
Plots and whores

111 AC

"You're looking at not one but two dragons my Lord"- King Aemon Targaryen

Aemon pov

The war on the Step Stones is over. Daemon is the king of the Step Stones and will most likely make his way back here now. This presents the most fortuitous opportunity.

If I remember correctly, Daemon came to King Landing after giving up his crown. He had his way with Rheanyra, or at least took her to a brothel. Both technicalities are unimportant.

How can I exploit this to make it work best for me? I wonder if I could have some guards watch Daemon and Rheanyra go into the brothel. No, it wouldn't work. Viseryes would just kill them or call them liars. I need to set up a fire that no one can stop.

What to do with HempI wonder

"What do you think I should do white worm what should I do " I spoke in a jovial tone, looking adjacent to me at the bound woman who had a look of pure hatred on her face. If looks could kill, I would be Ned Stark

"Yes, how rude of me. I forgot you can't speak with your tongue indisposed ." I snicker She had been getting in the way of me making my money by refusing to sell her brothels and overall having prettier whores since she offered more money than me, so I decided to do a hostile takeover and emphasis with hostile

"You know this could all have been avoided had you simply just given into my man's demand, but it seems getting fucked by my uncle had muddled your understanding of station. You see, I'm at the top of this society. You're a whore, a number, not even a afterthought. Such a shame you jumped out of where your place is." Truly, I had no intention of letting her live, even if she sold. I knew she was an important tool I needed to get rid of before she could do any real damage. I wasn't going to let her live, and I needed experience killing, so two birds, one stone, as the saying goes.

I walk over to her, my footsteps echoing throughout warehouse, adding to the eerie environment even now she showed no fear, which is admirable.

She was a mess her clothes were now just bloodied rags, her mouth was stained with blood, and her torso was covered in cuts deep and shallow. I was using her as practice for torturing and, well, killing, although it would seem Teach did have his fun before he bought her to me.

"You see, I may be merely 8 name days old, but this body is blessed, giving me size and strength most could barely ever dream of, but with all my martial skill, I have never killed anyone, not even a rabbit, so be glad you'll be my first kill and my first taste of blood. Take solace in the fact that you will help me embrace the darker parts of the game," I said whilst walking towards her calmly.

I gently place my blade at her throat, and in a swig motion, I cut her throat from ear to ear as blood erupts from her throat. I see her eyes flashing with emotions, rage, disgust, and finally acceptance, and then nothing. They lost their spark and became lifeless as she slipped off this mortal plane.

I felt nothing, no guilt, no disgust, not even satisfaction or joy, just indifference. Well, that's good. I don't wish to become a sick individual who's out of control and can't control his bloodlust, but I also don't want to be someone who shys away from bloodshed. I prefer a more practical Tywin Lannister-type approach to bloodshead.

Now what should I do about Rheanyra? I have two avenues. I could either have a few lords spot her, but I can't be sure if they would go to Visaryes, and well, Valeryons can show what happens when you go to the Visaryes and talk about his daughter in any manner he doesn't like, and I wouldn't exactly have total control over the lords, so I believe I know what to do.

I need a few whores, a few fish wives, and a couple of loud mouths at taverns, and this story will be spread across half the realm by nightfall. I also need to stop Grandfather from talking to Viseryes and getting his ass thrown out as a hand. The last thing I need is the removal of my biggest asset from the board. I need him to stay hand, so maybe kill Lord Strong. I just need him to stay on the council and remain hand, and I know exactly which whore to blame. There is no better patsy than a dead woman to spread the rumours.

Rheanyra has made things way too easy for me. I mean, their recklessness, and then their just her. She had the choice between all the lords in the seven kingdoms; she doesn't think to go for a Stark, a Tyrell, a Lannister, or a Riverland lord. Nope, she insults, mocks, and just disregards her way through her trip. I wonder how many lords toes she's stepped on, how many egos has she hurt, how many ally's can I get from this? Either way, it's funny seeing as she's disregarded a gift that most Nobel women can't even dream about, and now it will land her in the gay husband camp. I need her to have bastards to further fuck herself over, so Leanor is my sacrificial lamb.

So that's what I'll do: force Viseryes hand to marry her to Leanor, ruin her image throughout the realm as a whore or ruined goods, and then make sure Otto remains hand and keeps a tight grasp on the king's landing. It's politics, and if I'm lucky, these roumers will force Viseryes to either make Daemons exile permenat or just kill him, but if he gets away again, well, when they do kill or send Leanor away, it's going to look even more suspicious, and the truth would hardly matter seeing as lies spread faster.

I wonder what Rheanyes will think when both her children die to Daemon and Rheanyra because they will marry. Daemon has way too much of a tight grip on her and is way too hungry for power and my throne.

Not like it matters. I need him to kill Lady Royce to destroy the Vale, and I need bastards to fuck her up. I also need to do something about the Tyrell's. I need to either bring them to my side or crush them completely. I can't have the reach split. I need unified support.

All these thoughts are rushing through my head as I walk out of the house and stop teaching. "You had your fun with her before you bought her here." I spoke in a neutral tone.

"You against it?" he asked in an equally neutral tone.

I looked at him for a bit and said, "No, but next time you decide to have some fun, do it on your own time. You were 20 minutes late, so you lose 12 silver stags." I spoke as I walked back to the red keep.

The sky was dark and only illuminated by the vibrant rays of the moon, as the stars seemed to be absent today.

The end

How was it
