
Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Trial by Combat

  When Samwell saw Natalie the next day, the little girl's face was as red as a tomato.

  Just as Samwell was about to say hello, Natalie gave a hurried bow and then disappeared like a rabbit.

  Leaving Samwell with black lines all over his forehead.

  In fact, the two of them didn't do anything yesterday, and Natalie's courage only supported the initiative of the kiss and then disappeared.

  When he came to the restaurant, Samwell saw Natalie, she was burying herself in the pie on the plate, not daring to look at him.

  Samwell came to her side and deliberately messed up her hair, causing her to protest with teeth and claws, and the relationship between the two was restored.

  At least on the surface.

  After finishing their breakfast amidst the little girl's chattering, the two of them roamed in the castle before visiting the Knights' Hall together.

  At this time, all the vassals of the Dayne family were present, including the twelve "late" knights listed on Viscount Hughes' list, as well as the envoy from Sunspear, The illegitimate daughter of Prince Oberyn, Nymeria Sand.

  This illegitimate daughter with the same name as the Rhoyna Warrior Queen had black eyes and brown hair, her skin was as white as snow, and her figure was as slender as a willow branch.

There were more than a dozen short knives stuck in her belt around her waist.

  Samwell had some impressions of this "sand snake", remembering that she was the second child among Prince Oberyn's illegitimate daughters, and she was an ambitious and dangerous woman.

  Natalie came to the main seat and stood, looking at Samwell and Mother Ashara from the crowd, as if she had found courage.

  "Everyone, I have summoned you here this time because I have something to announce." Natalie said, and her crisp voice resounded through the hall, "The Iron Throne has declared war on the Martell family because the 'Red Viper' was accused of murdering three council masters, and doesn't want to stand trial..."

  "Wait a minute," a voice interrupted Natalie.

  Samwell followed the voice and found that it was Nymeria Sand who stood up.

  "Lady Nymeria, it is very rude of you to interrupt the Earl's speech." Viscount Hughes said stiffly.

  "I apologize for that." Nymeria said perfunctorily, and then immediately said, "But I cannot tolerate Earl Natalie's slander against my father."

  Samwell immediately retorted: "Since Prince Oberyn thinks he is innocent, so why did he escape from King's Landing and dare not accept the trial?"

  "Because my father knows that he will not get a fair trial. In fact, he has found the real murderer of Jon Arryn, but someone killed him secretly, and even intended to add false accusations on him so he left King's Landing out of helplessness."

  "This is just your one-sided statement," Samwell said.

  Nymeria looked at Samwell, and suddenly smiled meaningfully: "Lord Caesar, if you are accused of murder, are you willing to go to trial?" "

  "Me?" Samwell seemed to suddenly realize something, "As long as it is not Groundless accusations..."

  "Okay!" Nymeria seemed to be waiting for this sentence, she showed a smug expression, and said, "Now there are many knights from the Dayne family accusing you of murdering the previous earl of the Dane family Lord Edric and Lady Allyria."

  As soon as the words fell, several knights stood up and echoed.

  Samwell sneered and said, "Isn't this just an unfounded accusation? Lord Edric and Lady Allyria had an accident in Black Harbor City at the time, but I have never been there."

"You hired a killer," Nymeria said, "Many people can testify that you once brought a portrait of Lady Allyria to Starfall City to confirm, and you built your territory on Eagle Island, so you began plotting against Starfall City. Isn't it? Kill Lord Edric and Lady Allyria, and then help someone of unknown origin become the lord of Starfall City."

"Who do you say is of unknown origin?" Ashara Dayne stood up.

  Nymeria was also slightly stumped. Of course, she knew that Lady Ashara was a member of the serious Dayne family. Even his father couldn't deny this girl's right to inherit Starfall City, but Natalie...

  " I'm sorry, Lady Ashara, I didn't question you, but your daughter, after all, she is a child of wildlings..."

  Samwell interrupted impatiently: "Earl Natalie has obtained Prince Oberyn's consent, so was your father just farting?"

  Nymeria knew that she had fallen into a misunderstanding, and quickly brought the topic back:

  "Lady Caesar, I am not questioning the legitimacy of Count Natalie. What you said was just to prove your motive for this murder. In the face of this accusation, do you dare to accept the trial?"

  "This is a groundless accusation." Natalie couldn't help but refute, "Do you have any tangible evidence?"

  Nymeria shrugged: "Because no one here knows whether the accusation is true or not, and cannot make a verdict, so, I think, the Seven Gods should rule. Then, Lord Caesar, do you dare to accept a trial by combat?"

  Samwell had a strange expression on his face.

  Is this woman out of her mind? Want to find someone to fight with him?

  With the giant sword [Dawn] in hand, Samwell is now a god-stopper.

