

Isaac, Erica and Cora sat on the back seat of Tristan and Malia's car as they zoomed towards Derek's loft.

On getting to the loft, Cora ran to the lift in a frenzied haste with the others following behind her while Tristan sprouted four blood tails and jumped along the spiraling stairs upwards, getting to the doors in seconds.

Pushing open the sliding door, his multiple sensory abilities swept across the entire floor. His nose, his ears, his eyes, his empathetic senses, his blood sense – all of them captured the state of the loft in an instant.

In the midst of all the blood, anger, pain, frustration and hate, all Tristan could pick up was the faint breathing of one individual.

He appeared beside a beaten and battered Derek who felt like he was just one breath short of falling into a coma with how weak his presence felt.

He heard the others arriving and immediately held up a hand to stop them from making any noise.

Upon arriving and seeing his finger signaling them to keep quiet, Cora immediately covered her mouth as soon as a gasp left it upon seeing Derek.

Tristan looked worriedly at Derek, having no clue as to how to help him in this state.

He was heavily injured and he was having a hard time with his healing, especially since he was unconscious. Unlike with Isaac and Erica, this was the first time he had come across an Alpha on the verge of death.

Taking his pain won't do anything substantial, that much he was certain of. Causing him pain on the other hand could go both ways, either jolt him awake for a brief moment or make his situation exponentially worse.

"Where's Scott?" Isaac couldn't help but ask after he looked around and failed to find his fellow beta who had chosen to stay behind.

"Probably taken by the twins. I honestly have no idea why Deucalion would want him." Malia nonchalantly remarked. It wasn't that she didn't care about Scott, well she didn't, but also that she didn't care much about pretty much everybody else.

In Derek's whole pack, the only two people she wouldn't mind sticking out a limb for on some occasions were Derek and Erica, the former because of how long they've known him and the latter because she was somewhat familiar with her and also because she was going out with Boyd.

"Tristan, Derek ain't looking good." She remarked as they were all hearing how increasingly shallow his breathing was gradually getting.

Erica and Cora had red teary eyes as they stared at Derek, while Isaac looked on with an emotionless-yet-dumbfounded countenance on his face.

Tristan's grimace tightened as he felt that. "Malia, Isaac. Come over and hold him from his shoulders down."

Since he'd lost so much blood, and still losing more, Tristan's plan was to feed him his regenerative blood upon jolting him awake.

The two people he called quickly came over and held Derek's frail and weak body down, both looking at Tristan and wondering what he was going to do.

Sitting behind Derek's body and pulling Derek's back against his chest, Tristan took a deep breath while internally hoping that his next actions would work.

He decided to go the pain route but simply breaking Derek's bones won't be enough as there is a high possibility that it won't be enough of a stimulant with how weak his vitals were. Due to this uncertainty, he went for the next big thing.


All his teeth turned into a mouth of sharp fangs, his upper and lower canines being the longest and sharpest of them, and he brought them down on Derek's neck. Straight to his jugular vein.

The effect was instantaneous as it was overwhelming that as soon as Tristan's fangs were deeply lodged into Derek's neck, the almost comatose Alpha roared defiantly to life, almost pushing away Malia and Isaac had it not been for Erica and Cora hurryingly holding his legs down.

Tristan kept his fangs here, barely forcing himself not to take a drink from what his mind was calling an already dead and defenseless prey.

Knowing he had to snap out of those thoughts, he clamped his hand down on Derek's wide open mouth and the Alpha instinctively bit unhesitatingly into it with a vengeful chomp, the pain snapping Tristan out of his reverie.

"Drink, Derek. Drink." He whispered through lodged teeth into Derek's ears while the others held him down with their whole strength.

Whether he heard Tristan or he was following his predators instincts, he bit down even fiercely that he cracked Tristan's bones as he drank his blood.

Tristan had to use his other hand to press Derek's mouth to his hands so that the Alpha won't take a huge bite out of his flesh and bones.

This went on for over five minutes after Tristan removed his fangs from Derek's neck while the latter continued drinking his blood, though slowly this time.

Finally, the blood seemed to have done its work as Derek spat out the hand in his mouth and started coughing out the blood he was choking on.

"You almost clocked out, permanently. It was a gamble on my part." Tristan spoke upon catching the confusion in Derek's eyes. Seeing Derek trying to push himself up, Tristan gently pushed him back to the ground. "No movements for now. You'll be out in a few minutes so just relax."

It was clear that Derek was having a hard time breathing, probably because he was remembering what put him into this state, and his breath only gained a semblance of relaxedness after his eyes roamed over Isaac, Erica and Cora multiple times.

"T… T… nks." He couldn't hardly get a sound out before falling into another coughing fit. "S…ott.."

"We didn't meet him here, probably taken to Deucalion. Isaac put out a few calls but no one has seen him." Tristan answered, quickly adding immediately after. "He's not dead, I'll bet he's in a much better state than you were left in. Deucalion wouldn't hurt him, not all that much if he did. Worry about someone else when you're on your feet."

Tristan let himself show a small smile at the faint grumble Derek's throat let out.

Derek was someone he inexplicably found himself getting along with. Something that could be attributed to the fact that the Alpha wolf was very similar to him in thoughts and character.

It didn't take long for Derek to pass out before being carried to the bed by Isaac where Cora started wiping clean his bloodied body.

"Another doctor has been found dead. Guess that's it for healers." Malia said as she got off her call with Allison.

They were in Derek's loft since they couldn't really leave Isaac and the two girls alone with an incapacitated Derek.

"Philosophers are next. We should be keeping an eye out on the teachers about to go missing."

No matter how optimistic they were, it was almost impossible to stop the Darach, who nobody knew the identity of, from abducting people. Even if she didn't abduct teachers from Beacon Hills, what of the other schools and even retired or former teachers?

Just like Deaton, the best way would be to search for them after their abduction if they are yet to find her at that time.

"Allison said Scott's mom is pretty shaken up with the news of his disappearance. At least she knows not to go to the police, but there seems to be a little complication on that end." She said with one eye closed, carefully watching Tristan's expression.

Tristan laughed at the look she was giving him and opened his arms for her to dive into, which she did without any hesitation. "What kind of complications?"

He was now slowly getting used to the fact of nature always throwing him a curveball at every junction he finds himself. And it wouldn't be good for him and those around him if he threatened to go over the edge every single time.

"She said Scott's dad is in town… and he's FBI. It will be pretty bad if the feds start swarming into Beacon Hills in the middle of a 3-way fight between werewolves and druids." She cooed softly as she sat on his legs with her face digging into his chest.

It was almost funny how the day had drastically changed in just a few hours. First they rescued Deaton by a stroke of luck and genius, then they went about looking for a dead tree stump, all the while Derek, Scott and two Alphas were duking it out in a battle royale which ended with Derek in almost dying and Scott ending up missing, and now an FBI agent was in town – just when his son went missing.

"You know, I'm slowly hating this place." Tristan said, referring to Beacon Hills as a whole.

"Haha, I can't help but agree with you and yet it's still funny." Malia said between soft chuckles, pouting cutely as Tristan used his chin to dig into her hair.

"One complication at a time. We'll focus on looking for that damning tree while the others look for McCall."




Read up to 20 chapters ahead on my patreøn

