
Chapter 16 - Upgrading The Camp

As Adrian examined the resources that the wooden puppets had gathered, he was amazed at how efficient they were. With the help of the wood horses, they were able to gather three times more resources in just five hours compared to what they usually do in a day.

Adrian was pleased with the results and realized that he could scale up his operation by creating more wood horses and puppets. He instructed his puppets to start building a stable for the wood horses and to set up a workshop to create more wood horses and puppets.

As the sun began to set, Adrian sat by the campfire, reflecting on his progress so far. He was amazed at how far he had come from waking up in the forest with just his ability to create puppets.

He was now the owner of a small but growing enterprise, with a team of wood puppets that could gather resources efficiently and a growing number of wood horses to aid them in their work.

Adrian knew that there was still much work to be done, but he was excited to see what the future held for him and his wood puppets.

Workshops and stables are basically zones for the needed creation. Instead of hauling up resources to create puppets from a storage cabin, Adrian believed that he could store the wood needed in workshops to create puppets and stables to create wood horses. In the future, he also thinks of different types of puppets for different uses.

Three hours later, the puppets, who had no horses either, came back to the camp and started placing the resources they had gathered into the cabin, but they noticed some problems.

Pan and Vex, two of his leaders, come to his side, and Pan starts talking. Vex still takes orders from Pan, as the hierarchy between them still exists.

"Creator, I believe we need to make the storage cabin bigger. It cannot hold very many resources. Our gathering speed increased too much in a short time."

Adrian knew about this problem before Pan needed to tell him, but he was still open to the ideas and thoughts of his puppets. He realizes how critical it is to improve his puppet-creation skills.It changes many things about his puppets.

"You are right; order others to make it three- to four-times bigger. Also, order people to make my house bigger."

Pan nodded and started commanding other puppets. When puppets command other puppets, they do not need to talk or voice their commands. Also, when the puppets want to tell Adrian something, they still don't need to talk but prefer to talk because Adrian so wishes.

In the end, Adrian only talks with Pan and Vex as the leaders; he cannot talk with every puppet or listen to them all.

Two hours later, the puppets finished scaling the storage cabin and created some sort of small warehouse that can hold up a good amount of wood, stone, and other resources such as the pelts and fur of the animals.

The total number of pelts collected has already reached 50.

Adrian nodded and then started eating as the sun went down. He wanted to create more puppets to increase his overall strength and production capability.

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