  However, it was also because he had only used [Dawn] once on the warship on Eagle Island, and sailors were always known for bragging, so the illegitimate daughter of Dorne probably didn't know his details.

  "Who are you going to ask me to fight?"

  "I'll do it!" A middle-aged man with a firm face and a strong physique stood up, "Theodore Dayne, is willing to fight for Lord Edric and Lady Allyria ?"

"For justice!"

  Nymeria provocatively said: "Lord Caesar, do you dare to accept it?"

  "Why not." Samwell stepped forward, "I'm not a coward like the Red Viper."

  Nameria Melia held back her anger and shouted: "Okay! Let's get started! Please put on your armour!"

  "I don't need it," Samwell said with a chuckle. "Innocence is my armour. Of course, Sir Theodore, please do as you please. After all, the gods will not give power to the evil side's proxy knight."

"Justice and evil are not for you to talk !" Theodore yelled, thinking he had seen through Samwell's trap. He immediately called his attendants and began to put on his armour.

  Natalie also rushed to persuade: "Sam, you should wear armour."

  "No need." Samwell was still stubborn.

  "That's right, Lord Caesar is the champion of the jousting at the King's Landing."

Nymeria said eccentrically, "Why do you need armour?"

Samwell ignored her and waited for the opposite knight to put on the armour before he stepped forward carrying only [Dawn].

  "As a Dayne, you should be honoured to die under the sword of [Dawn]," Samwell said.

  "As a Dayne, I will prove that you are not worthy of this sword." Theodore countered.

  Nymeria stood between the two, with an excited expression, and said:

  "Let's pray first!"

  She raised her arms and said loudly:

  "Seven Gods of Glory, please take care of us."

  The knights in the hall all began to echo:

  "Just Father, Merciful Mother, Brave Warrior, Pure Maiden, Hardworking Blacksmith, Wise Old Crone, reveal to us whether this man is honest or false, just or evil! If he is sincere, please Give him strength!

  If he is evil, please bring him death!

  Glory to the Seven Gods, please witness!"

  After praying, Theodore wore his helmet and slowly pulled out his long sword.

  Although he was facing a champion, Theodore did not have the slightest fear.

  He is an experienced knight, so he naturally knows that jousting is completely different from a real duel. What's more, the young man on the opposite side is too arrogant to even wear armour.

  Theodore felt that this must be the will of the gods, and it was the gods who deprived him of his sanity at this moment.

  Gods bless!

  "For the justice of Lord Edric and Lady Allaria!" Theodore roared angrily and was about to swing his sword forward.

  But paused as he saw Samwell slowly pulling [Dawn] from behind him.

  The moment the milky white sword was unsheathed, dense red-gold lines climbed it, like a fiery red ribbon, rising from Samwell's back.

  The dazzling light instantly made everyone in the hall hold their breath.

  Their eyes widened as if they couldn't believe what they saw.

  Is that [Dawn]?

  That's [Dawn]!

  Yes, this is the sword that the Dayne family has passed down for thousands of years!

  This is, [Dawn]!

  The fiery red sword light dragged out, like the dawn piercing the darkness, filling everyone's vision in an instant.

  Theodore gave up resistance almost instantly.

  It turns out that in the eyes of the gods, I am evil.

  The last thought flashed through his mind, and his consciousness was swallowed by darkness.

  The fire flashed by, and Theodore's armour did not provide any protection and was cut into two pieces up to his chest.

  Fortunately, the flames scorched the flesh and blood, so it didn't make the scene very messy.

  Samwell stood proudly with a burning red sword in his hand, and said loudly,

  "The Seven Gods of Justice have granted me victory to prove my innocence!"

  "Not guilty! Not guilty!" In the hall, the knights of the Dayne family all shouted.

  "Innocent! Innocent!" More and more knights responded, and even the dozen or so knights who had been attracted by Nymeria before joined them.

  Nymeria was horrified to find that these knights who were originally inclined to the Martell family looked at Samwell at this moment, and they were all full of admiration and fascination.

 Regret was like a poisonous snake, biting Nymeria's heart.

  After Samwell sheathed the giant sword [Dawn], everyone fell silent.

  Natalie also took the opportunity to announce:

  "I, Natalie Dane, in the name of the Earl of Starfall, hereby declare that I will refuse to accept the call of Doran Martell unless he agrees to allow Oberyn Martell to accept justice Judgment!"

  "Judgment of the Red Viper!" cried Samwell first.

  Then all the knights of the Dane family responded:

  " Judgment of the Red Viper! "

 She knew that her mission this time had completely failed.   

The Dayne family will no longer obey the call of the Sun's Halberd.   

Nymeria raised her head and looked at the baron standing in the middle of the hall, same moment samwell also looked over.   

For a moment, she seemed to see a blazing flame and dragon roar from those eyes.   

