
Chapter 7

Tai was standing in the window of cabin four drinking a cup of coffee, she had ash grey dyed hair that was cut shoulder length with a height of 5'9 with a toned body.

" how much longer are we going to wait for these people" A man who was a couple inches taller than her said walking up next to her, she looked over at him then looked back out the window using her binoculars.

" we will wait as long as we need to " Tai said when she looked at the two tails that led to their cabin, she saw eight ATVs on one road that was about four hours away then seen three that were thirty minutes away from them.

" well one group has arrived earlier than expected " Tai said looking over her shoulder at two people who sat on the couch.

" I thought you three checked the trail out three days ago why did Grady's family take the dangerous trail" Tai said walking outside the cabin to wait on them.

" Tai we checked it before coming back, maybe they took the wrong trail by mistake " Hino said while pulling her hair up in a pony tail, Tai sighed then rubbed her temples.

Len was driving when she saw four jeeps sitting at cabin four, she also noticed a sticker on the back of one that belonged to her grandpa's shop so she pulled out her radio.

" Dale be careful we have company" Len said then her grandpa grabbed the radio, he told Dale to slow down while he pulled out his binoculars to look at a woman who he noticed right away.

" I'll be damned it's Tai " Grady said with a laugh, Len looked at him confused when he smiled at her.

" Len, Tai is two years older than you but you met her when I visited you when you were thirteen" Grady said making Len blush when she remembered her first kiss on their summer vacation one year.

" who is she to us grandpa " Len said gripping the steering wheel tight and praying that she didn't lose her first kiss to a relative.

" Jake has taken care of her and personally trained her after she was an orphan, her parents were murdered when she was eight so he had to keep her in hiding and her parents were scientists who worked all over the world but when they found out their employer was doing evil things they turned evidence in on them which cost them both their lives." Grady said, Len felt relieved and also sad at the same time.

When they pulled up Tai ran over to Grady giving him a tight hug, even their Grandma hugged the girl back.

" Tai you remember Len right " Grady said with a laugh as he shoved Len toward Tai who wrapped her arms around Len to keep her from falling.

" hi Len it's been five years since I've seen you" Tai said looking Lens features over but still held onto her until she heard a man clear his throat from behind them.

" Ah sorry I'm guessing your Dale and where is the youngest " Tai said seeing a young boy hiding behind his older brother, she notices that they have a group of unknown people with them and she frowns looking back at Grady who scratches his name nervously.

" I had to help them Tai and Dale is good friends with their daughter " Grady Said patting her back looking at four other people who walked up wearing the same balck outfit that Tai is wearing.

" ok why dont you all go eat and clean up while we grab your things " Tai said when she heard someone scoff at her before walking to grab a bag out from the last ATV.

" don't worry about him " Len said laying her hand on Tais hand, Hino watched clenching her fist.

" Len go with your grandpa so Hino can show you all where you'll stay while here " Tai said giving Hino a warning look before motioning the other three to help with their bags.

Tai watched the man who kept his eyes on Len and she blocked his view causing him to glare at her, he quickly changed his look when Grady walked over.

" she's still single you know and I know what you're going to say but I'm telling you she won't judge you about that " Grady said patting Tais back before grabbing his bag following the others inside.

Grady has been getting a bad feeling from Jay also and he wanted Len and Tai to be close.

" Len you'll be sharing a room with Tai and Jessica will join you as well while your brothers will share the room With six and Douglas. Your mom will be with me and your grandma so don't worry about them" Grady Said making Hino stop where she was walking.

" um sir I share a room with Tai I'm sure we can find a room for the girls since Tai -" Hino said when Grady waved her off.

" it's fine Hino I guess all four of you will be in that room from today on since Len is to stay by Tai at all times" Grady said walking to the kitchen grabbing a cup of coffee.

Tai walked in with three other men who brought their bags inside, she kept glancing over at Len who was doing the same while shyly smiling at her where everyone watched their interaction.

Hino walked up to Len then leaned in close to her ear whispering something that made Len blush which Hino didn't expect from her.

( you know she has an extra package downstairs ) Hino whispered making Len blush instead of giving a disgusted look to where now she is even more pissed off, Tai knew exactly what Hino was doing but she let it go for now.

" Grady when is Jake meeting us at the top of the mountain" Hino said to the old man who signed then looked over at Tai who was looking out the window with her binoculars.

" Tai we have a storm that's approaching fast, we all thought it would bypass us but not now " Frae said walking over pointing to the black clouds fastly approaching.

" how long until it hits " Tai said looking outside at her crew chopping wood for the fireplace, she then looked over at the vehicles.

" Clark take two others and pull the vehicles close to the sides of the cabins and bring me all of the keys after you're done." Tai said walking out of the cabin but stopped looking back at Len.

" Len come with me we will meet Ali and the others, Hino we will have up to eighteen people joining so men in one room and women in the other. Six go around the house securing the shudders while Ten go get the cellar ready just in case we need to use it " Tai said walking out pulling Len along with her to the jeep that was the only one parked out front now where she opened the door for Len to enter.

" thank you " Len said buckling her belt then watched how Hino glares at her before going back in the cabin, Len kept glancing over at Tai.

" so are you with that Hino girl " Len said looking out the window watching the trees starting to sway from the winds picking up.

" well we're not together but we've had sex before " Tai said earning a glare from Len who didn't like the answer she got so she clenched her lips shut making Tai hit the breaks.

" Len why are you mad " Tai said grabbing Lens hand surprising Len making her look over at Tai who captured her lips with an intimate kiss.

" Len she is one of my crew that has my back on lonely nights I made it clear or I thought I did about us being nothing more than friends. I came here for you, Ali, Calista and Lillian. " Tai said as she started driving again toward where she saw the ATVs earlier on the other trail where she parked on the side of the trail after driving for over two hours.

" they should be coming in the next half hour to a hour " Tai said taking her binoculars out looking around the area where she saw smoke from someone's campfire east of where they are.

" shit " Tai said looking toward the smoke rising spotting several dozen smoke rising from down the mountain, she takes out her radio to warn the others.

" a few miles east we have people plus over a dozen others sighted further down, there's no telling how many is even around us that might be moving or not using a campfire" Tai said over a radio to which Hino replied copy to.

" I'm sure Jake has warned Ali by now hopefully the group she's with won't put them into much danger since people tend to not listen to warnings" Tai said

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