
Chapter 44 : The Full Moon

Theodora’s POV

I couldn’t look away. But I also couldn’t stand. Everything felt like it was going weak. Tingles in my chest ebbing outwards to my hands. I swayed forward, struggling to find my steps. Struggling to find my breath.

Daxton caught me before I fell forward, a strangled sob leaving my lips as devastation swallowed me whole.

“Theo! Hey!” Dax shouted, trying to snap me out of my stupor.

But I didn’t see him. All I saw was Mads’s teeth digging into Javier’s throat. The harrowing visual of them caked in blood, running thick as oil. Javi threw Mads off him. Heavy hits and the sound of grinding metal as they knocked each other into the portable sun shelters.

They were going to break the windows. Send sunlight streaming into their homes.

The vampires watching couldn’t even do anything without risking exposure. A gruesome fiery death. And I was only human.

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