

Stiles clacked away at his keyboard with full focus, taking short pauses to flip through one of the numerous files and folders scattered across his room. While the young man seemingly cared less about the severity of his actions, it nevertheless takes away from the fact that the majority of the folders in his room were stamped 'CONFIDENTIAL'.

As the neutral delinquent he so proudly proclaimed himself to be, he felt no guilt about digging through his father's case files, whether public or private, to satiate his own curious thirst. 

The reason for his 'illegal' research was no more than finding out what he could about the two other identified werewolves in the school, and so far he had only gotten a lead on one. 

Malia Tate. 

According to files he 'acquired', and also cross referenced from the paper published at that time, Malia's old family were in an accident that killed all of them. 

While the media's story said it was an accident that resulted in the death of everyone involved and the disappearance of one daughter, his dad's report painted a clearer picture. 

Slash and bite marks. Presumably a wild animal's. 

His hand shook as he read the autopsy report and the focused images that were paired along with them, and then his dad's report and final conclusion of the case. 

In summary, the case was an open and shut as it was ascertained that it was a natural unfortunate accident that resulted in the death of the whole family only for their corpse to be further desecrated by wild animals. But he knew… 

If his calculations were right, then that night had been a full moon. 

She killed her family. 

But something didn't add up. 

If she did kill her parents then that meant that either her parents weren't werewolves or maybe it had really been an accident that triggered her shifting, but that would also mean her parents weren't werewolves as they would've very well survived the accident if their eight years old daughter since they would have had a more advanced healing than their daughter. 

He frowned at that thought and turned to his screen and logged into his father's digital record on the Beacon Hills Deputy County's website and filtered the arranged documents to a specific date and pulled out the family files since he knew it would take a long thing to pull it out of the disaster behind him. 

'She's adopted?' He thought. 

If she was adopted then that meant it was likely that her newly adopted parents were humans and not werewolves. Unknowing of the fact that they were in fact adopting a young werewolf. 

He almost cursed but held himself and only banged the table. 

The girl could've been ignorant of her true nature as well as the parents and it had turned into an unfortunate accident later down the line. 

A lot of factors were involved but that didn't take from the fact that she might as well have partook in her family's death. 

Remembering the long list of random animal killings that happened when he was young, he wondered how many of them had really been animal attacks. 

'Probably none.'

His brows creased even tighter as he looked at the only digital file he could find on the boy. 

'Tristan Hayes.'

There were hardly any documents, public, private, or government issued on him despite him having lived in Beacon Hills. He couldn't access the Hospital records so there was no way to actually make sure. 

That didn't mean everything since it was likely that he came from another town or state when he was young. 

It wasn't like the boy had to have any sort of accident or issue with authority that would have made them have a record of him. 

Despite that, it was already proven that those two were killers if Scott's words were correct. 

Was it inevitable that all werewolves were killers? 

Derek definitely was, he concluded internally, never a fan of how the bigger man made him easily scared. 

Sighing, he picked up the phone and rang the first number on the call logs. 

The call was picked after a few rings and a slightly winded voice spoke on the speaker. 

"I'm on my way, Stiles. You know I have work after this, right?"

"Then get your furry ass here as quick as possible…. It's serious, man."

"… Fine. Give me a few minutes." The call was cut and let out another sigh. 

There were a lot of things none of them knew and they obviously couldn't trust what Derek had to say, at least not everything. 

Derek had caught them when they were coming back with the shovels and Stiles would swear in secrecy that the glare Derek gave them when he stood in front of the Jeep had sent his soul cold. 

Stiles was so sure that the clearly pissed off werewolf had contemplated killing them right there. 

Thankfully, Scott had been able to divert his actions by mentioning the duo and what they said about the Alpha, which left the broody and death glarey furry wolf to explain the werewolf hierarchy. 

Basically, at the top were the Alphas, while at the bottom were the Beta. A very concise and straightforward rank. 

The only thing that didn't fall under this was the Omegas. 

Principally an Omega is a wolf that is not in any pack. Be they Alpha or Beta. 

As long as a wolf doesn't identify with any pack, they are deemed Omegas. Which surprisingly was what Derek was. 

Maybe the Omegas were those with blue eyes. Who knew, that at least was a similar link that connected them to Derek. 

It also turned out that, according to Derek, the Alpha had been the one to kill Derek's sister. 

He obviously didn't fully believe that story, but he also didn't disregard it. 

"Stiles, I'm here. What is it?" 

Scott barged into Stiles' room only to freeze as he saw the scattered files. 

"Did you even bother taking a break?" Scott asked as he made his way inside the room. 

