit of a scare there!"

"Aww, you were worried about me!"

"Of course, I don't need anybody hurt if I'm around!" Takeo gleamed

(Yeah you're a little late for that promise...)

I don't think they're on the same page here, I don't think Takeo knows Silvia is in some kind of frenzy at the moment. I honestly felt a bit pushed aside at the moment, I just hope things can stop escalating from here!

"Come on Takeo!" Silvia said, "Let's go to your room!"

"what? Why?" Takeo replied with confusion "Woah!!!!"

Without reason, Silvia was already dragging him into his own room, closing the door behind her. I was shocked, what could she possibly want from.... oh no! I didn't jump to conclusions, but I decided to eavesdrop on what they were doing by listening through the closed door, if things went too far I could just teleport in there!

"Silvia, what is the meaning of this?" I can hear Takeo perfectly fine since he's talking loud out of shock about the situation he's in, but I can't hear what Silvia is saying to him...

"I'm sorry what?"


"WHAAAA-!" (I don't like how this is sounding so far)

"Hmm? Oh, I see..." (What is she saying to him!?!?)

"Umm I don't know, I don't think it's the right time for that!"

"What do you mean 'you don't care' that isn't something you just can easily take on!"

"...." "Uh huh...."

"...." "oooohhhh"

"....." "Fine, I understand!"

"Yep, I really mean it, but can you turn around first? I'm a bit nervous..." *BONK!!!!*


Knowing that Takeo was about to exit his room, I quickly teleported to the nearby couch and acted as if nothing happened. I turned my head back to see Takeo exiting his room with Silvia knocked out over his shoulder, and a wooden stick in his right hand.

"Fix one problem and I get 2 more..." Takeo muttered to himself as he made his way to drop Silvia back into her room.

We need to fix this, but how? Thoughts were racing through my mind, but the main wonder I have is just hoping that she would be okay!


As I sat on the couch alone again, I noticed something appearing next to me, some kind of dark cloud. That's when it started to take a form!

|Quite the show you guys put on today!| The figure said

I was surprised who was this figure talking to me, how did he get here!!! I was about to scream when he interrupted me saying

|Now now, don't be afraid of me, I'm friends with that Takeo fella you guys are obsessed with!|

"W-Who are you?"

|Well most people call me ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ↸ᔑ∷ꖌリᒷᓭᓭ But my friends call me Mr.Doubt! Feel free to just call me that since my name is pretty hard to pronounce.|

"And... You just teleport in here whenever you want?"

|Well, you see, I mostly just help Takeo whenever he's in a bind, giving him GOOD ideas when he can't think of any better ones himself!|

"Okay... and how come none of us have ever seen or heard of you before, he never talks about you!"

|Eh, I'm not really a fan of large crowds, I prefer talking one at a time!|

"I see, and what business do you have with me all of a sudden?"

|It's clear to me that you've run out of "answers" yourself here judging by your current situation, how about I help you out?|

This guy seemed very suspicious, too suspicious, I better try and get rid of him, nothing good is going to come out of this, I just know it!

"I'm good, thanks!" I replied to him

|Hmm, strange, usually people listen to my suggestions before turning me away!| I can see Mr.Doubt having an impatient expression on his hard-to-read face, I think I made the right call!

"yeah, you can go now!" I said trying to send him off

|You see, this is why I always preferred talking to otherworlders, for they actually LISTEN to what I have to say!| he said with an irritated tone.

"Well, if you have no other business here, you can leave now!"

|Oh no you don't I- Hey get your hands away from me-|

I grab Mr.Doubt by the shoulder and teleport him instantly outside, I teleport back inside the house leaving him out in the yard.

I see the shadowy figure stare at me in disbelief through the window.

|Reeallyyy? You're going to do me like that?!?!?| He said with a shocked hand gesture.

I snubbed him and went back to the couch

|Suit yourself then, I never liked talking to the monsters anyway!| Mr.Doubt laughed and teleported away in a dark cloud of smoke.

I think that was the right call, his presence, gave off a bad vibe, I personally don't even understand why the otherworlders even considered talking to that entity, and how was he teleporting? It's clear that he wasn't an enderman, and he 100% was NOT a shulker, so how was he doing all this?

I heard someone walking back through the hallway, I looked back to see Takeo walking back to his room.

"I'm going to bed, Gnight!" He waved off to me


I should probably head off too, I have to finish preparing for the trip...


Alright, the last chapter I asked a mob you'd hate to have Irl, but how about:

What is a Minecraft mob you'd LOVE to have in real life?

Spider_Thiefcreators' thoughts
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