
Shocking Discovery and Vacation.

Once Maulketh returned to his volcano, he felt like the volcano welcomed him home. It felt like he was once more back where he belonged. For the moment he simply enjoyed the heat and pressure of the volcano which was welcomed to him.

Though soon enough he saw Astrid, Grimnar, and Celestine flying out to meet him.

All three had grown larger and stronger as they were his familiars. While he grew in power so did they and this time, his Evolution had been bigger than ever. All three landed in front of him to greet him once more.


Astrid's voice was full of emotion compared to her simple speech when he first found her. Celestine flew toward him and landed right on his face.

"Welcome home."

She was now 20 meters in size and yet still tiny compared to his 350-meter-long body. Her voice was clear, but not immature which was interesting. As for Grimnar, the giant three-headed dragon dog had doubled in size.

Yet was not talking as he had given up such power as he had no use for words. Words were for others, he was his master's attack dog. He would act when talking was done with, and leave nothing, but molten lava in his wake.

He was well over 60 meters in size, big no question, but Astrid was the biggest of the three. 120 meters long went a long way in the world as most Dragons were the size of Celestine and she was only a young dragon.

Not yet an adult so her size was bound to change as she grew older and stronger.

"Thank you, you three make coming here better."

Maulketh returned to his human form which resulted in Ophis and Celestine falling off his back. When Ophis fell off she woke up and landed on her feet next to him. As for Celestine, she flapped her wings to land next to her master.

Ophis instantly was displeased as she was sleeping. She hated being woken up, most Dragons did.


He frowned.

"What is rude is falling asleep on someone's back nearly instantly when they go and attack a big faction."

[He has got you there.]


As they were talking, Celestine and Astrid began to glow brightly and actually turned into human forms. As for Grimnar, he had also given that up. He would not waste time with such a thing.

Maulketh looked at both as he had not expected this. Celestine was a tall slender woman, with blue dragon horns and hair on her head. Her eyes were a bright red though and she had some mass to her chest.

As for height, she was decently tall at 6'3, but Astrid was huge for a woman. 6'8, and full of muscle, but not in a bad way. Her legs and arms were covered in black fur, and on her head, she had a small pair of round ears like a bear.

Though her tail was not small like a bear's and was long and fluffy like a cat's. As for her attire, and actually looked like she was wearing tactical clothing. If only revealing as she showed off her dark-skinned abbs.



When they did this, Celestine hugged Maulketh tightly and pushed his face against her chest as she laughed.

"Master, what do you think? Big right?"

He pulled back from her chest as he felt this was weird. He leaned into her face as he looked into her eyes.

"How? Aren't you like 4 years old or something?"

She nodded.

"Yes, but Dragons mature differently. I am plenty mature, look."

She grabbed her chest and began to bounce them up and down making him facepalm. Through parted fingers of course, but either way, facepalm. But when she noticed him actually looking she laughed as she scored a win.

Ophis on the other hand explained it to him.

"Dragons are supposed to become smarter as they age, but this little one seems to have been carried by you. She is still a young dragon, but she might as well be a young in maturity. As for the other one, she is most curious."

When he turned to Astrid her arms were crossed over her chest which was large as it matched her height.

"Tell me, when did this happen?"

Astrid was the best to ask as she was the most mature.

"Right, 7 days ago. When you suddenly left after speaking with Ares. He came to warn your mates that you had just left out of the blue as he was worried. He was planning on going out to look for you, but when he passed out along with Lady Runeas, Lady Rias, myself, Celestine, and Grimnar.

And we all suddenly experienced a growth in our power."

Hearing that made him realize what happened.

"My renaming caused such a thing?"

Ophis nodded.

"Yes, the saying 'names have power' is not for nothing."

Even Ddraig and Albion agreed with this.

[Of course, it did. When you named the three of them they evolved, so imagine Shiva naming someone who was already strong. As they were linked to you they had to experience some growth as you did so.]

"Astrid, did Calypso not experience anything?"

Astrid shook her head.

"None, as she did not receive your blood or be in a contract with you. As for Sir Ares, he had his armor and spear which were formed from your body. At the moment he is in the Training Dimension and has not come out since he awoke 6 days ago.

'210 days. I need to increase the time dilation even more and enter seclusion once more. I am missing out on some much-needed training.'

Ophis already felt that this Dragon was unique. Very few Dragons would train which made Crom Cruach and Tiamat already unique and here was Maulketh the third.

"More training? Have you ever entered hybernation?"

Maulketh shook his head.

