
Chapter 134

" What're you doing standing over there? Come and sit, " Austin told me a few minutes after we arrived at Chris's room. The two of them were seated on the bed, but I had chosen to stand right by the door. It had to do with the angle, that spot was advantageous since I could properly observe them and draw out an accurate conclusion. 

" I prefer it here, " I told him. Crossing my arms and taking a look around. When I glanced at Austin again it was to find him staring at me with that 'Really?' look of his again. But I ignored it. 

We had just closed up the store, then we went over there because Austin had assured him that he'd be passing by. He had wanted to go without me since I had been busy working but I had refused. And the second we had arrived at the motel, before we headed for Chris's room, he had asked me why I was so obsessed with tagging along. 

" Think I'll cheat on you?" He had jokingly asked. But I had been able to detect the slight hurt behind his words. As if deep down he suspected I didn't trust him and was joining him just to make sure he wouldn't do anything he wasn't supposed to. And even though I assured him that wasn't the case so that his mind could be at ease, I was kinda glad he was feeling that way. Because that was literally how he made me feel just because I had friends. 

Like that morning in class when Jenna had approached me to inquire about my decision on that in she was starting. And Austin had quite literally told her bye while she was talking and pulled me away with him. It had been rude and I had texted Jenna and apologized. And that had proved my suspicions, he wasn't going to take my rules seriously. No crazy jealousy had been on that list, yet he had gone ahead and portrayed a crazy and unnecessary type of craziness by being jealous over nothing. 

And it was humourous actually, because it was Jenna. She was a girl! I wasn't into girls!

And while we had been at the store he had randomly asked me whether I still talked to 'My little singer friend '. I had just ignored the question, there was no point in entertaining his attempts at annoying me. Because I loved him, but God could he be childish!

" I have beer if you guys want some, "

" We're good, " I assured Chris before Austin reached for one himself. 

" You sure?"

" Very. "

" Okay, more for me I suppose. "

He reached somewhere under the bed and took out a beer bottle, then he used his teeth to take off the lid and took a large gulp. 

" I gave Miles your number so he could inform you about how his research is going, " Austin said and Chris nodded. 

" Yeah, he texted me. Said he knew someone from my school so he asked her to ask around and find out how things are over there. He'll tell me once he finds out. "

" That's good. But you can't keep using your phone, pretty sure they'll try to track it if they haven't already. "

" I'll be bored out of my mind if I can't use it. "

" Fine then, I hope you like steel bars and jumpsuits. "

" Fuck man! I just discovered this cool YouTube channel. It had like the best dancing content, and there's that guy from TikTok who always posts every weekend about cheating partners caught red-handed....oh! Did you see the new post-"

" No phone! I can't believe you're still addicted to the internet. "

Chris laughed, then he shrugged and said he couldn't help it. 

" You still dance?" Austin asked. I wasn't enjoying the third wheeling at all. 

" Once in a while. Seth and I got into an argument and I sort of left the group. "

" So I'm guessing he's still a dickhead. "

" Oh you have no idea! We broke the glass on this vending machine and stole all the snacks inside, but he wanted to take them all and give them to this bitc-"

I faked a cough. Forcing them both to look up at me, we hadn't even been there for ten minutes yet my fears were being confirmed. And I disliked the silence that followed. Like they were both unsure of what to do or say..and I suspected my presence was making them uncomfortable. Chris especially. Even though he was talking to Austin, he kept throwing me these quick glances, and I knew he was just checking my reaction. Trying to make sure I could see how well the two of them were conversing. 

" You know, I still can't believe that it's you, " he stated. A small smile on his face and his eyes focused on me entirely. I ignored the comment since I had no reply to offer him. And I strongly felt like they were drastically overlooking the fact that he had in fact possibly committed murder. How could they be discussing TikTok content when the goddamned police were after him? Did he not understand that he could get locked up. They would surely give him a long sentence, and him having run away wasn't an advantage either. 

" Are you still planning on going to your cousin?" Austin asked him and he finally quit staring at me. They were talking about a relative of his, apparently he was considering travelling to his place and hiding out over there. They had definitely never watched any crime dramas. Who went to hide out at their relative's place when the police were after them? Actually if my guess was correct then the police already knew where he was and it was just a matter of time before they bust in and snatched him up. Guns blazing and everything. The guy was still liking Instagram pictures for crying out loud! I wouldn't be surprised if he had commented on a few of them as well. It's how their kind were. Him and Austin and everyone else who belonged to the 'Psycho' committee. 

He took another sip of his beer and nodded, then he said he still wasn't sure when he'd be going but that he had already told his cousin everything so there was nothing to worry about. I hoped it was soon. 

" Wouldn't it have been easier to just turn yourself in and try to explain things?" I asked him point-blank. Austin looked at me like I was out of my mind, but Chris actually seemed to be thinking something through, then he gave me that same subtle smile of his and chuckled. 

" I'm a teenager with a terrible record. I've been to jail twice already, I don't have anyone that would bail me out and I sure as hell won't be given a chance to explain myself. If I dared to turn myself in as you say, I'd be rotting away in Juvy right now and once I turned eighteen I'd be shipped off to prison, maybe even for the rest of my life. "

" How do you know that? Maybe you could have had an actual shot of surviving all that."

" The system's all messed up Kyle, people like me don't get any actual shots at surviving. "

" People like you? You mean troublemakers who do something wrong despite knowing that it's wrong? "

" Kyle," Austin called me and I looked at him all confused. I was just saying the truth. And someone had to tell them that what they were doing wasn't right. There were other better ways of dealing with things. What they were doing was just going to make everything much worse. He couldn't keep running and hiding forever, eventually they were going to catch up with him and when that happened the small mercy he would have been showed had he turned himself in would be absent. 

Plus there was another thing.

" Are you even sorry about what you did? Do you regret it at all? Cause you seem pretty calm and relaxed for someone that possibly took another person's life. "

" Stevens! " Austin called me again. Then he shook his head and run a hand over his face. Chris grew serious and looked away. They were acting like that because they knew I was right but were both too arrogant to admit it. And if dealing with Austin had taught me one thing, it was that you weren't supposed to be scared when confronting them. Calling them out on what they were doing wrong was the only way to get them to listen to what you were saying. And the only truth in this case was that what Chris had done was wrong. He was in the wrong and if he couldn't see that then I was right about my statement. And I was also scared that he might end up dragging Austin down along with him if he ever did get caught. Also, this isn't related to what I was saying but why were they seated that close?!


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