
Chapter 37: Temporal Freeze

Location: Kenji's Lab

Coordinates: near Spotlighted Levincia

The future

 "Where's your Pokémon, Sada?" Kenji studied the Pokémon Center's lobby and walls. "Did he go back in his pokéball?"

 Sada hesitantly shook her head. "No. Miraidon doesn't like staying in his pokéball. I'm not sure where he went, Kenji. Knowing him, though, he probably went outside for some fresh air. Hopefully, he'll be back soon." She and Kenji headed for the center's double black doors. "Does Turo want me to bring him?"

 "I think he prefers you come alone."

 "I thought so." Sada sighed. "That's typical of him. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." She gulped when she read the sign above the double black doors. "Kenji's Lab."

 What happened next started with a tug in her tummy. Kenji's Lab, Kenji's Lab. There was something so familiar about it. Sada felt like an undertow had caught her. And then, it hit. Oh, no. "No, no, no!" Whirling around, she tried to escape.

 Kenji pushed on her palms like he was trying to break through a shield. He kept his voice steady and muse-like. "Hey, I'm right here."

 "Kenji, you don't understand. I never thought I'd find myself here again." The last time Sada was, she became Project Infrared. "Why didn't you tell me Turo's lab was yours?"

 "Because you wouldn't have come." Kenji's face reddened with his words.

 Sada scoffed. "No offense, Kenji, but you're doing a poor job hiding the fact that you have a crush on me." Eyes narrowing, she moved so close to him that their lips almost touched. For a minute, Sada wanted to kiss him. "Let me make myself clear. If you think you're getting a wife out of this, forget it. I'm not doing this for you, Iron Bundle, or Turo. I'm doing this for my children."

 "You...? But... you're dead."

 "You son of a—!" Sada slapped Kenji across the cheek again. "Professor Sada is dead, not AI Sada!" She snatched his shirt and shoved him against the wall. It was next to the double doors. "Do I look dead to you, huh? I don't want you to say that ever again! Do you understand?"

 "Ye-Yes, ma'am." Kenji's voice shook. He refused to make a move on Sada, just in case.

 Eventually, she released him, "Good," and calmed herself. "You're brave, Sada, you're brave. You're doing this for your family." Regardless, as soon as she and Kenji entered the double doors and found themselves in a slick, empty hallway behind them, she became more disturbed. The journey to a familiar staircase at the end of it did it for her, and she attempted to escape again.

 Kenji kneed her back and forced her down the hallway. "I thought you were trying to learn to be brave, you big Rowlet."

 "Kenji, you don't know what I've been through here." Sada wanted no memories of what happened.

 "While I don't know the full extent of what Turo did," Kenji argued, "I do know it was inhumane and childish of him. He was never like that when I worked with him. I'm here, Sada, because of him, and I want him back just as much as you and Celebi. What we need, though, is a plan, and I think I've got one." From there, he hid behind his hand and whispered in Sada's ear.


 The room Sada found herself in was rectangular-shaped and enormous. Lines of artificial intelligence robots, both people and Pokémon, filled it. It was like Sada had stumbled into a futuristic army base, and she did not like it.

 Hologram Pokémon stood across from each legion of robots. A single figure overlooked the machines. His back faced Sada, and he stood with his heels touching each other.

 Sada felt Kenji pat her shoulder. He shot her a quick nod, and she returned it. It was time to execute the plan.

 "Mastermind Turo, I've brought her," Kenji said to the tall, slender man.

 "No!" Sada suddenly screamed. Breaking free from Kenji, she ran. She didn't care that she was a big Rowlet; she just couldn't face such a heartless man.

 Turo patted his white lab coat with one of his tan hands and lifted his other. He held a walkie-talkie-like device in his palm and looked over his shoulder at Kenji. "Ah, excelente. Gracias, Kenji." Before Sada could get too far, he pressed one of his device's many buttons. A Tera-like light outlined her body, and she froze in place. Her arms dangled behind her.

 "Now that's not very considerate," Turo joked in his deep, booming voice. "We haven't even said 'hi.'" Finally, he turned and showed off his blue, futuristic bodysuit, violet outlines, and short, black boots.

 Turo scratched his stubble beard and approached Sada. He flashed his device at her. "It's called Temporal Freeze. It temporarily freezes my AIs. Only works on AIs, too. Isn't she a beauty? I harnessed more of the Terastal energy to perfect this power."

 He slipped the device into his coat pocket and circled Sada. Turo batted her left arm and stood in front of her. "Look at you. The last time I saw you, you were nothing more than a robot who got beat up by a kid in Area Zero. Now here you are, pregnant and decomposing from the inside, and you still think you're human." He flung his hand forward and snatched Sada's neck. "It disgusts me."

 "Get... your... hands... off me," Sada breathlessly said under his powerful grip. "I can't... breathe." She coughed when Turo let her go. "I don't care what you do to me. Just don't hurt Arven."

 "Oh, I'm not gonna hurt him per se," Turo chortled. "I'm just gonna turn him into a cyborg... like you. I'm calling it a win-win situation. See, little lady? I haven't broken my promise. You should be happy that you're going to see your son."

 "Monster!" Sada snarled, twirling slightly in midair.

 Turo brushed out his brown hair, which he wore top-notch-like on top of his head. "I mostly go by the Mastermind of Deception, but I guess 'Monster' will do, too. It looks like you need a few hours in the slammer to fix your attitude, my dear AI, until Arven gets here." He crossed his arms. "I don't know why you're so bent out of shape. The family will finally be together again: Mom, Dad, and the kid. Isn't that what you want?"

 "It is, but not like this!" Sada choked on her words. "Arven's only sixteen, Turo. You can't do this to him."

 "Well, too bad because I am. Kenji." Turo waved him over.

 "You called, Mastermind?" he inquired, approaching him.

 "Si." Turo glanced at him. "Get this cyborg out of my sight, but give her the nicest cell in the lab. We need her in prime form for when Arven comes tomorrow." He pressed the same button on his device that froze Sada; only that time, she unfroze. The Terastal outline vanished, and she could finally move again.

 "Yes, sir." Kenji grabbed Sada and dragged her toward one end of the rectangular room.

 While they left, Turo smirked. "Get nice and comfy, Sada. In the meantime, I'm gonna get my army of Future Hologram Pokémon ready." Just like that, he faced the legions of AIs and Hologram Pokémon again.

 Kenji came within reach of a holographic cell on the other side of the lab. Opening it, he tossed Sada inside and shut the door behind her.

 She stumbled and clutched her left arm.

 "I'm sorry," Kenji apologized, embarrassed. "Was that too rough?"

 "A little," Sada answered, rubbing her arm.

 "I didn't mean to," Kenji admitted, "but I need to make it look real, ya know?"

 Sada touched the holographic door. She flinched when it shocked her, and her eyes widened like a puppy. "Please don't leave me. You're the only scientist who doesn't treat me like a machine."

 "Don't worry. Arven, his friends, and I are going to get you out of this," Kenji promised. "I just need you to hold on a little longer, Sada, okay? Here, I've got something for you." He pulled a new ham and cheese sandwich out of his coat pocket and opened a mailbox-like sliding door next to the cell. It revealed a hole in the wall, and he slipped the sandwich through it. "I made you a new one before we left," Kenji told Sada. "We're in this together, but we need to keep your baby healthy."

 "Thank you, Kenji." Sada reached into the hole and brought the sandwich to her. As soon as she did, Kenji covered it and locked the door.

 "Stay strong, my dear," he begged. With those words, he left Sada and returned to Turo.

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