"I once slept for 6 months, but I have not slept much since then."

Ophis felt he was an alien.

"You must not be compatible with the Sin of Sloth then? You rather train then gain power by gainin time."

He nodded.

"Quite true. Hibernation is for the lazy, only training."

[Really? More training, can't you ever ever relax.]

{You are a Maniach when it comes to training. You need to rest every now and then, but also, you make me and Ddraig feel lazy when we would hibernate instead of train}

'Not untrue, but rest is for the w-"


He turned over to the entrance of the castle and saw Runeas standing there. Behind her were Rias and Calypso who just backed off from Runeas as she walked toward him. Maulketh grinned and spread his arms out.

"Hey, how is it going?"

Runeas got right in front of him and crossed her arms.

"Fine. We all passed out and grew stronger when you did whatever you did, but you were gone for 6 whole days. What happened?"

Maulketh shrugged.

"I got a new name."

Runeas did not expect that.

"What is it then?"


Hearing that made her sigh.

"I am still calling you Mark."

"But that's my old human name."





They went back and forth and from the look of it she did not plan to change her mind. Rias hugged him from the side.

"I will call you by the name you want, Maulketh. It sounds cool."

He raised his head high.

"Thank you Rias, it was given to me by Shiva. My full name is Maulketh Imperator Tempus The Dragon Emperor of Tyranny."

That caused the two Gremory women to fall silent. Calypso herself was the most curious about what made a Dragon a Heavenly Dragon or an Emperor.

"What makes a Dragon an Emperor?"

The Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing appeared on his left arm and back respectively.

[That is simple, they must have been a Heavenly Dragon with preferably a Principle. Sadly I and Albion lost ours to form Maulketh's new Tyrrany principle.]

{They were stolen from God anyways and not really our power. This means we can just make our own instead of relying on a dead being anyways}

Rias and Runeas this time did not hold their heads in pain. They had gone through an evolution as well when he went through his making them stronger. But Rias was more shocked that God was dead then the rest of what was said. That then made Calypso wonder more.

"What is a Principle then?"

This was more interesting so Ddraig gave his take.

[Let's take the definition than the real meaning. They are fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief. God, when he was alive created the Principles of Christianity which were pure. Yet God had more secret principles which were less than pure like the ones I and Albion had.]

{Correct, long in the past we fought God together and stole the Principles of Domination and Supremacy which we used as a base to create our new powers. The Boost, Penetrate, for Ddraig, as for me, I made the Divide and Reduce.}

That then brought up questions that Runeas wanted to know.

"Wait, if just those Principles were used as a base for your powers, would he not have been much stronger when he had them all?"

[That is the thing when he created the Christian Faith, those Principles were used to form his Heaven System along with Heaven. Yet, even that should still have left him with some power, so I am not sure.]

{I noticed he was much weaker in the final battle we had with him.}

Maulketh began to ponder on this.

"So, something must have taken his power to weaken him enough to be killed."

That once again surprised Rias.

"So he is really dead?"

Maulketh nodded.

"I attacked Heaven before I came here and he is dead."

That made everyone stare at him for several long and silent seconds. He shrugged.

"They had the bodies of Ddraig and Albion so I had to get those back. Besides, I caused no damage."

Runeas wanted to facepalm, but she refrained.

"Oh well, fuck them then. Their angels anyway."

Rias covered her mouth as she heard her Ancestor swear. Runeas smirked.

"What? Can't I swear?"

Rias was not going to be opening that can of worms so she just backed off.

"No, no, swear all you want."

Either way, Maulketh began to walk toward his castle, Grimnar shrinking down to walk next to him.

"I am taking a short vacation of rest. I need rest for the moment more than anything."

Ophis nodded.

"And sweets."

That sounded good.

"You know any good places?"

She nodded.

"All of them."

"I think we will get along just fine Ophis."

Just as he was Rias walked in front of him and began to walk backward as she looked up at him.

"Oh, speaking of vacation, there is going to be an open house at my High School. Can you come?"

His memories went back to Kuoh and Issei's parents. The body he stole at this point was no longer Issei's as not one shred of the original's DNA remained all of it burned away to form his true self once more.

"Sure. I don't mind, might be fun and I have some business to take care of anyway In Kuoh."

Hearing him say yes, made her jump into his chest. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. Being liked by a gorgeous girl like Rias always fed his draconic pride.

Seeing him like that, made Runeas curious.

"You know, we Devils are called sinful creatures, but you know who is truly sinful? Demons."

