

It was a bit of an awkward situation. Two young men standing at the exit gate, with a yellow sports car that was conspicuous from a distance. David, for some reason (probably this awkwardness), intimidatedly looked at the tip of his shoe, with which he mindlessly drilled a hole in the lawn.

"Thank you, it was a great day," Gustav smiled at him. He felt warmth in his heart looking at this awkwardness of David. It was so sweet!

"Really? Even this whole situation with my parents?"

"What are you talking about? Your parents are great!" he assured on the basis of his feelings.

"My father took you in for questioning twice..."

The concern in David's voice was so wonderful!

"By no means. He... acted like a father towards me. Well, maybe like an older brother. He treated me completely differently than Olaf treated you."

"Uhm, Olaf..."

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