

"Empurra-" (Push-) A cry echoed inside the house, the poor woman had her whole body sweating, she had gone into labor prematurely due to an accident and the chances of her baby surviving were close to none- But she had to push! She screamed, the items surrounding her body started to float as her pain and despair stimulated her magic, with a final push she watched as her baby came out, the midwife took him and quickly cut off his umbilical cord with a flick of her hand, making her ring glow red for a moment.

Then- Silence.

"... porque ele não tá chorando?" (...why isn't he crying?) The midwife paled, sadly looking at the mother with pity in her eyes, but the mother didn't care. The father came running into the room, his arms and whole body covered in blood! "Amor-" (Love-) He paused immediately and looked at the Immobile baby in the midwife's arms, he looked so tiny and fragile, bigger than other babies as he probably- His train of thought was cut off by his wife shouting: "Me dá meu bebê!" (Give me my baby!) The midwife wept alongside the mother but handled the dead child to her, as the mother's tears fell upon the child's corpse, a single wish was called upon magic, and from magic, a miracle was born.

The baby's eyes widened as it let out a cry- A loud, strong cry, but most importantly: A cry of life.

A cry of survival.

-Scene Cut-

Grindelwald's defeat was a catalyst for change in the magical world. It proved that a single person could cause the most chaos and endanger the world itself. Upon that, the United States of America reached out to Australia and Canada, and reluctantly it reached out to Britain, and the four together formed the first interlaced international alliance between countries. They called themselves the English Speaking Alliance, an alliance made by four English-speaking countries who together would thrive! In about 6 months, the effect of this alliance was seen when a group of Magical Doctors discovered something that would change the entire history of magic-

Magic is harmful to children.

Well, Excessive Magic! When born, a child will first go through the formation of something called The Bridge that as the name suggests establishes between their Soul, Mind, and Body a bridge.

That bridge is called Magic! Magic flows through the body of children constantly, which helps them grow as they grow older! At the age of 11, the child will develop its first Magic Core, or a place where a large portion of its magic is stored, throughout their whole life till that point their magic would slowly gather to form that core, if exposed to too much magic through that period the potential of the child is broken! However, although believed that exercising the core could make it stronger (And it does), a child exercising their Magic Core has more consequences than benefits in the long run. Sure, the kid's magic would be greater than its peers if trained daily, but its potential for greater power in the future would be broken. At the age of 11 Magic starts to mature, only at the age of 16 is the body and magic strong enough to not be affected by the changes external magic might bring to them. Which is also another thing that changed Magic Schooling forever!

Places with a lot of magic would damage the Magic Core of children under long exposure.

Places like Hogwarts, Mahoutokoro, and Castelobruxo- Wizarding Schools built in pieces of land full of magic (Also known as Nemeton or Nemeta) were damaging the children's potential! So, what was done to stop it from happening? Simple: One could only attend any magical school at the age of 16, before that it is recommended that the child must go through magical and physical exercises for better development of their bodies, only minor exercises for both their magic and body, enough to not damage them. New facilities were built, Magic Preschools, or Magic Kindergartens as they were commonly called, became the new normal. Several, thousands and thousands of these facilities would take care of your kid and prepare them for the future safely.

Seeing the results and innovations the alliance between nations brought, other countries started imitating them, and like that factions were created.

And so were born the South Light which was composed of Brazil, Columbia, Puerto Rico, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Chile, Mexico, Argentina- basically the whole damn Latin America! The Asian Conglomerate was another successful and powerful faction that had Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, and a few other Asian Countries all allied to themselves and helping each other grow. The European Republic consisted of Italy, Hungary, France, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Denmark, and other European countries.

Then we have the African Pride that was the entire African Continent! The Oceanic Organization allied itself to the Asian Conglomerate, being consisted of the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, and Nepal among others.

They copied everything the English Speaking Alliance had done- Including their Teacher and Student exchange program!

Another group that submerged from the depths of society was the Magical Beings United, this group of interests was composed of many, many magical beings! Veelas, Giants, Werewolves, Merpeople, Goblins, and the newly uncovered Fey- Magical beings of another dimension! The Magic Beings United, or MBU, fought for their rights and after a long journey, they became recognized citizens of many nations! And through that whole thing, they met-

Alessandra Amanda Amara Oriundo was a young woman when she met the love of her life and married him, but marriage between a magical non-human was considered illegal, so they fought and soon it was recognized by the International Confederation of Wizards that Magical Beings are citizens and have rights! The South Light was the first organization to legalize many things related to Magical beings, which made the MBU very happy and the alliance between them was established. And soon, Alessandra married the love of her life, the giant Örthun Ottórøg Nevênno G'halyth, also known as Otto for friends! Together they had two beautiful daughters, both were fully human as getting pregnant was a little hard for Alessandra considering their physical differences which were challenging for them to have pleasures together.

