
Chapter Twenty Five

Anger surges through him. How dare he lay his hands on what's mine and she shamelessly took him in. No matter she's here now and it's time she knows who she belongs to. After I claim her, I will use his blood as a wedding gift... 'Wura', He breathes in her name silently, it is time to know where you belong. 

Aiden stared at Ayooni as they stood in the tea room. She has changed the layers of clothing she wore into something simple and less feminine. Sorry, he muttered seeing his stare was making her nervous. You look too much like her and you don't simultaneously, he said rubbing his chin.

Why would you say that Ayooni asked. Aiden smiled. Your mother, Wura he sighed. She has a genteel and natural bliss around her. You don't. I can see a masculine air around you not feminine like her. You have her eyes and her good heart but you don't possess the gentleness she does which is good.

He turned to Yemi, got it bad for her eh! Yemi glared at him but kept quiet. Aiden hooked his hand around Ayooni's arm and whispered you are the first woman I see he's possessive of. For five years I asked who you were but he wouldn't say until I saw your picture. I am happy it is you. I always wished one of my kids would marry Ayu's and I am glad his only child has got my eldest son in the knot.

His statement had her jerking. Isn't that an abomination, you have the same father. Is that why you are hesitating? When she kept quiet. Let me tell you a secret. The king wasn't my father. This had Yemi turning his head. 

My mom was the king's cousin. When my father died, Ari and I were kids. The king took us in. Gave us that house, and took responsibility for us like he was our father. When he tried telling Ayu's mom Loretta the truth she didn't believe him. At that time it was common for families to marry each other. The king and my mom were close before they got married so Loretta thought their closeness was love but it was pure friendship.

Whenever the king visits our chambers, Ari and I eavesdrop on their conversation. We thought he was our father because he asked us to call him Dad until we heard his conversation with our mother about our father. He promised no one would know we weren't his kids. Children like us are frowned upon, but he protected us and our mother's dignity and that divided his home.

He paced up wrenching his eyes. I am sorry, I couldn't save her, he said. Ayooni saw him breaking down and she wrapped her arms around him. I know, but he has forgiven you for it. You heard him? Aiden whispered. Yes, I did and I know he will too, if you told him about it. Trust your son. Aiden stared at her face remorse evident on it. I loved her Ayo. I know, you do. Will you help me? she asked. He patted her head just like her mother does to him, with my life.

Growing impatient and having no idea what they were saying, Yemi cleared his throat and dragged Ayooni away from his father. Enough with the whispering, the rest are waiting for us in the hall.

When they moved to the hall where the rest of the circle was waiting for them they were greeted with a replica of Ayooni standing in the hall with a knife to Asani's throat. Hello Aiden, she smiled. 

Mira, he breathed her name in pained restraint. Now now... Aiden that is not how you talk to your first love or the mother of your first child. You are no love of mine and he is my child. Mira's face changed and she inched her knife into Asani's throat. You have deprived me of my child for a long time Aid and now he is here you won't even let him meet his mother.

Knowing how crazy she could be, Aiden moved in on her so he could take the knife and rescue Asani. You lied to me, Mira. All you ever did was spew lies. Everything you said to me was to get to my brother and what did you do, you killed the one woman that meant the world to us all.

Mira shoved Asani to Yemi and darted towards Ayooni with the knife. Ayooni in a frenzy slapped power out and burned her hand. How dare you she lashed out and Ayooni met her power for power. In panic, Aiden built a tornado to sink their powers in and used air to push them apart. You still got it in you little Aiden Mira laughed.

Stay away from what's mine, Aiden stepped in front of Ayooni. What's yours? Mira scoffed angrily and healed her burnt hand. You took my son away from me and gave him to someone I trained to make him her son. You claimed you loved me and the next thing you chose another on the night of the mistitle. 

Emily is not part of this, Aiden said with conviction. You won't tear my family apart with your lies. Poor Aiden, Mira tutted, who do you think made her come to you that night? Emily is my pawn but my pawn got the better of me and married the man I want her to bring to me and then took my child as hers. She turned to Yemi who seemed confused.

Dad! Yemi called Aiden softly. Why does she keep calling me her son. Not now son I will explain later. But Yemi was not having it. I want an answer dad, why would she call me her son, he asked again. He won't tell you the truth Mira said. I gave birth to you. Tell him Aiden, tell him how you got me pregnant and then left me for Emily stealing him from me.

Aiden knows how her brain works, she didn't come to claim Yemi, she never cared about him. This was to bring a rift between them. He knew his son well enough to know he detest lies. Just like Ayu. She is your mother Aiden said remorsely. Yemi staggered at the revelation, he felt the pain piercing through his heart. 

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