
Chapter 138

Chapter 138

  The moonlight was hazy, illuminating the Blackwater rush River flowing quietly, like a bright silk.

  Piles of bonfires were lit on the banks of the river, and the air was filled with the smell of barbecue and fine wine.

  Samwell said goodbye to his "good teacher" Petyr Baelish, and found Margaery and Natalie by the campfire.

  Because it was a bonfire dinner, "Highgarden Rose" was dressed more casually tonight. A simple linen dress was covered with a green brocade shawl, and a pair of sandals were on her feet, revealing her crystal-clear and flawless feet.

  Natalie beside her also changed into a dress with puff sleeves, which looked cute and sweet.

  "Our champion knight is here!" Margaery joked with a smile.

  "Sam, come quickly! The beef is roasted!" Natalie was holding a huge roast meat, worrying about how to eat.

  Samwell went over to greet with a smile, then took the barbecue in Natalie's hand, cut it into small pieces for her, spread cream and spices on it, and accepted the compliments and jokes from the nobles of the Reach.

  Natalie squatted obediently beside Samwell, waiting to be fed, smiling very sweetly.

  The maids wandered among the bonfires, serving barley venison soup and fruit and vegetable salad.

  Margaery personally poured red wine for the reach nobles by the bonfire, and then giggled as she watched the performance in the center of the venue.

  It was a juggler throwing burning sticks into the air, but he could throw them, but couldn't catch them. He was frightened by the fire sticks falling from the sky, and ran away in embarrassment, causing the audience to burst into laughter.

  Margaery told everyone that the man was the king's clown, called "Moon Boy".

  Moon boy, who failed to catch the fire sticks, soon changed into colorful clothes, jumped up and down on stilts, and at the same time kept saying some jokes about the old men present.

  As today's "star figure", Samwell was naturally not spared. The clown imitated his horseback riding charge, but plunged into the tent, then got up and yelled, saying that he had won and was the champion .

  Of course, Samwell would not be angry with this kind of joke, and this clown even dared to make jokes about the king and queen, so he was obviously quite favored.

  At this time, the maid brought new delicacies that Natalie had never eaten, she looked at it with curiosity .

  In the end it was Margery who taught her eat encouraged her to take the first bite.

  Then the little girl was overwhelmed by this delicacy, and excitedly tried cut it herself, and brought it to Samwell's mouth: "Sam, try it quickly, it's delicious! "

  What a pity there's no attribute .

Samwell ate the snail and rubbed the little girl's hair to express his thanks.

  Afterwards, the maid brought sweet bread, pigeon pie, and lemon cake... Natalie ate until her belly was full, and finally she couldn't eat any more.

  Just when she was thinking about going for a walk by the river to digest food, a loud voice suddenly sounded on the field:

  "Shut up!"

  Natalie was startled, and found that King Robert was staggering, Standing up flushed.

  Holding a goblet in one hand, he was so drunk that he swayed and said:

  "Woman! Don't sit here and tell me to what to do! I am the king! I can do whatever I want! I will fight tomorrow!"

  Queen Cersei's face was pale, as if she was wearing a mask carved from white snow: "As a king, you are not ashamed to compete with a bunch of lowly mercenaries!"


Robert smashed the goblet to the table, "How do you think I got the throne? Was my warhammer only for nobels? Servants, mercenaries, pariahs, farmers, whoever stands in my way, I will smash their head off!"

  "You have completely disgraced the royal family!" Queen Cersei said coldly, then held her skirt and left in a hurry.

  The king was still yelling from behind, and Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer, put his hand on the king's shoulder, trying to dissuade him.

  Robert jerked his shoulders, knocking James to the ground.

  "Hahaha!" Robert laughed wildly, "Did you see that! What a shitty knight !"

  The king pounded his chest loudly: "As long as I have a warhammer in my hand, who can stop me!"

  "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish hastily stepped forward and handed another wine glass to the king: "Your Majesty, drink, drink."

  Duke Renly and others also stepped forward to persuade them, and finally passed the wine glass to the king.

  Samwell saw all this, and then realized that King Robert actually wanted to participate in tomorrow's frre for all hand-to-hand combat.

  In this competition, many fighters participated in the melee represento their personal identities to seek the final victory alone, which is simply the Game of Thrones version of the chicken-dinner game.

  Moreover, unlike the special wooden weapons used in jousting competitions, real swords and guns are used in group competitions, so the scenes will be very bloody. Severing hands and feet is commonplace, and even death on the spot is not uncommon.

