
Chapter 118

Chapter 118 The Rose of the Northbound

  The huge convoy slowly drove out of High garden .

  Both sides of the road were crowded with people who came to see them off.

  On a luxurious carriage with hundreds of golden roses carved on its side, "Highgarden Rose" Margaery Tyrell opened the curtains and waved to the crowd on the side of the road.

  Whenever she passed by, the crowd erupted into cheers. Women raised their children to ask her to bless them. Men stared at her beautiful face and shouted her name. Children excitedly spread bright rose petals on the path .

  The convoy drove for nearly five miles along the Rose Avenue, and the seeing-off crowd gradually thinned out.

  Margaery pulled down the curtain, and washed her face with warm spring water.

  "I'm afraid there is no nobleman who can win so much love from the commoners like you."

  Garlan Tyrell looked at his sister with a smile and said with emotion.

  Margaery untied her headband, let her long soft and curly hair hang over her shoulders, and said with a smile,

  "How could that be? There are too many nobles who are more famous than me, Aegon the Conqueror, Nymeria the Warrior Queen , 'Mirror Shield' Serwyn...their story is known to everyone."

  " It's different." Garlan shook his head, "Aegon Targaryen's power and fame come from his dragon , Nymeria conquered Dorne with a halberd, and "Mirror Shield" Serwyn has been chanted by bards to this day because he was able to defeat the dragon and save the princess. People respect them more than they love them, but Throughout the ages, there are really very few nobles who can conquer the people without relying on force."

"What about Baelor I? He didn't win the hearts of the people by force."

  "'Blessed' Baylor did not rely on force, but he borrowed the brilliance of the Seven Gods, and he was too fanatical and made many stupid decisions."

Garlan looked at his sister with burning eyes, "This time on King's Landing, I believe you will be able to conquer the people there with your charm, and even win the love that no king in the history of the Iron Throne has ever received."

"Brother, I'm ashamed of what you said. If you let outsiders hear it, I'm afraid they will think that our Tyrell family is a bunch of arrogant lunatics."

  "Hahaha..." Garlan laughed, and stopped talking about the topic just now, and said instead, "This time I wanted to let Wilas to join , just to relax, but unfortunately he refused."

  Thinking of the grievances between her elder brother Wilas and Prince Oberyn, Margaery shook her head:

  "I still don't want wilas to meet Oberyn , who knows what will happen again."

  Garlan sneered: "I just wanted my brother to come and watch Oberyn Martell stand trial and even be convicted and beheaded!"

  Margaery said softly as she changed her recliner position , and said with some anxiety:

  "I actually don't want to see Prince Oberyn be convicted..."

  Garlan couldn't help frowning, and reminded:

  "Sister, have you forgotten?"

  "Of course I haven't forgotten. I still haven't forgotten the thousand-year hatred between Reach and Dorne. But...you know, even though it's been so long, every time In the dead of night, I can't help but think of the scene of Duke Jon Arryn before he died, and his last cry always echoes in my ears..."

"I often think about it too." Garlan said solemnly Nodding, "Duke Jon is a respectable old man."


Margaery reached out to lift her messy hair by her ear,"When Duke Jon was dying. He believed that Prince Oberyn was not the murderer who poisoned him, but in fact he didn't want his death to trigger more intense conflicts. If His Majesty convicts Prince Oberyn, Duke Jon's painstaking efforts may be in vain."

  Garlan shrugged: "But if you are guilty, you are guilty. The Seven Gods will not tolerate people like Oberyn Martell taking advantage of Duke Jon's kindness."

  "Speaking of this, I don't really believe that Prince Oberyn is the murderer who poisoned Duke Jon."

  Garlan looked at his sister with an incredulous look, and called out,

  "Oh, Margaery, how could you have such an idea? You saw the situation at that time, Oberyn clearly wanted to kill Duke Jon. Everyone thinks so."

  "No, not everyone." Margaery had a faint smile on her lips, "Baron Caesar also thinks that Prince Oberyn is not the real murderer."

  "The reason?"

  "When the duke's body was sent away that day, Sam whispered to me that if Prince Oberyn did it, he would never have appeared at the banquet in armor and holding a halberd. , Is this because he is afraid that others will not suspect that he is the murderer?"

  Garlan pondered for a moment, then stroked his chin and said, "There is some truth in saying that. But it is also possible that Oberyn deliberately played this trick to clear himself of suspicion. Besides this 'Red Viper', who else would poison Duke Jon?" "

  " I don't know about that. Sam guessed that there might be some conspirators who deliberately blamed Duke Jon's death on Prince Oberyn."

