
Sub-branch Two of the Institute

Sub-branch Two of the Institute had Elder Fu Duanzhi as its director…

“Fu Geezer, I came by to visit you!!” Leng San screamed even before entering the Institute’s gate.

Fu Duanzhi was drinking his liquor at the registration desk. Even after being transferred and promoted to be the director of Sub-branch Two, he could not change his behavior.

The old man even choked on the liquor that was about to be swallowed down his throat when he heard a familiar voice.

“Damn it!! Bad boy Lu San, why the hell do you have to announce your arrival to the whole heaven?! Don't you know that your shouting power alone may cause qi turbulence in the disciples in the neighborhood!!”

The boy walked in with a smile. Fu Duanzhi could not help but think of the image of the crippled boy from two years ago who came to register at Sub-branch Seven in a wheelchair. In just two years, the crippled Lu San of the blue stage had become an elite that could shake the entire martial world.

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