
Chapter 172: Thirsty Women

"Enough dilly-dallying, Soldier. Let's dance."


Rhys has never been more confused in his life than he is now. He knew that the Royal Family's overall eccentricity originated from something, but he just didn't imagine it to be from the reigning monarch himself.

Seeing him right now, with his white glowing hair and beard, and throbbing, veiny muscles — one would not really guess he was the king of a country. In fact, Rhys would have probably believed anyone if they said that he was some sort of veteran Explorer instead.

The King was even beckoning him with his hand; taunting him like they were in a street fight rather than a banquet hall with the most influential people in the country. And Rhys almost forgot that fact now that he was staring at the King; all of the people here are the most influential in Enkland.

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