  Garlan laughed loudly: "Sister, this Baron Caesar is very thoughtful. Does he know who this conspirator is?"

  " He didn't say."

  Garlan spread his hands: "So Ah, this guy is also pretending to be deep, guessing randomly. How can there be so many conspiracies in this world. And among the people present at that time, I can't think of anyone else who has the ability and motivation to poison Duke Jon."

  Mary giggled, "Brother, but grandma also agrees with Sam."

  "Grandma?" The smile on Garlan face disappeared immediately.

  Of course, Garlan did not dare to refute Lady Olenna's judgment easily. The old lady's wisdom was the key to the Tyrell family's position as Duke of Highgarden for half a century.

  After a while, Garlan spoke again: "Then did grandma say who was behind the death of Duke Jon?"

"No , Grandma doesn't seem to be sure."

  "Did she say what should we pay attention in King's Landing?"

  "Grandmother said, Just watch a big show." When she said this, doubts appeared on Margaery's delicate face.

  "A big show?"

  "Yes. But grandma didn't say much. I guess she thought that there might be a follow-up to Duke Jon's death. The prince's trial, I'm afraid the conspirator will again take action."

  Garlan frowned and pondered for a moment, and finally smiled:

  "Forget it, even if there is a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy against Dorne, so let Martell have a headache. Since we are only allowed to watch a play, it means that this conspiracy will not involve High Garden ."

  Margaery nodded in agreement: "Yes. Compared to this, there is another matter that gives grandma headache."

  Garlan immediately understood: "You mean Wilas marriage, right?"

  "Yes." Margaery frowned slightly, and sighed, "I understand grandma, Earl Alester Florent refused his granddaughter marriage to Wilas, she was really angry."

  "Huh! I don't know what that old fellow in Bright Water keep was thinking, even if Wilas had a broken leg, he would still be the heir of High Garden , is he not worthy of his granddaughter?"

Garlan was so angry that he slammed the book in his hand on the small table, "The old guy still wants to marry his granddaughter to Baron Caesar?"

  Margaery shook her head lightly: "No, I hear the little Florent girl is engaged to Dickon Tarly."

  "Dickon? Not his brother?"

  "No. However, in fact, the nature is similar. Grandma thinks that the Florent family clearly rejected the olive branch extended by the Tyrell family, and they are all thinking about building an alliance with the Horn Hill family. Oh, yes, also Add Eagle Island, and even Starfall City.….and High Hermitage city ."

  "No wonder grandma is angry." Garlan curled his lips, then suddenly thought of something, and said, "By the way, you Knighted that Baron Caesar yourself. Can't your charm make him come closer to Highgarden?"

  Margaery rolled her cute eyes: "Brother, you overestimate my charm. In fact, although Sam didn't say it clearly, I know , during the last war with Dorne, High Garden behavior of keeping silent has already carved a crack in his heart. Hah!, it may not be so easy to make up for it in the future."

"Who would have known that kid was so capable at that time?

  " Hit."

Garland also shook his head and sighed, "I'm afraid he will be another Randyll Tarly in the future, we really miscalculated last time."

Margaery also sighed and fell silent, her deer-like eyes flickering , don't know what she was thinking.

  Starting from Highgarden , follow the Rose Avenue all the way north to King's Landing.

  The speed of the Tyrell family's convoy was not considered fast. They stayed at Bitter Bridge and the Royal Forest for a few days to rest, and when they arrived in King's Landing, it was already more than 20 days later.


  Margaery leaned out of the car window, waving her arms to the third brother who came to greet her.

  "Little sister, haha, long time no see, you look so beautiful!" Loras Tyrell came to the side of the white horse carriage , and when he saw his second brother poking his head out,

"Garlan , are you getting fat again! "

  Garlan threw the leftover nutshell at his younger brother, and scolded with a smile: "I'm not getting fat!"

  Loras smiled and avoided: "No, no. You are stronger."

  Garlan snorted softly: "Boy, let's compete when we have time to see if your spear skills have improved."

  "Okay." Loras readily agreed, "Let's go, I'll take you into the city!"

  Margaery lay by the window, looking at the towering city wall not far away, and asked,

  "Is His Majesty in the city?"

  "No." Loras rode on the side of the carriage, "His Majesty has gone to Winterfell."

  "Winterfell?" Margaery's eyes flashed with amazement, "Is he going to invite Eddard Stark, the Duke of the North, to come to King's Landing to serve as the Hand of the King?"

"That's right."

"It's really Duke Eddard . The corners of Margaery's mouth turned up slightly, "It seems that what grandma said is right, this Northern Wolf King is our king's true brother."

