

Amanda walked out of the room shutting the door behind her as she headed down the hallway, moving as fast as she can, she was already 10 minutes late for her first class, knocking slightly she bowed her head.

"what can I do for you?" A man in his late 40's wearing an annoyed expression asked.

"I'm actually in this class." Amanda replied softly.

"really and you're here at this time." He yelled pointing at his watch.

"I'm sorry sir, it wouldn't happen again." She apologized.

"it better not, I don't like lazy students."Hhe said and allowed her in.

Amanda entered the class with everyone staring at her, some murmuring. Amanda found a vacant seat at the back beside Eliza and her friends.

"hey! what you doing here?" Eliza asked.

"I saw a vacant seat and I sat here." She explained and turned to face the teacher.

During the class, Eliza and her friends were giggling and laughing while the teacher was talking and when Amanda told them to reduce their voice she was yelled at

"hey you get out of my class!" he said pointing at Amanda.

"are you talking to me?" Amanda asked and everyone laughed

"if not you then who would I be talking to." He asked angrily.

"but sir Eliza and her friends were all making noise." She tried to explain.

"then since you to have nothing better to say, you and Eliza should get out of my class!" He ordered.

"sir I wasn't even talking." She protested.

"oh! I didn't see that." He replied sarcastically.

"detention for you both and out of my class this instant!" He commanded pointing towards the door.

Eliza looked up to face Amanda staring dangerously at her, she picked up her backpack and slightly pushed Amanda leaving the class as Amanda followed.

"Eliza!" Amanda shouted running down the hallway to stop her.

Eliza stopped as Amanda ran towards her slightly touching her shoulder. "I'm sorry" She said.

"what are you sorry for?" Eliza asked coldly.

"I know it was kind of embarrassing for you." she replied facing the floor.

"embarrassed, when you're talking to me look me in the eye." She commanded.

Amanda looked up at Eliza shaking like a leaf, she was nervous and scared of the new side of Eliza:

"listen to me very carefully because I won't repeat it..." She paused taking a deep breath "stay away from me".

And with that Eliza walked down the lonely halls to the detention room leaving Amanda alone facing the floor.

"Eliza is so mean, why does she have so many secrets, what could they be?" She thought.

"I need to find them out." Amanda says.


Amanda opened the door slightly after the security had collected all electrical material, she walked in gently and found a few others students.

Some where playing cards while the others were busy reading. She sighted Eliza from afar reading a magazine. she was about to seat next to her when she remembered her words:

"stay away from me!"

Amanda sighed and walked past her seating at the back. She placed her bag on the table, observing the activities going on around her when, a voice distracted her

"are you Eliza's new roomie?" A feminine voice asked from beside.

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