
Vengeance is a Dish Best Served Hot, Part 1

"This is it... earn your shields, boys!" 'Anal' roared.

Yep, the annoying little bright elf was taking command of our defense, and I half-expected them to fail because of it.

"And girls!" one of the red cloaks screamed back at him. It was Dess.

"Y-yes..." Anal relented. "...and girls! Fine!"

This second stage of my strategy had been inspired by one of my and Divah's favorite movies; The 300. Like King Leonidas and his merry band, we'd funneled the surviving maenad into the tight corridor where they would be met by a wall of sturdy shields. They broke against the shield wall like a tsunami of rage, fire, and incessant shrieking, but, even with Anal leading them, our line surprisingly held firm. The maenads shoved against our red cloaks, snapping and clawing desperately over their shields, but still, the line held.

"Push~~h!" Anal ordered.

Next chapter