
Difference (1)

"Wh... what did you say?!"

Leng San, hearing that, immediately trembled. If he could not return the other part of Gui Yeza’s soul, he would never wake up again because his soul was incomplete.

Of course, Leng San blamed it all on himself!!

He was the one who led Gui Yeza to meet with such bad luck.


Leng San even exploded with uncontrollable anger in an instant. Leng San's fist was only a step away from the face of the Marauder King!! The Marauder King was stunned to the extreme. He could only lift both arms up and circulate his defensive qi to protect himself.


The Marauder King had never witnessed such a heavy punch before in his life!! The bones in his both arms were crushed finely!! The violence sent the body of the Marauder King flying and hitting the pillars of this great hall, seven of which broke down until the entire structure began to collapse.

The huge hall of the brothel collapsed and turned into debris in a few breaths.

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