Nothing a bit of magic didn't help!

The oldest of the daughters was Alexandra Amara Nevênno Oriundo and the second daughter was named Amanda Amara Nevênno Oriundo— When she learned she was once again pregnant, Alessandra was extremely excited while Otto was completely nervous about what would happen to their new child, but he was always nervous about everything, he was a ball of giant nervousness that Alessandra calmed down easily.

But this time his worries were more than valid.

They were right.

In the middle of the night, their home was attacked by a fascist organization that didn't like that the South Light was allied to the MBU and that the head of the South Light had married the head of the MBU! Otto absolutely destroyed the enemies, killing them easily with his weapon which was this enormous staff, with it he not only could cast magic but also killed with martial arts techniques. He didn't notice, however, a lone man who casted a dark spell at his pregnant wife, causing her to kill him by blowing him up with her magic, she didn't manage to protect herself from the spell which sent her into early labor.

It was a nightmare, that night, their new son was born dead but by some miracle, he was now alive- Holding his beautiful son in his arms, Otto felt pride within his heart as he knew, this boy was a Half-Giant! "What is his name, Love?" Looking at his beautiful wife who was tired as she had already healed herself (She wasn't a master healer for nothing!) and got up- She was the strongest person he knows, the first time she had given birth to their first daughter 14 years ago (When they were on the first year of their relationship), their home was attacked by dark wizards and wizards who opposed the rise of the MBU- What? You thought i was kidding when i said they fought for their rights?

I mean it, they fought, blood and magic, for their rights because wizards didn't want to lose power over those they had power upon- The Three Goblin wars was a good example or that! Now the Majority of Magical Beings have a lot of rights in a lot of places... Of course, Racism is still a thing sadly enough, but they never stopped fighting and never will.

Oh, right, the point is- his wife is the most amazing woman! The first time she gave birth to their first daughter she patched herself up after giving birth alone due to the fact that everyone was fighting against invasive forces (Including the Midwives), and walked right in the middle of the battlefield holding their daughter and killing as much enemies as she could. It was a glorious sight, he still thinks of it every single day when he looks into her gentle and caring eyes.

To think this Mother of Saints was so ruthless, it always did things to him.

"His name..." She leaned into his and held the baby boy- He had her dark skin and hair, but he also had his green eyes; "Derek, his name is Derek... Also, I won the bet."

Oh, right- They did this stupid bet that their next child to see if they would be a girl or boy, she bet that the baby would've been a boy and indeed he was, so now she can give him a long ass name. Why? Because. "Dë-rek Örthun Nevênno Afonso Correia Biọhrĝn G'halyth Oriundo."

Otto had to sigh- Why is with this woman and wanting long-ass names? Well, at least he had a mixture of their family names in there! "Wait, Dë-rek or Derek?" She grinned: "Dë-rek!" In Giant, Dë-rek is a word to describe the sound of the loud impact of many things, like the lightning hitting the ground, a falling star, the footsteps of a giant, the impact of a weapon in the body of another giant, and many others. Normally this word was accompanied by another to describe what noise it was, in this case, it was Örthun, the word used to describe that which is inevitable.

Fate, Destiny, Death, Life-

Dë-rek Örthun could be interpreted as "He who stands before death unmoved", "Mountain standing against fate", and "Unstoppable Force" for Dë-rek gives a sense of unmoving or unstoppable whenever paired with an inevitability.

Such a strong name for such a strong boy.

"I love it." Otto rested his hand on his wife, their intimate moment was broken by their son who woke up- Crying. "Oh baby, it's okay- I'm here." Alessandra took the baby in her arms and started singing:

"Dorme neném, que a Cuca vem pegar-"

He loved when she sang in Portuguese, she was an Oriundo, a really powerful family of Pais and Mães de Santos, or Mothers and Fathers of Saints- Wizards who can ritualistically contact the souls of the deceased, can heal physical, mental, and spiritual injuries, and much, so much more. "Wait- If the mother went to the farm and the father went working, who the fuck is singing for the baby?"

She laughed with a toothy grin- The traditional lullaby she was singing was about this mythological crocodile witch lady who eats babies, in the song the singer tells the baby to go to sleep for their mother went to tend to the farm and their father went to work... So, who's singing the baby to sleep?
