
Chapter 41

Samwell had just finished taking a bath when he heard knock outside the door.

  Guessing that it should be the servant sent by Viscount Brandon to pick him up for the banquet, he quickly got dressed and opened the door .

  "Sir Caesar, the Viscount ordered me to take you to the dinner party."

  Samwell opened the door and smiled at the maid outside the door:

  "Please lead the way."

  Following the maid through the dark Long corridor, he came to an oak door trimmed with silver.

  "Sir, the dinner will start in a while, you can take a rest in the waiting room first."


  Samwell pushed open the wooden door in front of the door and walked into the room.

  But the next moment, he froze on the spot.

  Because what caught the eye was pink curtains, snow-white cashmere carpets, a luxurious ivory bed, and an exquisite dressing table.

  Where is this reception room?

  It is clearly the bedroom of a certain lady or trap !

  Samwell's heart tightened, and he immediately turned to leave, only to find that the door had been locked from the outside.

  At this moment, a crisp voice sounded in the room:

  "Ah, Sir Caesar, you are so rude, why did you come to my bedroom!"

  Only then did Samwell realize that a young woman was walking in the room. She came out and looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile.

  Alice Cuy !!

  The youngest daughter of the Viscount Brandon was wearing a rather bold gown at this time, but her figure was too plump making the clothes quite deformed. There was no elegance at all, but it looked ridiculous and round. The round, fat face was covered with heavy makeup, but even it couldn't cover all the freckles and acne.

  Samwell quickly lowered his head and stopped looking.

  Because for an ugly person, looking closely is a kind of cruelty.

  "Sorry, Miss Alice, just now a maid told me that this is the waiting room, maybe she made a mistake. I'll leave now."

"Don't worry! Sir Caesar, I heard from my father that you are a brave knight and conquered Tens of thousands of savages! Please , come and tell me your story."

  Seeing Alice rushing towards him, Samwell could guess that this was a well-designed trap!

  Damn Brandon Cuy!

  Even if your daughter is unsalable, you can't buy and sell by force!

  In a hurry, Samwell usrd all his strength and slammed the wooden door behind him—


  Thanks to the substantial increase in his strength attribute during this period of time, reaching 2.73, he abruptly pulled the door bolt off.

  After forcibly opening the door, Samwell rushed out of the room, dodging the tiger girl behind him. He was just relieved when he saw Viscount Brandon with a look of astonishment at the corner!

  At this moment, the air seemed to freeze.

  Samwell was the first to react, and said in front of Viscount Brandon, "Sir Viscount , I accidentally knocked down the door just now. I'm really sorry."

Brandon, also a little helpless, couldn't help but glare at his daughter Alice in the end, as if to say -

  why did you let him run away so easily?

  Alice snorted aggrievedly, turned and went back to the room.

  "Ahem, it's all right, don't worry about the wooden door, Sir Caesar, the dinner party is about to begin, let's go."


  The two walked side by side, tacitly pretending that nothing happened just now, and soon chatted and laughed happily again.

  "Sir Caesar, why are you going arbor Island this time?"

  "Sir Viscount, you must be aware that the Red Mountains are too barren. If my territory wants to grow and develop, I must purchase food and other living supplies from outside. , I'm going to Arbor Island this time, hoping to reach a material supply contract with the Redwyne family."

  Viscount Brandon glanced at Samwell, as if laughing at the other party's naivety:

  "Young man, I have to remind you , if you plan to rely on transporting food and materials from outside to supply the territory, I am afraid that you will need a lot of money."

  Samwell said with a relaxed tone:

  "I know. Fortunately, a silver mine was discovered in the territory recently, so... ..."

  "Silver mine?" The ridicule on Viscount Brandon's face suddenly turned into envy, "You are such a lucky guy!"

  "It's all a gift from the Seven Gods!" Samwell drew a pious sign one on his chest.

  Viscount immediately shut up.

  Sure enough, after waiting for a some time, Viscount Brandon couldn't help saying:

  "Actually, you don't need to go to Arbor Island. Our Sunflower City can also supply food and materials , and it's even closer than Arbor Island! So you can save a lot of shipping costs."

  Samwell smiled inwardly , but on the surface he put on a hesitant look:

  "However, my territory has more than 10,000 people, and I am afraid it will continue to increase in the future. can you supply so many people ?"

  "No problem!" Viscount Brandon waved his hand and said confidently, "There are countless fertile fields around Sunday City. If you don't believe me, you can go and see for yourself. Wheat, vegetables, and fruit tree can be seen everywhere! Don't worry about 10,000 people, I can even supply to 30,000 people!"

  It turns out that your supply limit is 30,000 people.

  Samwell rubbed his chin and thought about it:

  "In that case, the price..."

  "Absolutely fair!" Viscount Brandon was like a diligent businessman at this moment, "I can ask someone to make a price list for you, if you are not satisfied, you can talk to me directly!"

"Very well, as long as you can guarantee The price is fair, I will purchase food and supplies from Sunflower City."

  "Haha, you made a wise decision!"

  "However, there is one condition that I need to explain in advance." Samwell stopped the beaming Brandon Viscount .

  "What conditions?"

  "You should also know that the mining of silver mines needs to be authorized by the king. Although I have sent someone to King's Landing to ask for instructions, it will take time, and it will also take time to organize mining, refining, casting, etc. "Samwell spread his hands, "I may not be able to pay for these materials immediately, if you accept the extension, then we can talk about it."

"Extension ?" Viscount Brandon frowned, "How long will the extension be?" "

  "Half a year."

  "Half a year?!" Viscount Brandon almost jumped up, "It's impossible!"

  But the next moment, he sharpened his eyes and added, "However, if you are willing to marry my daughter, That's no problem."

  Samwell twitched the corners of his mouth and secretly thought, 'Even if your daughter gives me half a year's supplies for nothing, I wouldn't even want them.

  "I can understand your concerns." Samwell put on a look of not caring whether the other party agrees or not, "That's why I didn't mention this to you before, but I planned to go straight to arbor Island. Redwyne family has strong financial resources, and it is not be a problem for them to postpone the payment for half a year."

  This made Viscount Brandon grit his teeth, hesitated for a while, and then said again:

  "At most, you can postpone the payment for three months! After three months , your silver mine should be able to produce output."

  "Three months..." Samwell pretended to ponder for a while before sighing, "Okay, then three months. However, I hope that first batch of food supplies can be shipped to Bleak Island within three days."

  "No problem!" Viscount Brandon immediately agreed, "We will draw up a list of supplies after the dinner."

  "Okay!" Samwell then smiled and extended his right hand at the same time, "Happy cooperation!"

  "Happy cooperation !" Viscount Brandon shook Samwell's hand vigorously, and seemed to realise, "You are an excellent negotiator!"

  "So are you." Samwell smiled extraordinarily honestly.

  Viscount Brandon got closer and said unwillingly,

  "If you are willing to marry my daughter, I will give you three months' supplies for nothing!"

" I made an oath, if i can't open up a territory, i will never start a family!"

  Viscount Brandon sighed, but he had no choice but to give up.

