
Chapter 85

Chapter 85 Lords of the Reach

Old Town.

  Illuminated by the everlasting fire of the Hightower ,huge fleet sailed down the upper reaches of the Honeywine River and entered the harbor.

  The flags on the ship were uniformly embroidered with a dazzling red and gold fox, surrounded by a circle of lapis lazuli flowers—

  this was the coat of arms of the Florent family, the lords of Brightwater Keep.

  The fleet docked at the port to replenish supplies and fresh water, and then continue to sail to the summer sea.

  "Lord Alekyne, supplies and fresh water have been replenished. It's just..."

"But , what?" Alekyne Florent asked absent-mindedly, looking at Whispering Sound in front of him.

  As the eldest son of the Earl Florent , Alekyne led the army to support Eagle Island under his father's order this time.

  Alekyne actually supported his father's decision.

  After all, that child is his nephew, and Earl Randyll offered such a condition...

  However, the Dornishmen are not easy to deal with.

  And he heard that Princess Arianne has already come to the front line, but on the other side of the river, the Tyrell family has been silent for a long time.

  Alekyne was a little worried, could they really win this war with the troops from Horn Hill and Brightwater City alone?

  With such anxiety, he was not in a good mood along the way.

  The attendant seemed to see that the master was in a bad mood, and whispered: "But there is a mercenary group who also wants to go with us."

  "They want to take a ride? No, refuse them."

  "No, sir. They said they would fight for us and the price is only one golden dragon."

  Alekyne finally turned his head and frowned, "Which mercenary group are they?"

  "Oak Shield mercenary group."

  "Oak shield?" Aleken was a little surprised. He thought it was a group of poor people who had nothing to eat and hungry, and they took the initiative to find him, but he didn't expect it to be the well-known oak shield mercenary group in this area.

  He knew that this mercenary group was quite strong, with nearly 700 members.

  Such a mercenary group, how could it be possible to hire them to work on the battlefield with only one golden dragon.

  "Are you sure they only want a golden dragon?"


  "Do they know what we are going to do?"

  "They should know. I tested it, and their leader directly said that they would go with us to kill the Dornishmen."

  "Where is he? Take me there."

  "Yes, my lord."

  On the way, Alekyne already had a guess in his mind—

  the mercenaries are a group of guys who only recognize money, and they would not be willing to fight for a golden dragon. The only possibility of working for the Florent family is that someone has already paid for it.

  As for the person paying the money, I am afraid it is the owner of this place - the Hightower family, the lord of the old town.

  In fact, the Hightower family and the Florent family are also related by marriage. EarlLeyton Hightower married Alekyne's younger sister, Rhea Florent.

  Yes, old couple and young wife, and this is the fourth wife that Earl Layton married.

  The Hightower family has always been very keen on marriage.

  But even if they are in-laws, there is no need for the Hightower family to help the Florent family hire such a mercenary group.

  You know, their price is not a small amount.

  When he saw the people from the mercenary group, Alekyne knew that his guess was right, because he saw a very familiar figure.

  "Little sister!" Alekyne quickened his pace, opened his arms and gave his sister a hug.

  "Hmph, brother, you didn't even say hello to me when you came to Old Town!" Rhea complained to her brother angrily.

  "I sincerely apologize to you, Lady Rhea." Alekyne said pretentiously, but after being thumped by his sister, he put away the joke and sighed, "It's not that I don't want to see you, but that It's inconvenient for me to visit you righ now "

  "What's the matter?"

  Before Alekyne could answer, another man came over.

  "Sir Baelor."

  "Sir Alekyne ." Baelor Hightower said with a smile, "I heard that the Florent family was about to go to the battlefield, so I took it upon myself to invite a group of helpers for you."

  "I really don't know how to thank you for the kindness of the Hightower family."

  Baylor smiled and waved his hands: "Actually, you don't have to pay too much attention. Because this gift is not only for the Florent family, but also for Sir Caesar."