Ophis cringed when she heard that.

"Nasty. Demons are simply garbage given form."

Hearing that made him curious.

"Demons are real?"

Runeas nodded.

"Hell is real too. Sometimes, powerful Devils call on the creatures of Hell to serve them and make pacts. They have the power of the 7 Deadly Sins and other derivatives of them. You would fit well with those powers, but no Devil who has entered Hell has come back."

She instantly saw the fire of ambition in his gaze making her sigh.

"You are totally going to steal the power of the Deadly Sins for yourself right."

"Of course, we Dragons are the most sinful. Especially us Red Dragons."

{Can you even call yourself a Red Dragon?}

[It is the base of what makes him up.]

As they walked Calypso looked up at him.

"Speaking of this, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go with me to explore the world. I have been trapped on my island for so long that I want to see the world. This volcano is bigger than my former volcano, but it is not perfect for a garden."

"Sure. But try to start a garden here anyway, as I think a unique mutation could happen. And I still have some pomegranates from Persephone so I want to ask if you could try to plant some here?"

She was curious to try at least.

"I would love to try, making a garden here would be interesting."

Celestine pushed past them all and got next to him.

"Oh, can you make me a pool here? I can swim in lava with no issue as I have your mana, but it's boring. I want some water?"

"Alright, I will get that done."

She jumped on his right arm and hung off of it. Now he had two girls hanging off him which he did not mind. But just as he was saying that he felt Runeas hold off onto his right arm with a smirk on her face. Calypso frowned as she looked for a spot and jumped on his back.

They wanted to try to pull him down, but even a full-size Astrid would be fine. He was that strong and no amount of them would weigh him down.

He held his arms out which Astrid and Ophis used to hang from and he just kept walking. Grimnar jumped up and held on with one of his mouths which did not hurt at all.

"See, you can't bring me down or trip me."

They all jumped off once they saw that as they had thought it would be fun to try. Maulketh laughed as he walked off.

"I will be back, I got to do something real quick."

They all split up as they had their fun and he was not going to train or leave his volcano for a while at least. He first walked up to Vali's room as he was going to spend some time training the guy so he walked up to his room and without knowing opened the door.

"Hey dude, time to t-"

When he walked in, he did not see Vali, but he did see a white-haired girl in a wet bath towel. But from the smell, he knew it was Vali, but what he did not understand was how 'he' was actually a 'she'.

(Image here)

That brought up a 1,000th question, how did she hide her smell, her memories, and more importantly her female organs when he scanned her body last time? The girl walked off and undid her towel in front of him to get dressed.

"Are you going to keep starring?"

He shot her one last look at her large breasts, her ass, and hips.

"Now I am done. How did you hide this from my memory search?"

As she dried off she explained.

"When Azazel took me in, he felt it would be better for me to be raised as a son than a daughter as he had no idea how to raise a girl. So he made a Ray Gun to turn me into a boy to hide my true identity. Though, it is not permanent and only lasts a week at most. My timer just ran out. As for why you could not find those memories, this."

She held out a medallion that was around her neck in her cleavage which he had looked at again. They were big, white, and very bouncy. She seemingly did not care after being raised as a guy for so long.

He shook his head to not look.

"I see, I should talk to Azazel more often. For the record, I came to talk to you as I recovered the body of Albion. I should be returning the Divine Dividing very soon to you as I will have done what I sought to do. I just need to master all of Albion's abilities myself before I hand it over. By the way, what is your real name?"

"Valina. Not very hidden is it? He sucks at naming things and people."

He noticed she was struggling to put on a bra so she shot him a look.

"Help me. I have not done this in so long."

He walked behind her and helped her strap on her bra. She was not very good at it as she said.


She then got dressed as he tried to not watch and failed. When she was fully dressed she looked up at him with a frown.

"You are really a pervert you know that. Looking at a girl getting dressed like that."

He laughed.

"Maybe. Anyways, I came to tell you that your training is starting very soon. Once that is done, I shall return your Sacred Gear for you to learn the abilities of Albion. Most importantly, you need to tap into the true potential of the original Lucifer. Ready for that?"

She nodded.

"As long as I can kill my grandfather myself."

Maulketh ruffled her hair now being much nicer than before. Call him sexist if you want, but when he now had a new target when he learned that.

'The descendant of a Super Devil, and the original Lucifer. I have to make her mine.'

(After careful debate among the council of two cats, Jack, Blue I have come to an answer. Female it is, frick it. I do what I want and the cats have spoken their wisdom.)

Next chapter