

Never in his short life did he ever think that he'd be able to witness the scene he arrived at when he returned back to check on Malia.

He had sensed both Allison and Malia's extreme emotional turmoil that forced him to rush over. The ups and downs of their emotional wavelength didn't make it any easier for him, causing him to hurry up in worry and when he finally arrived, the receptacle he was met was stunning to say the least. 

While he wanted nothing more than to ask what the hell was happening, none of them had the time. 

He could already feel Derek raging which told him of the likely scenario that one of his beta had been caught. 

"I hate to break this up, but we have to get rid of the mountain ash." He felt the way Allison shivered as a wave of fright washed over her but she forcefully repressed it. That alone was enough to prove his thoughts true. 

"Why didn't it scatter with all the people running around?" She asked, pointing at the long line of ash. 

"It's not as simple as it seems. You can say it works on faith or intent."

Thankfully she easily shattered it but at that moment, there were already a few people, Hunters, converging on our location. 


"We'll talk later." I cut her off and turned to Malia who nodded at my silent question. 

"I'm tired of running away every fucking time we come across them you know?"

"No more pretenses?" I asked while giving a look at Allison. 

The girl still seemed out of it but thankfully she was holding herself well, at least until the adrenaline wore off and she can finally think with a calm head. 

"It's not as if we have much of a choice at this point." Malia shrugged. We had a choice in escaping the Hunters and no longer involving ourselves since the kanima and its master are dead. 

"Your choice." I replied with a shrug of my own. We're probably making the wrong choice but I don't necessarily think it's that bad. 

"For the record, this is the third time I'm bailing Derek out." I said before leaving the both of them there to clash against the Hunters. 

'I can feel my blood churning. I really am a cold-blooded vampire through and through to feel some excitement in this.'

It's not as if the Hunters were going to leave us be if we are caught. They were out for blood so I guess it's alright? 

'It's not as if it's a foregone conclusion that they must find out about us. Unhinging and satiating mine and Malia's taste every once in a while is not such a bad thing after all.'

I quickly crossed paths with the two incoming Hunters and before they could even register my presence, I sank my fangs in an unprotected neck and drank a mouthful of slightly tasty blood and ripped out his throat before moving to the next one. 

The other one tried triggering an alarm of sorts but his hand fell limp as I slashed through the joint muscle fibers, permanently paralyzing that arm not that he was going to be having any use for it again as his neck twisted a full turn. 

My ears picked up an irritating silent frequency, one that no doubt will be doubly irritating for were-creatures and scramble their senses. Fortunately for me, my hearing worked more like echolocation than advanced hearing so it was easy for me to pinpoint the direction it was propagating from. 

With bloody red claws, I ran up the walls and took huge leaps with supernatural agility and silently perched on the ceiling directly above the Hunter who was holding some type of emitter. 

His death was fluid with a quick drink and a broken spine. 


Allison's heart beat against her chest with a heavily reverberating thrum as she followed behind the trail of carnage Malia and Tristan left in their wake. 

She didn't know she was making the right choice but her feet never stopped moving as she followed the trail of blood like some bloody map. 

"Stop!.... Aaahhhh!!"

"No! Don't c-come close. Please!!!"

She quickened her pace as she heard the screams and finally came across the scene of Malia ripping apart grown men with guns without much effort. 

She watched as Malia's claws sliced through the barrel of a gun pointed at her and slashed her claws across the face of the stunned man, taking both his eyes, nose and lips. 

She used the screaming blood gurgling man as a shield from the next barrage of bullets and tossed him away after getting an opening that she swiftly took and resumed her gory art. 

Allison's stomach churned and her eyes burned as she saw everything being laid bare in front of her eyes – the ugly confrontation between Hunters and werewolves, or werecoyote in Malia's case. 

Her thoughts were cut short by another series of groans and shouts as Malia engaged the Hunters barring her path. 

"A.. Alli… son." Her breath hitched as she saw one of the Hunters, one she was a little familiar with, call out to her as he laid in a pool of his own blood.

His hands were clenched around a gun that he tried handing out to her before his eyes lost their glow and his body stilled. 

He died… Just like that. 

Everything was blurry for Allison and felt unreal like a dream that she couldn't even produce a normal reaction. She just followed through absentmindedly and grabbed the bloodied gun and pushed herself off the ground and trudged herself along. 


[Gerard Argent POV] 

The old veteran Hunter looked at the warehouse-turned-death house with a walkie talkie in his hand that he used to give out real time orders and listen to how the mission was progressing. 

"What is the status on the Alpha?" 

<Falco and his team have managed to apprehend Derek's beta, Isaac Lahey. The Alpha is resisting and has killed a number of the Hunters that came across him>

Gerard didn't show any reaction to the news of his men dying and was about to relay a new set of directives when his walkie talkie picked up an open transmission filled with screams and cries for help. 

"What was that? Does anybody copy?" 


"What is your visual?"

<Please! Don't kil-!!>

Gerard grimaced as the transmission was cut off before he could get anything solid on what was happening inside. 

"Does anyone have a visual of Derek and his betas?" He asked. 

<Yes sir. A team is stopping Derek and his female beta from getting to Isaac Lahey>

Cutting off the transmission there, Gerard turned to his son who was standing beside him from the beginning and said while sporting a weary smile.

"It looks like we are going in."

"Do we know what is killing our men?" Chris asked with furrowed brows.

Gerard snorted and grabbed a gun from the car's trunk before turning to his son. 

"I doubt it's the kanima or else they would have reported it on first sight." He drawled out and left the rest for Chris to figure out, which he did the very next second. 

"The vampire?"


Chris drew his Desert Eagle which earned him a chuckle from his father but he didn't humor the older man with a reaction other than waiting for him to lead the way. 

"Let's see if we can catch a night crawler tonight."

The two of them metered the building with practiced steps and their eyes drunk in and analyzed every single thing it captured. 

"What the hell happened here?" Chris crouched down and took a better look at the state of an obviously blood deficient man. 

"See those punctures on the carotid artery? The suction force that acts on them as it draws blood is enough to shatter any joint in the body. That's how fast they suck in blood. Let's go."

Gerard only spared a cursory glance at the pale corpse before he continued moving on, coming across mangled corpses in different states. 

"Quite a vicious monstrosity."

Chris nodded at his evaluation. "I can see why they were hunted down to near extinction."

"Shhh." Gerard shushed him and closed his eyes for a few seconds before asking Chris. "Feel that light tremor?"

Truly, when he blocked out every sound, he could feel slight tremors in the ground he was standing on. 

"We're near, let's go." Gerard took out something from his pockets, bullets, and slotted them inside his gun before taking out a few pills and munched on them as they moved on. 

They followed the slight tremors until it became louder and louder until they were right in front of something Chris would have sworn would have given him nightmares for months had it not been for his experience as a veteran Hunter. 

The vampire moved like a blur with a blood mist covering his face and obscuring his appearance.

They watched as he danced around the steadily dwindling Hunters wrapping blood like tendrils around some of them and even using it to dismember some of them. 

"No…" Gerard gasped with wide eyes and a feeling of dread rattling his bones. 





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