
_ Her lips taste like strawberries

"Will you come with me?" He blurted his request out.

This time, she was shocked and it was apparent.

"T— the palace? Into the palace?" She blinked slowly, taking his words in.

He couldn't help but to give way to a crack of a smile on his face. "Yes. The palace." He affirmed.

"But I am not allowed into the palace. I might get in trouble for doing so." She argued.

Well, if she didn't come into the palace, how was he supposed to bang her?

Astor and his entourage interrupted when they arrived with so many blabbers and noises.

He was patently drunk to a stupor and was being guided and led on by three girls –who looked like they wanted to swallow him in whole soon.

Adramelech shut his eyes in embarrassment and opened them with a shaking head. Astor's recklessness was hopeless. He would never change even if the world was ending.

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