
Mate 2.

" What's that howl about ?" Lissa spoke walking from the kitchen toward the living room where her mother sat peacefully meditating , " That could be him , who else howls like that " Laura's voice came still her eyes being closed .

Another howl came but this time everyone sensed that something unusual was happening , meanwhile the gates were opened as Damien ran as fast as he can toward pack house .

" Mom something is not right with the howl " Lissa added putting the glass she held on the table and walked toward the door ,but before she came near it , it was busted open revealing Damien in his pants holding a girl on his hands .

His speed was uncatchable as his long legs took steps toward the Alpha's roof . Lissa was stunned by the sight , finally the mighty and dangerous Alpha was holding a girl again , 'Who's this girl ?' she questioned herself .

" Damien " Laura opened her eyes as soon as the noise reached her ears , she stood up and followed her son leaving the stunned Lissa downstairs .

' Devi mindlink Tressa , now ' a commanding voice crossed Devi's mind and soon he did as asked , when Damien reached his room , placed the girl on the bed and caressed her hairs , today his hands were trembling , the Almighty Damien's hands were trembling .

" Please wake up " he mumbled when the door came wide opened as Laura walked fastly toward the bed , " Damien what's happening ?" , she questioned observing his son who was now holding the girls hands that gave him tingles all over , his head only looking at her not giving a shit about anybody else .

" Damien " Laura called again and luckly Devis walked with Joel together with a woman on her late age holding a case like box on her hand .

" Alpha she's here " Devi spoke slowly as the woman took her steps toward him lowering her head . " Make sure she's okay, Tressa " Damien spoke more like ordering and the woman nodded .

" I need space Alpha Damien " Tressa spoke opening her case , " Everybody out " Damien ordered ruffling his hairs and immediately everyone walked out , except for Laura .

" Damien " Laura called for another time seeking his attention not knowing that for the while Damien is not himself , not after seeing his mate on the state that's unimaginable .

" Didn't you hear me , I said OUT " a shouting came accompanied with the growl making Laura taking steps backward as her lips shivered , Her face paled on the sight she was witnessing , Damien's eyes were growing completely Gold , Damon was in control and angry too .

Laura gulped before walking outside leaving him with Tressa alone , Damon's eyes softened after he gazed back to the girl on the bed as tears welled up , ' Alpha , sorry but I need a self space ' Tressa spoke her head held low .

' She's my mate I have the right ' he replied through the mindlink when Tressa looked at him " Well she wouldn't prefer being naked to the man she doesn't know , I guess " , that was what needed to make him walk out of the room .

Alyssa was lighting the candles for her sermon when her hands trembled as the words curved themselves on her right hand , pain covered her body as she fell down crawling , her eyes growed faint blue .

' Akira , what's happening ' she asked her wolf as the pain subsided , ' She's here ' Akira spoke and Alyssa shuddered on hearing that .

" Her incarnation , that's too early " Alyssa mumbled as she stood and walked toward the sacred door , opened it and walked down in a room that had walls curved with pictures like shape , her white hairs floating on her back ending past her butts , some came to the front of her face , she held her hand that had now words on it , it was still painful .

" Is it true , she's here ?" she went on speaking to the walls before grabbing the wolf like statue on the wall , pressed it and the walls divided revealing a dark path , she sighed and started to walk downstairs still holding get hand as her body got weaker and weaker , her blue dress came loose as the dress handle fell down as she she crawled back there .

Her slander legs took unbalanced steps down the stairs wiggling a little bit when the light came into view , the candles were lighted placed along the way both sides making the way a little but lighter .

She increased her pace until she came to an end of the way that revealed a huge room still filled with the candles on the both side surrounding the room , on the middle was an ice shaped as a table and on top of it later a woman , she looked young on her white dress with her white shoes , her head leveled looking upward , her hands on her abdomen , her lips were pale pink , her skin was faintless , smooth and she looked beautiful .

Alyssa walked closer slowly , before reaching near her , she smiled as tears flowed down her cheeks , her hands slowly caressed the white hairs of the girl as her eyes closed when suddenly she froze feeling her body stiffening , her head leveled up as her eyes came to being white , her lips quivered .

' I need to get out of here , please help ' a voice came pleading and suddenly dissapeared when Alyssa fell down being weak , sweat dripping down her face as it held horror .

" No , how can this be " she mumbled before darkness sweeped her conscious away from the light and her body fell on the floor .

Thunders roared outside as the sky got heavy and the rain started , itbpoured heavily like nothing while thunders did too , the atmosphere changed as the sky kept on poulring it's frustration or happiness since nobody could tell what was going on .

The girls hairs on the ice glowed more and more as the thunders went on , while her body floated on the air , still on the same posture , her hands on the abdomen and her hairs floated down , Alyssa's eyes gave a blur sight of whatever is happening .

" What's going on ?" she mumbled before everything became blank again and after sometime everything went back to normal .
