
Surpassing Limits

Once Arthur awakened from his slumber, he was greeted by his activated blade which was glowing on his hand. The blade didn't have a sheath and as such, Arthur simply held on to it the entire time as he continued to run. While he was running though, Arthur's blade continued to melt the snow around him as it was allowing heat to escape it.

"I wonder…" Arthur thought to himself as he tried to swing his blade forward and just as he expected, a slash aura was launched out of the blade and it cut down a near by cloud as it split it in half. Seeing this brought a smile on his face.

"This sword is so cool!" Arthur said as he began to run while jumping in utter joy. He was happy to have gotten a gift from Yosel however even more than that, he was happy that the blade was so useful.

Over the next month, Arthur continued to run around the island without stopping for once. Whenever he felt hungry, he simply used his spell to make a food pill while he ran so that he could make the most out of his time.

During the nights, he would have conversations with Lucifer where the demon would tell Arthur stories about his time inside hell. This was all well until Arthur asked a question one day.

"I've been wondering for a while. Is there a way to go to hell?" Arthur asked with a confused face.

"Well, it's easy. You just have to die," said Lucifer as he began to laugh at how dumb Arthur sounded.

"No, that's not what I meant. I wanted to know if I could go to hell and come back," said Arthur to which Lucifer gave it a thought before replying.

"Trust me, you don't want to go there. It's not anything like your peaceful world. Although I do miss it very much. The fires there are much hotter and allow me to take energy from them to make myself stronger. I'm not even one-tenth of how strong I am in hell. Even so, even a fraction of my power is enough to deal with your entire kind so I guess I don't have any room to complain," Lucifer explained.

"But that's why I want to go there. I want to train in hell," Arthur explained to which Lucifer was left confused but felt like giving Arthur motivation as it also worked out in his favour.

"You know what? Sure, I'll allow you to visit hell and train there with my permission however I want you to get strong enough to defeat the previous council of sorcery first. Once you've done that, I'll allow you to visit hell so that you'll attain enough power to wipe the floor with anyone when you return," Lucifer explained to Arthur which was the last time the two of them spoke. This was because with Arthur's new found goal, he didn't sleep. All he did was train non stop. Even though he hallucinated, his body had memorized where it should move so Arthur allowed it to do as it pleased so that his speed and stamina would drastically increase.

After another month of this, Yosel finally exited his house to speak to Arthur as he was sure that the amount of time that he had given Arthur to train was more than enough. However when Yosel exited his home, he was surprised to find that Arthur was no longer running. More specifically, Arthur was no where to be found.

"Did he fall off the island or something?" Yosel asked himself with a confused face however before he needed to panic, Yosel yelled out Arthur's name to only get a reply rather quickly.

"Ya?" Arthur replied in a confused tone as he stopped running and was finally visible to Yosel.

"Where the hell were you?" Yosel asked.

"You had me worried sick," said Yosel.

"What are you talking about? You've been watching me this entire time, you've literally stared right at me while I did hundreds of laps around the island," said Arthur to which Yosel was left dumb founded.

"Wait, can you try to run around the island again. I'll tell you when to stop so just keep running," said Yosel to which Arthur gave a nod and began to run around the edge of the island only to become invisible to Yosel.

"It's just as I feared," said Yosel as he began to cry from being so proud.

"You can stop now," said Yosel to which Arthur stopped and returned to Yosel.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Arthur asked to which Yosel wiped his tears away and began to prepare to talk normally again as he couldn't let Arthur know how powerful he had gotten over the past several months.

"Nothing, I was just surprised that you'd gotten so fast over the past months. Not that you're faster than me or the current lord of sorcery," Yosel lied so that Arthur wouldn't get too cocky.

"So, do I continue running or am I going to do something else?" Arthur asked to which Yosel stayed silent and began to think of why Arthur was getting so powerful. He sat there confused until something finally clicked.

"No way! How could I have been so foolish! Of course it makes sense why he's gotten so powerful. He never takes a break. He's always focused on getting stronger. Even if he doesn't do it for himself, he still does what he's told and never stops. He works 24 hours 7 days a week until he's told to stop. Unless that happens, he never stops working. Unlike myself or any other sorcerer, he's crazy enough to skip sleep so that he can train and even trains while unconscious. I guess he's deserving of the power he has on his hands now. Even so, there is still room for him to improve," Yosel continued to talk to himself before stoping when he heard the sound of a body fall which was in fact real as it was Arthur's body that fell on the ground. He had been over exhausted and needed to sleep.

"It seems even people that have the devil on their side have limits too," said Yosel as he carried Arthur back to the house so that he could rest.

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