  Few nobles are willing to participate in this dangerous competition . Only generally those relatively low-status people such as mercenaries, servants, and commoner swordsmen fight just to stand out in front of the nobles of the kingdom and win their appreciation.

  Therefore, it is indeed inappropriate for the king to want to participate in this competition .

  Only a weirdo like Robert would come up with such an idea.

  After this farce, the atmosphere of the banquet became more dignified.

  After the queen left, the rest of the royal family also left.

  Princess Myrcella also deliberately ran to Samwell, wearing a pink princess dress with a laurel wreath , she looked cute and tender:

  "Baron Caesar, thank you again for choosing me to be the 'Queen of Love and Beauty' today! I'm going back to rest, good night, my champion knight."

"Good night, Princess ."

Finally Margaery and Natalie returned to the Red Keep.


  The next morning.

  The dense morning fog hadn't cleared yet, and the competition field was crowded with people who came to watch.

  Outside an ornate tent near the Blackwater River stood a gigantic warhammer and an iron shield emblazoned with the crowned stag of House Baratheon.

  Inside, King Robert drank wine while dressing his armor with the help of his squire Lancel Lannister.

  "Your Majesty, this armor...is too small to fit..." Lancel was so busy that he was sweating profusely.

  "Damn fool ! None of you Lannisters are useful!" Robert cursed. "I shouldn't have listened to Cersei and took you as a squire, not even helping put on armor! You! What kind of squired are you!"

  Lancel looked at the king's huge protruding belly, but he didn't dare to speak back, and he so wronged that he almost burst into tears.

  Robert was so angry that he threw his wine glass on the ground and shouted,

  "Damn it, get the pincers that open's the breastplate! You idiot!"

  Lancel ran out of the tent in a hurry, just in time to meet Queen Cersei.

  "Cousin, Your Majesty, he..."

  "He still wants to participate in the group competition?"


  Cersei's face darkened, and she strode into the tent, and then there was a fierce quarrel.

  The sound was so loud that almost half of the people in the camp heard it.

  When Samwell brought the two little beauties to the auditorium, he also heard the quarrel between the lovely couple.

  "Your Majesty won't really participate in the group competition, will he ?"

Margaery smiled, "That's too nonsense."

  "Someone should be able to persuade him..." Samwell frowned.

  With the beating of drums, the group competition officially kicked off.

  There were nearly fifty contestants, squires, sellswords, commoners seeking fame, and, of course, our good king, Robert Baratheon.

  "Come on! Boys, let me see what you're capable of!"

  Standing on the arena, Robert laughed in a contemptuous tone.

  The king was wearing an exquisite plate armor, but the protruding belly propped up the breastplate, which made him even more huge. He held a terrifyingly huge hammer in both hands, and the huge antler helmet on his head

The sun was shining brightly, and even though he hadn't fought for many years, the once invincible god of war still had an unrivaled aura.

  The contestants around looked at each other, but no one dared to attack the king first.

  Impatient with waiting, Robert swung his hammer and charged at the Thoros of Myr.

  With a shaved head and a flaming sword in his hand, he was the most eye-catching one besides the king.

  That's why he was targeted by Robert.

  The king charged with a warhammer, laughing wildly: "

  Come on! Thoros, fight me !"

  However, Thoroa looked at the menacing Robert, who didn't know whether he was afraid of the opponent's strength or his identity, didn't dare to fight hard at all, but kept walking around, avoiding Robert's warhammer.

  When the others saw that the king had an opponent, they also began to fight.

  For a while, they formed a small team to join forces to fight against the enemy, and for a while, they fought among themselves and killed each other. They tried every means to drive others off the field so that they could stand in the end smoothly.

  The scene quickly became chaotic and bloody. People kept having their fingers cut off, their bones broken, and they vomited blood... Fortunately, as long as they open their mouths to surrender, they can quit the game, so no one has been killed yet.

  "Damn it! Thoros, you bastard!"

  Seeing that Thoros had been avoiding to fight him, Robert cursed angrily for a while, and finally swung his warhammer and rushed into the most chaotic battle circle.

  It has to be said that the king is really powerful. Even though he has been fattened by drinking and sex all these years, he is still extremely fierce. As soon as he made a move, he smashed the shield of an unlucky mercenary.

  Robert laughed a few times, swung his warhammer again and rushed into the crowd.

  At this time, everyone was already desperate , and regardless of Robert's noble status, they began to fight back one after another. Some even saw the king as threat and joined forces tacitly.

  Robert was unafraid, but even more excited, swinging his warhammer so vigorously that no one dared to approach him.

  But at that moment, Robert's breastplate burst open.

