
This has ruined all my plans!!!

My name is Neko Tanaka and I am in high school. In school I'm your every day nerd with glasses that gets bullied. It doesn't help that my name literally means "cat". You can only imagine how many names I'm called which doesn't help with the bullying.

My parents said that I am named Neko when I was a kid because they knew I would be "quick on my feet" and "have amazing balance". I think that they just dank a little too much when naming me. It's not like there bad parents or even good parents they just keep me alive and semi happy and that's it. On second thought maybe they are bad parents?

Lucky I have been gifted a love of school and a amazing memory to get all A's in my classes. I read that smart kids get bullied because people are jealous of how smart they are. Unfortunately this isn't a T.V. Show where we talk it out and have a big hug but instead we talk it out by banging my head in the desk , ah good times.

Soon though I will be in college and while they are working as a janitor or as a hairdresser I will be working as a corporate slave in a black company and overthrow the boss and become a millionaire. Every time I think about I just want to maliciously laugh but I hold back. It might be a little abstract but it is still my dream.

Almost everyone in my class in one way or another reads novels but I personally don't care much about it. One thing I am not is a bookworm, Why waist your time reading when you can look at the sakura trees blooming or the full moon on a starry night. Besides I'm too busy with school and study's to read them.

Any way it was a Wednesday at school which was the day that sports day was. As you could guess I am not the most athletic person so instead of participating I decided to skip it by being the teacher's helper an run errands for them.

My Gym teacher told me to go in the shed at the back of the school to get some equipment to start the games as the people he sent never came back so I when to the shed. When I got there and opened the door I heard something and instead of picking up the equipment I went to investigate and instantly regretted what I saw. It was my main bully and the class beauty making out.

The they saw me the girl had a red face filled with embarrassment while my bully had a red face filled with anger. he marched towards me and shoved me and said "leave now an forget what you saw or I will make you forget!"

At first i was going to leave but then I realized I had dirt on them so I said "or what?" with a smug impression on my face.

However I forgot to realize that he is built like a troll and is as smart as one too. So when I thought that I had the upper hand he raised his hand made it in a fist and bonked me on the head. In a cartoon it would be funny but something was seriously wrong.

As I went to for the first time in my life fight back I felt light headed and collapsed. As my vision darkened I saw them take the supplies and close the shed. I then realized he must have used too much force and cracked my skull and I was bleeding out. "Ironic" I thought "I guess curiosity killed the cat" Then I blacked out.

After our protagonist died in the most ridiculous and embarrassing way possible the world had somehow played the perfect coverup. No one noticed Neko was missing until his bully realized he wasn't there to copy the answers off of. He then in formed the school in a very heroic manner that his best friend Neko was missing.

The school then called Neko's parents and asked where he was and due to them not wanting to get in trouble an just not caring about him the told him he was sick. They then packed there things and immediately left to go on vacation.

At the same time the school was doing construction for a bigger shed and got a giant road roller and flattened the little shed along with the body. Then they built on top of it and buried the body. This is how he was murdered without anyone even knowing he died.

Meanwhile in another world there was a abandoned bar that in the middle of the night had a big flash of light go through the windows which luckily the only people that saw it were to scared to investigate.

It wasn't until sunrise that Neko began to move and open his eyes "Where am I" he thought. He looked around and for some reason he was in a bar before he could think about where he was any further he looked at his hands.

They were furry and had claws on the end. and he looked behind him and saw a tail moving from side to side. in a panic he looked around and saw a mirror in oddly good condition and went to look in it. Before his mind could even process what he was seeing he yelled.

"WHY AM I A CAT!!!!!!"

Hello thank you for even reading my novel I hope to have lots of feedback from you all so I can have the motivation to continue this! I also have no plans to make this a pay for view in the future as that just seems unnecessary. Keep reading and have a great day!

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