"No, but I've been looking through some of my Dad's files and I found out something about the girl, Malia, that I think is important." He took a few papers along with the pictures and shoved them to Scott. 

"8 years ago she lost her family in a car accident."

He continued his narration as he saw the changes in Scott's face. "She was the only survivor. And get this, it happened on a full moon."

That caught Scott's attention, and not in a good way. 

"The autopsy's report says they were also attacked by animals, probably after the accident happened. She was eight when it happened, probably around 8 years old as well."

Scott slumped on the bed with a resigned look on his face. "… You think she did it?"

"I think it's highly possible. And besides, she also disappeared after the accident and no one had seen her since."

"It could be another Malia Tate."

"Seriously? Do you really think that?"

"Fine, but so what? Why are you even looking into them?" 

"Because it was the only way I could find anything about them if there was. I also don't think what happened at school didn't shake you."

"And is knowing that going to help out in any way?" He sat up while throwing away the file. "Their past records don't mean anything… I will have to kill someone if whoever my Alpha is wants me to."

"There have to be a way, right?" Stiles questioned rhetorically. 

"Well, Derek says only the Alpha can make that decision. Sigh."

The both fell silent as their thoughts took a depressive turn. There was nothing they could do and that freaked them out, Scott more than Stiles because he was the one who would be forced to become a killer. 

"We could try asking Derek or them about how they can control shifting. Maybe learning that will let you resist the Alpha." Stiles suggested. 

Scott looked at Stiles and shook his head in a dumbfounded manner. "Do you want them to kill us? We don't know anything about Malia and Tristan."

"Then we'll just ask. If they wanted to kill 'you' then I think that they would have done that since the beginning. And they also didn't kill Allison Argent so maybe they are reasonable." Stiles stressed. And besides, maybe they could learn a little about werewolves from them. 

"Still doesn't make me feel confident in asking them." They were about to KILL someone in the middle of the day after all. They were scary, were Scott's honest thoughts. 

Stiles nodded as he thought Scott was saying something very true, but at least they were the same age. 

They continued talking with Stiles taking occasional glances at a file that was dated around 3 years back. 


[Malia Tate POV] 

She looked at the board and heaved a sigh of relief. This was one of the only few times in class that she wasn't plagued with anxiety by listening to what the teacher was saying. 

English Language. 

Looking at the passage they were told to open to, she crossed-referenced it with what was written on the board. 

Identify the consonants sounds associated with the underlined letters. 

'I can do this.' She psyched herself up and looked at one of the sentences but felt her confidence dwindling at a slow but steady pace. 

'The Faculty of Law deals with the Judiciary arm of government.'

Compared to the others, this was a relatively easy subject and also one she decided it was imperative to do well. Since most of the subjects were alien to her, she resolved to do her best in the ones she was somewhat good at. 

She moved her fingers to circle one of the answer options only to be stopped. 

"Not, that one.. The last one." She looked at the smirking bitch bee and felt nothing more than sticking her pen through the sides of her mouth. 

"Hmph!" The girl haughtily turned her head and focused back on her work. 

Malia grunted but marked the last one as she was told. 

This doesn't mean anything, so why the smug look? She groaned as she heard the bitch chuckling. "Om mani padme hum~" She chanted to clear her mind of every low energy thought. 

Lydia's face showed confusion as she heard the girl behind her chanting a bodhisattva mantra. She shook her head and let out a bored sigh as she sued her eyes to answer all the questions in seconds. 

Classes definitely were boring for those blessed with intelligence like her. She was already done with the syllables for the whole school year and yet here she was, forced to undertake an assessment that she could and win her sleep. 

Sometimes she felt like keeping up this façade of the ditzy sexy airhead was very tiring, but it wasn't she could just give up. It was her life. 

Malia on the other hand managed to banish some of her negative thoughts and faced the questions once again only to be hit with a wave of uncertainty. 

She bit her lips and in contemplation for a moment before making a decision. 

~Poke, poke.~

Lydia turned around and looked questioningly at the girl that poked her. 

"Eh?" She looked surprised in incomprehension as she saw Malia pouting at another question with a casual face as if she was expecting. 

"Answers. Since you know them, tell me." She demanded in a way that left Lydia all too stunned to do anything else than nod absentmindedly, before proceeding to point at the correct options while Malia circles them. 

"You must be smart if you can easily answer them so quickly… as long as they're not wrong, that is. We'll be having problems if they are." Her words could have been construed as a bullying act but the casualness just made it lack the forcefulness a bully would use. 

Lydia's surprise kept on increasing as she witnessed the shamelessness of the auburn haired new girl. 





Read up to 20 chapters ahead on my patreøn