 Alekyne frowned: "I didn't expect that Hightower family to have such a good relationship with Sir Caesar? "

  "Of course. Sir Caesar is one of the best partners of the Hightower family. You should have heard of the brandy we just launched recently . well, it was produced in Eagle Island. Unfortunately, the war interrupted all of this. Therefore, in order to obtain a continuous supply of brandy, we, Hightower, are willing to provide you with some help within our ability."

"In this case, I will accept this great gift."

  "You're welcome. It is the consistent purpose of the Hightower family to light the way for everyone."

  After speaking, he stepped back a few steps to let the brothers and sisters catch up.

  Due to the urgency of the war, Alekyne did not stay too long. After a brief chat with his sister, he waved goodbye.

  After the new companions joined, the fleet set sail again and headed for the distance.


  Highland City.

  Mark Mullendore strode into the study and said loudly:

  "Father, are you looking for me?"

  Viscount Martyn sat behind the desk, holding a letter in his hand, his brows furrowed.

  After seeing his son arrival, he put away his thoughts and ordered,

  "Take two hundred soldiers and go to Eagle Island."

  "Eagle Island?" Mark was stunned for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and said, "I heard that Sir Caesar of Eagle Mouth Island is fighting with the Dornish people. You want me to support him?"


Viscount Martin nodded with gritted teeth.

  "We are lending that person more than two hundred craftsmen, we can't let those people fall into the hands of the Dornish people. Besides, he still owes us a lot of money!"


Mark scratched his head, but he was a little worried, "But father, just two hundred soldiers are little small?"

  Viscount Martyn rolled his eyes and said angrily, "You still want to take all the belongings of the Mullendore family to fight for that kid? "

  " ..."

  "Don't worry." Viscount Martyn raised the letter in his hand and comforted him, "Vido has sent a letter. He said that the reinforcements from the Tarly family have arrived at Eagle Island, and it was Earl Randyll who is with the troops himself. If he is here , this war shouldn't be a big problem."

  Mark also heaved a sigh of relief.

  Randyll Tarly's name still carries a lot of weight in the Reach.

  "Okay, father, I'm going to gather the soldiers and set off as soon as possible."

  "Yea." Viscount Martyn nodded, and in the end he still worriedly said, "If the situation is really bad, don't rush forward foolishly."

"Remember to protect our craftsman , you know the rest? "

  " I know, father. "


  A fleet of ten warships slowly sailed into Redwyne Strait, heading southeast.

  Standing on the bow of the flagship ship, Hobber couldn't help whispering to his brother:

  "Horas , the Dornishmen don't have a strong navy, so there's no need for us to bring so many warships, we should bring more soldiers."

Horas shook his head and said, "It was decided by father. He told me that we are not going to fight for Samwell, but to ensure that the brewing technology will not fall into the hands of the Dornish people. Therefore, once the war is unfavorable, We won't go ashore to fight the Dornish people on land, we just need to transfer all the winemakers from Eagle Island to the ship and evacuate."

  "okay." Hobber nodded, little relieved.

  After a while, he asked his brother again: "Horas, tell me, can that kid Samwell beat the Dornish people?

  " A guy who can't even look at his opponent, how can he win this war?"


  Sunflower City.

 On the pier.

  Viscount Branston Cuy patted his younger brother, Sir Emmon on the shoulder, and said,

  "I'll leave it to you this time."

  "I understand. That kid still owes our family a lot of money, so we can't just let him imprisoned like this."

  "You just need to understand." Viscount Branston hesitated and sighed, "Also, you can test that kid and tell him that if he is willing to marry my daughter Alice, I will send him more supplies and help him."

  "I see. If that kid still doesn't know what to do and loses the battle, then I will tie him back to be my niece's husband."

  Viscount Branston glared,

"That won't work. ! Is that kid is worthy of my Alice without Eagle island ? Did you really thought my daughter wouldn't be able to get married!"


Note -I'll uploading 2Ch/day other than sunday from now on as i have started working on another novel …. Hope you guy keep supporting me .😁

Peace out✌️
