

"I don't understand why he intends on being such a burden to me sometimes. I'm the one who's trying to train him. Although I do kind of understand where he's coming from. After all, he still can't trust me since last time because I had almost killed him. Moreover, I don't understand why he hasn't asked me to teach him the spells from tiers 11 to 20. I mean I understand why he might think that he doesn't need me since he has Lucifer on his side however it would also be beneficial for him to learn the spells for his own safety so that he doesn't have to rely on others for help. After all, that's one lesson I'll never forget," said Yosel to himself as he remembered a time in his life were he allowed himself to grow careless because he believed that the people around him would always be there for him.

After sitting beside Arthur for at least a day and him not waking up, Yosel decided to leave the boy there and went off to do whatever he wished to do. He didn't think that he had a reason to stay beside Arthur so he left off to his house to get some rest.

Soon after, Yosel became interested in other things in the world. All he did for the whole day, every day was either teleport to different places around the world and have fun or stay home and eat snacks all day until he fell asleep.

Before he knew it, it had already been 4 months with Arthur still unconscious on the ground. All while Yosel was distracted, Arthur's consciousness began to take form inside his soul as he interacted with Lucifer more than ever. At first, they didn't acknowledge each other however as time went by, the two began to speak about a sentence or two to each other every day.

"Hey, what do you plan to do when you overtake my body?" Arthur asked which Lucifer found surprising.

"So you've already ruled out the possibility that you're going to be able to stop me from taking over your body?" Lucifer replied.

"It's not that I don't believe I can do it, it's more that I don't have a reason to stop you. All I wanted my whole life was to get revenge on those who tortured me my entire life. I've managed to do that thanks to you and now I don't have a reason to live. I'm just training because that's what I'm told to do. If you asked me to take over my body, I would let you do so," said Arthur which instead of pleasing Lucifer, disappointed him.

"Why do you look so disappointed?" Arthur asked with a confused face.

"Why wouldn't I be disappointed?" Lucifer replied.

"But isn't this what you wanted? You've wanted this from the start. To have complete control over my body right?" Arthur replied.

"No! No! Why would I want that? I wanted you to grow with hatred in your heart. If I wanted to control your body, you wouldn't be alive right now. I'm trying to make it so that our souls are compatible so the I can merge with it. The problem with that it, you don't have any willpower. All of it disappeared when you achieved your goal. Now you don't even care if you get killed, that's not something that I would do. As such, the gap between our souls continue to grow further apart," Lucifer explained.

"So what is it that you want me to do about it? It's not like I can just force myself to want something," said Arthur.

"Then there's no point to me being inside your body. Even so, even if you're not willing to find a goal for yourself, you're my safest option. At the rate you're going now, you'll be able to kill the previous council of sorcery on your own. Finding a new vessel is very dangerous. Specially now that they're close to making their move," said Lucifer.

"I have a question though, why is it that they're only now looking for you. I mean if you possessed my body when I was born, wouldn't it have already been 16 years since they lost you? What caused this sudden change in their hearts to chase after you more?" Arthur questioned.

"You see, this is all your fault. You started showing off and caused a massive scene in the world. You attacked Leon which is the son of one of the most influential people in the world then right after you attacked the most prestigious school in the world and caused their principal to bring an end to his own life and you even destroyed a whole city! With all these news coming out, they'll be trying to get me once again as a new power is trying to take over the world. For now though, you won't have to worry about the previous council of sorcery since they'll be under the assumption that you're just a talented boy who uses his own strength to attain status. To counter you, they plan on using me so instead of coming to you, they'll look everywhere except at you. However you shouldn't get your hopes too high either since the current council of sorcery has been keeping an eye on your for a very long time and now that Yosel killed one of their most valuable allies along with you attacking the school they prize so much, both of you will be a target for them," Lucifer explained.

"I see, I still don't have a reason to fight though. It would be easier to just let them kill me and do what they want with you," said Arthur which caused Lucifer to sigh in disappointment before he remembered something.

"Wait, on the day of the genius magic competition, you used all your power because a girl said she would sit on your face right? You do realize that if you become the lord of sorcery, there will be hundreds of girls lining up for you to do exactly that?" Lucifer asked.

Instantly, Arthur's heart went into a shock at hearing what he was told. His entire body was immobilized by what had passed through his ears. His heart began to pound as of drums were playing. His eyes lit up with a new fire in them.

Arthur had a new goal.

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