
Chapter 162 - So Now What

"I want to have faith but I want you to see why I am hesitant about this. You are my child whom I love dearly. As much as I want to shield you from the world I can't. And this will pop whatever is left of the bubble your mother and I built."

A heaviness settled into the room. 

For myself this moment felt equal parts enlightening, serious, and silly. Enlightening as I got to learn more about my parents perspective on our family empire, serious as I did not want to end my relationship with Dean, and silly because who I date did not need to be this serious to other people.

And all these feelings combined weighed on me.

"So now what? What am I supposed to do? If I am honest I am a bit conflicted. I want to stay in my relationship but I don't want to disrespect you guys and put you in a bad spot." I pushed my bangs back in frustration as dtaing should not be this difficult or even have such high stakes.

"Here is my perspective." My mom spoke up after sitting and listening for quite some time. "Your father and I have been doing business for many years, we have hit weird bumps in our careers but we have fixed them and continued to prosper. This is just another bump."

She folded her hands neatly on the table, looking ever much like the strong business woman she was before becoming a stay at home mom. "My only goal for you is to be happy. Every decision we have made regarding you was looking into your best interest not our own comfort. I... am ok should you decide you want to keep dating Dean if he makes you happy. He is a nice boy and I generally have little complaints. "

"However like your dad said now that the cat is out of the bag, people you thought were your friends will come out of the woodwork to discourage you. People will create rumors or stir up drama to place a wedge between you guys. They would want to nip it at the bud. Your Dad and I will try our best to help you, but we can only handle the physical troubles, not so much the mental ones."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I fully anticipated my Mom and Dad would just ground me and never let me leave the house again. But they are ok with this? I think my puzzled thoughts leaked into my expression as my Dad broke out into a toothy grin.

"Why are you so shocked, you know we can never say no to you. I won't lie I am not too keen on this whole thing just based on the family drama but, I no we trust you and your decisions so... imma just have to roll with the punches for this one."

"UGH." I ran over and hugged him tightly before pulling my mom into the hug to share in the joy. "Thank you thank you thank you!" After hugging for a bit we all called it a night. I called Dean to tell him the good news.

"Thats great! That is at least one hurdle down." The smile I had faltered a bit at his remark. "What about your parents?" His parents were more traditional than my own, and I had forgotten that even though they like me as a person they might not like me as marriage material for their son.

"Well my mom is on board. She has always been your biggest fan and for all the good behavior I have done, that is just bonus points in her book. Dad on the other hand...." His voice trailed off and I felt an odd sting in my chest.

"He is on the fence. He likes you and agrees with my mom about you being great dating and marriage material but its your last name that just kills it for him." 

Names. It all boiled down to my name. This felt exactly like Romeo and Juliet. Rival families where if it were not for a name there would be no boundary for love. 

"He brought up the whole family drama and about why this is not a good idea. I showed him what I showed you but he got more upset that I pulled a fast one on my grandparents. I get that its not easy for him to defy his family and that by doing this a whole blood war can happen for the fight for inheritance but the rule is ridiculous. We don't have to stay traditional forever."

So his Dad was hesitant. As much as it stung, I too understood his position. Unlike my family where they are the only child so inheritance just passes down, his father has siblings who could use this as a means to take over.

"So right now I am in the middle of a cold war. Mom is upset with Dad and Dad is upset that my mom is upset." I could almost imagine how thick that tension could be. And I felt bad to be the reason for it.

"Just so you know I already made my intentions of dating you clear so regardless of what they think I am going through with it anyways. But I wanted you to know what was going on as it might change some of your dynamics with my family for a while until this blows over."

That was right, I was in his mom book club which as of the last meeting will be held in her house. It could be awkward going or maybe his father might go as far as to not allow me in. "I will keep working on my end but I wanted to ask what you wanted to do. Do you want to formally acknowledge the photo or just wait for now?"

He left the ball in my court. "Lets wait for now. I want us to announce when we have equal support. So if they ask its 'no comment' for now." He agreed and we said our goodbyes. The next few days were spent indoors as the press made it impossible to leave otherwise. However a text came in which surprised me as well as made me nervous.

"This is Deans father. I asked my son for your contact information. I would like to set up a meeting to discuss the situation with you. Let me know when you are free."

new chapter! please enjoy!

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