
A good fighter

The bell had already rung when Myalis arrived at her classroom, and she sighed when she saw that their homeroom teacher was already there, and he smiled when he saw her.

"Seraphina, you are right on time, come on in," He said and she smiled and then entered the classroom.

"Good morning, everyone," She said.

"Good morning," They replied, then she sat down.

"Now, that you are all here, marking your names is complete, I want to tell you that there will be a few upcoming events and it will benefit all of you if you want to join or not, but let's leave the rest of information for until the events actually start, don't know when as yet, I want you all to focus on your studies and work hard, good luck and have a good day kids," He said.

"You too, sir," They replied and he chuckled, then left the classroom.

Myalis took out a bottle of water from her bag and opened it, then drank it since she was thirsty due to rushing around earlier.

She looked around the classroom while drinking the water and noticed that there were a few more new faces, which she assumed was because some of the students couldn't make it on the first day.

Myalis put the bottle in her bag after she finished drinking the water and looked at her timetable, where she saw that the first subject was a regular one that did not require them to use any special abilities.

They all greeted their teacher when she arrived in their class, and she began teaching them.

Their first-class lasted the first two periods in the morning, followed by a fifteen-minute break to prepare for their next class.

Their next class was about the various types of elements, and their teacher explained the different forms those elements could take, as well as the classes for those with each type.

When their classes were finished, it was time for their lunch break.

Myalis exited her classroom with her bag and was on her way to the cafeteria when she heard blades clashing from the arena next door. She smiled and crossed the bridge over a stream to the arena, which was separated from the academy and was on its right side.

Myalis noticed that some of the students were sparring and some were using real blades while others were using wooden swords, some were friendly while others were not, and while fighting, they couldn't use their abilities because the teachers wanted them to learn to fight without relying on their powers as well. She smiled and took a seat in the spectator section since she was to see how strong they were.

She took two stuffed bread from her bag and began eating them when she was approached by someone.

"What exactly are you doing here?" Before sitting beside her, the person asked, and her eyes widened when she saw it was the girl she had helped with the snake.

The girl was tall, had long blonde hair, medium breasts, a slim waist, fair skin, and shimmering light brown eyes.

"You-" Myalis said and the girl grinned.

"My name is Yuna, nice to meet you," She replied and Myalis smiled at her.

"My name is Seraphina, nice to meet you as well. I didn't realize you were also coming to this academy," Myalis said, and the girl chuckled.

"I wasn't wearing the uniform when you helped me, and you also bumped into me this morning, but you were in such a hurry you didn't notice," She replied, as Myalis turned away with a nervous smile on her face then took a bite from the bread and the girl peeked at her.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I woke up late..." She said, and the girl laughed before patting her on the shoulder.

"It's fine, I understand because I've been there before, are you going to practice with the other students as well, there are a few teachers here too," She replied and Myalis's eyes narrowed as she saw one guy winning many matches by himself, despite the other opponents being good in a fight, he brutally finished them off in less than a minute.

"What exactly is going on here?" She inquired, and the girl gave her a sidelong glance.

"He is a good fighter, better than most, and he is our age," She replied and Myalis chuckled when she noticed that for someone who wasn't using any kind of special ability during the fight, he was moving differently.

"He is cheating, good fighter my foot," She said as a smirk appeared on her face seeing how he trashed the other students.

"Yuna, I just changed my mind; I'll be practicing as well," She said as she walked away, and Yuna smiled.

'What is she up to? She said he is cheating. How?' The girl wondered as Myalis approached the center of the arena and once the young man finished off his next opponent, he looked around.

He was tall, slim, and fair, with green eyes and black hair.

"Who wants to challenge me next?" Myalis raised her arm and looked at her with a smirk, and Yuna's eyes narrowed as she stared at them, curious about what Myalis was about to do with the guy.

"Can you tell me your name?" He asked as he approached her and handed her a wooden sword, which she took.

"My name is Seraphina," She responded.

"Nice to meet you, I am Linar," He said.

"You as well," She replied as she took a step out into the middle of the ground with him, and he smiled at her.

"I'm not going to be gentle with you," He said.

"Same here," She replied, closing her eyes and concentrating on her surroundings just like her father and Calris had taught her.

'He has good control of the energy flow within his body, focusing it on his feet, which allows him to make his body lighter, his opponent will be unable to figure out where he is going, and this guy... I can sense him using a different type of magic, what is it? She thought as he rushed towards her and her brows furrowed and Yuna smiled as she moved closer to see what would happen.

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