
Was he perhaps human?

Nicklaus swallowed as he admired Arissa's beauty and curves yet, his stern mask did not fall. If he had to be alone in his room staring at her picture on this dress tonight, he would have zoomed it in and out, admiring her beauty.

But this was reality. He has to look away.

And then he turned to her again and Nicklaus met her eyes because right now, she had turned away from her door and was gazing directly at him.

She looked red hot in that sizzling scarlet gown she was on. And as if that wasn't enough, the skintight-off shoulders fiery gown enhanced her curves.

His eyes went to the lower part and his mask almost dropped seeing the daring slit on the gown. The slit was up to her tight and her inviting long legs were on display for the first time since he meet her, he wished she had her signature blazer and matching pants.

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