
Finally Leaving

"Even an insect can make a difference if it bites the sensitive part of bodies?" his eyes, full of darkness, looked back at her with an unfathomable power that surprised her.

She blinked and opened her mouth to scold him again but he stood up and dusted the invisible lint off his clothes.

"If you are done, I need to go and check up on Ana." her brows furrowed as he walked away.

"That is all because of that foolish goddess! Could she not stop seducing men all around her." to think that such blasphemy was passed as a legend.

Ha! The truth was Cassey was the daughter of a woman named Maya. she had seduced a god somehow and made love to him on the night of his marriage with a goddess.

The goddess had every right to be enraged and kill Cassey. If Maya had been at her place, she would have tormented Cassey for ages before killing her.

  She would have made sure that Cassey would bear for her mistake for eternity. Death was a simple solution. Ha!

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