
A Quest to Save Lives, Part 1

It sucked balls that I died at the exact moment we achieved victory over such harrowing odds, which made this death feel kind of like the Norns were messing with me just for the lols.

Even worse, I took my last short rest inside Lugh's Lament, which meant I had to undergo a third dungeon run at twice the difficulty of the previous excursion. Literally.

On the second floor, we faced off against twin Irish ogres, with me and Liara each securing a final blow without having to steal the other's kill. However, the number of burn wounds and concussions among our raid members had increased significantly so that it became harder to convince Mistress Lorelai to follow through with my plan to destroy the maenads—even with my lie about using Star-Spangled Sight—because she was concerned our manpower wasn't strong enough to challenge a horde of frenzied maenads.

Next chapter