
One Night To Decide

Chapter 42: One Night To Decide

Shadow werewolf or not, Michael was still granted only one evening to make up his mind.

The regular guy, who had been brought into this supernatural world, chose to spend the night with no other but Maleva. 

While Maleva didn't have a permanent home in Cherrywood, no longer living with her mom, she couldn't afford an actual home. So, Maleva lived in one of the town's many hunting shacks. Now, this hunting shack she crashed into was not meant to be an actual home where people could live.

The shack was well-built. The walls were constructed with solid wood, but it was so tiny outside that one person could hardly live there. There was no bedroom. There was only one room, and it was sort of transformed into a living room by Maleva herself. 

The big positive about this shack was that it came equipped with its own fireplace, in order to keep the place as warm as possible during terribly cold nights and the worst winters. 

With no other place to go, Michael could share this place with Maleva. Cozy with one another with the flames of the fireplace warming them up during this freezing night. With Michael being that much shorter and smaller than Maleva was, they could easily make it work for two in this tiny hunting shack in the middle of the woods, not too far from where the actual town was. The spunky huntress with red and green hair had both of her muscular arms wrapped around the boy she loved so much. 

"We're snug. Aren't we?" she asked as she held him tight under a fur blanket next to the fireplace. 

Beautiful Maleva stripped as soon as they entered the hunting shack not too long ago. 

She couldn't endure another second with clothes on, which were intruding on her body after wearing them the entire day. Typically speaking, she never liked keeping most of her clothes on behind closed doors. Much to Michael's disappointment, of course… 

No, that was not true. Michael grinned the entire time he spent under the covers with her perfectly voluptuous body squishing him. 

Michael definitely loved the fact that she would always undress as soon as possible behind closed doors. She was not entirely doing this for him, it was for her, she did it for herself and for her own comfort. 

"We are…" he admitted to him about the snug aspect of both of them under the fur blanket. 

"Is there something wrong, Michael?" she asked him. 

"Mal… There's something I need to tell you about…" 

"What is it?"

"Something happened back at that strange church…" he began explaining to her before coming to a full stop because it was simply so complicated for him to admit to her what had happened in the confessional booth. 

"What happened, Michael? Tell me?" as it was often the case, she grew quite impatient. She didn't want to wait any longer for him to tell her what the heck had happened.

"The confessional booth…" 

"The confessional booth? Do you mean when you and the nun had a little chat? What was her name again? Um… What was it…?"

"Catherine," he reminded her.

"Catherine! Yes. Her. Okay, so what happened in the confessional booth?" she asked once more with a big smile on her face. Pretty innocent and unsuspecting of what might have gone down in that sensual and seductive religious confessional booth. 

"She… Seduced me…" Michael finally admitted to her, even if it took everything out of him to do so.

She had a right to know. 

The smile on her face slowly and sadly faded.

It was gone. 

"I needed to tell you…"

"She seduced you in the confessional booth?" she inquired. 

"She did…" Michael shamelessly admitted to her as they were getting nice and cozy with one another. 

"Aren't confessional booths supposed to be for… Confessions and stuff…?"

"That's pretty much how it started. It was all about the confessions at first, but then, it shifted away from that a bit and there was this glory hole in the booth… Everything got out of hand and I want to apologize for it… I would totally understand if you didn't want to be my friend, anymore because of what happened…" 

While Maleva did not reply to him as soon as he expected it to be the case, the huntress held him tight under the fur blanket. She had her big, soft, and warm tits squished against his face as she hugged him as tight as she could.


"You said it yourself: She's the one who seduced you, and she's not here anymore. I am. It's going to be okay. Anyway, you probably seduced her a bit yourself without realizing it yourself, so it's not your fault, " she sensually murmured to him. He was going to spend the night with her. This would be a long and cold night, so they needed to be together through all of it…

"Thank you, Mal…"

I had no idea this was going this well… How is she taking this so well? There's something weird here. I don't know if she knows something I don't. Or maybe this is the fact that a similar thing happened to me with Aurora not too long ago and that she's getting used to it. She was fine with what happened with Aurora, but I have no idea if my doing with another girl is starting to make me feel, even though she says everything is fine…

"Are you sure you're fine, Mal?" he asked again to be dead certain. 

"I am. Why?" 

It's a shame! I never wanted this to happen in the first place. As soon as we went on that hunting evening, which I wasn't supposed to go to, and we began making love together, I only wanted her. I still only wanted her. I never wanted other girls. Only her. I never wanted to have sex with Aurora or this nun. I hope Mal is truly okay with what happened because I definitely don't want to lose her… 


What was that?

I heard something outside and that was not normal, at all…

"Mal! Did you just hear that?" he asked her, visibly concerned. 

"You did too?" 

"We are being hunted…"

And there I was, thinking we could have one calm night, cozy with one another… 

This new chapter is up and I hope you will enjoy it or that you did. As always, please post comments to let me know that you are reading and tell me what you think about the story so far. Please consider leaving reviews, as well. It would help me a lot. Thank you so much.

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