

Malia and Tristan sat at the back seats of the class quietly complaining to the other about how the new semester had barely begun and was already showing signs of a harder curriculum.

"I miss when math was just addition and subtraction." She whined.

"It's still addition and subtraction."

Malia hissed at him. "Stop trying to be a smartypant. I meant when it was strictly plus and minus."

The classroom door opened up and their teacher walked in, an Asian man from his facial features.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Mr. Yukimura. I'll be taking over for your previous history teacher. My family and I moved here three weeks ago. I'm sure, by now, you all know my daughter, Kira?"

"A new teacher?"

"Yeah, I think Lydia mentioned him." Malia said, before commenting something that made Tristan look at her weirdly and made the person behind them groan. "I guess she was right when she called him hot. At least if you're into older men."

There was no response Tristan could give to that so he made a comment on something else.

"I'm more worried about him being a new teacher. How long do you think it'll take before he's killed?" They ignored the shocked gasp behind them.

"Or maybe he'll be the one doing the killing as a new entry in the long list of serial killers in this town." Malia added. Once more ignoring the strained breath someone took behind them.

"… Either way, there she is!"

They heard the teacher say while pointing his hand in their direction, drawing the attention of the whole class to them, or rather behind them.

They too turned back and looked at the person behind them; an Asian girl who was caught between looking shocked, startled and embarrassed.

"Would you look at that? There are two of them this time." Malia's remark caused the girl to look at both of them warily.

They turned around, neither noticing how uncomfortable the new girl became by sitting behind them.


[POV: With Kira Yukimura]

'Oh God! They're crazy!' She thought as she painfully sat behind the two possibly psychotic teenagers.

It was already very embarrassing for her when her father literally advertised her for friendship in front of the whole class but she now had to sit behind two conspiracy theorists and the ludicrous words they were speaking. Except that they sounded stupidly confident that she almost started believing some of the things they insinuated.

'Isn't that so much worse?' She groaned at that thought and laid her head on the desk while waiting for most of the class to leave. 'Nice one, dad. Now everyone probably thinks I'm a weirdo.'

She hasn't had any meaningful conversation with any of the students since they moved to Beacon Hills, other than the perfunctory questions like asking for directions.

'I hate being a new student!' She glanced at the boy and girl in front of her and wondered if she should introduce herself as a conversation starter. 'About what? Conspiracies? I don't think I know anything about serial killers to make decent conversation…. Gosh! Now I'm sounding desperate to make friends.'

She groaned again, a bit louder this time, but thankfully neither of them heard her. 'Looks like they're dating.' She thought as she saw the girl draw her chair closer to lean against the boy.

She felt a gaze and looked towards the front of the classroom and saw her dad making eye contact with her as he arranged the materials for his next class.

'Talk to them.' His gaze seemed to say.

'I can't!' She balked.

'Why? It's just them and I'll leave if you want.'

'Look at them, dad!' She gave him a 'look' while screaming hysterically in her head when he seemed not to get it. Oh how she wished that she could stab him with a fork right now.

'Okay, Kira. You can do this–'

She deflated as she saw the both of them already walking out of the class, leaving only her and her dad in the classroom.

"For the record: you totally had that." Her father, Ken Yukimira – teacher and history nerd – remarked as he came close to her.

"I would have if you didn't pull that stunt in front of the whole class." She glared with a pout before sighing. "And besides, school just started. I have a lot of time to make friends so I don't get what you and mom are so worried about."

"Well, we're your parents so–" He coughed into his hand as she gave him a serious glare(as serious as she could make it). "Well, you're the teenager so we will leave you to it." He ruffled her head and left for his next class.

Her head fell to her desk with a smack.

"I hate being the new girl."


[POV: With Derek]

If before he was convinced that nothing good ever came out of this town, now he was sure that Beacon Hills was out for his life and the life of everyone around him.

"No, Cora. It's just a car and you guys don't have to come back either. I'll be there in a week, latest." He told his worried sister over the phone. Like hell he was letting them come back here.

[Derek, are you sure it's nothing serious? Because if you're not here in a week then we're coming back whether you like it or not.]

"Trust me, there's no need to do that. I already told Argent that I'll be leaving whether or not we did what he's looking for." He assured them a few more times before ending the call. Hopefully his assurance was spot on because nothing was ever so simple in Beacon Hills.

… especially as he looked at the small puddle of ash and sand in the middle of his loft.

"You know you just lied to them, right?"

"And yet I don't see how that's any of your business, Argent." Derek retorted dryly at Chris who was with him in his loft. Besides, it wasn't a lie. Clearly someone is after me but I'm leaving in seven days whether or not I figure out who it is."

"Then we better get moving."

"And why did you call me specifically? Tristan, Malia and Scott would have helped you if you had asked them instead." Derek couldn't help but ask as they walked.

"Because they're still kids, Derek. They are still in high school and I will not willingly draw mere teenagers into this if I can help it. Or do you expect me to run to them every time I come across something new?"

"You realize that those 'kids' are a Primearch, an Alpha and a potential True Alpha, right?"

Chris stopped and turned to Derek with a daring gaze. "And?"

Derek snickered at the look he was receiving from the man.

"Just because they are strong doesn't mean they have to fight our battles for us in order to cover our incompetency. Or should one of them die before you realize that?"

All traces of amusement disappeared from Derek's face as Chris said that. Chris however didn't end there.

"If it's something as simple as just asking some strong teenage Alphas and betas for help then why did you take your pack out of Beacon Hills?" Chris stared pointedly at Derek. "Thought so." He said before breaking off his stare and walking away.


[Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital]

The air in Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital was thick with tension and it wasn't because of the presence of multiple fully armed officers stationed all over the hospital, but instead the reason why they were here.

The doctors and nurses were extremely nervous and hateful but none more so than Melissa McCall who was the one responsible for evaluating and processing the initial treatment of a certain patient named William Barrow, a serial killer, who was the reason for the current state and tension in the hospital.

He was rushed to the hospital because he had been in danger of dying from multiple shrapnel wounds from a bomb he got years ago. A bomb he exploded in a school bus that killed four children and left a fifth without their legs. After which he was locked up indefinitely in Eichen House, until he started convulsing a few hours ago when a few shrapnel that were missed during his initial surgery started puncturing vital organs.

The man was eerily calm and cooperative when she gave him his pre-surgery evaluation and asked him some standard medical questions.

And as if to make a mockery of her internal struggle, he started talking to her by first pointing out her visible nervousness and shaking hands.

"Why don't you just ask the question you really want to ask?"

Despite her inner conflicts and her whole body recoiling from even talking to the vile human before her, she did ask because she wanted to know.

"Why did you do it?" How crazy and deranged could one be to blow up a school bus?

William Barrow stretched his head, prompting her to listen to what he was saying.

"… I saw their eyes. Their eyes were glowing. I saw them."

Her eyes snapped open in profound shock at what his words meant, words which seemed to have triggered something in his head as he let out a deranged laugh and started shouting. His shouts alerted the officers stationed outside of the room who rushed in to restrain him but he kept on shouting in a crazed way.

"I saw their eyes. Their eyes were glowing! Their eyes were glowing! THEIR EYES WERE GLOWING!"




Read up to 20 chapters ahead on my patreøn

