
First Day

My footfalls echo through the wide, empty hallways as I make my way to homeroom. Ilka floats beside me, chattering away about some random nonsensical stuff. It's best to keep her sealed in the sword for now.

Entering the homeroom, the first sight that greets me is the pair of royal siblings, Princess Aria and Prince Liam. Even from a distance, their regal bearing is unmistakable. The siblings, although only a year apart, are the epitome of the golden children of the empire. In their constant battle for the throne, they're forever trying to outdo each other, a constant power play that will continue until one of them is dead.

Princess Aira, a year younger at 17, is a striking beauty. She bears a strong resemblance to Queen Celeste, with her lush golden hair and sparkling green eyes. There's an elegance to her tall and athletic build, a grace that isn't lost even when she's in the middle of an intense sparring session. Her sharp wit and relentless determination make her a formidable adversary, but what I find most interesting about her is her blatant honesty. Aira isn't the type to hold back her thoughts, even when she's around her family.

Contrasting his sister's fiery persona, Prince Liam is more reserved. He's a year older at 18, and while his jet-black hair and icy blue eyes come from his father, his magical prowess is all his own. You'll often find him secluded in his room, absorbed in planning and plotting. Liam is a quiet strategist, always seeking ways to tip the scale in his favor. He's a firm believer in individual power and ability, unlike his sister, who values the strength that comes from relationships and alliances.

However, the most fascinating aspect about them is the facade they wear around others. Despite their innate ruthiness, they both don a mask of kindness and friendliness, manipulating those around them for their advantage. They're skilled actors, who have everyone convinced of their benevolent natures. well, I'm to blame for their personalities so I can't complain, it's best to refrain from talking to them for now.

As I walk into the classroom, their sharp gazes land on me, curious and assessing. But I don't waver under their scrutiny. Instead, I nod in their direction in acknowledgment before I move towards the furthest desk at the back of the room. Something is off, what is it?

The classroom door opens, signaling the arrival of four new students. I watch from my secluded corner, observing as the new arrivals walk in. These four commoners, chosen for their unique talents, are about to be thrown headfirst into the world of magic and power struggles.

First, there's Kaida, the Spirit Caller. Long, wavy black hair frames her face, enhancing the piercing blue of her eyes. She's quiet, withdrawn even, but there's a burning determination in those eyes of hers. Kaida possesses the unique ability to communicate with spirits, which can be a great asset or a curse, depending on how she handles it however as of now she has no idea how to do it. she might have been able to detect Ilka if I kept her out.

Arin comes next. He's a blonde, bright-eyed boy who's got an uncanny knack for healing magic. He's immersed himself in medical studies for as long as he could remember. His knowledge, although impressive, makes him a bit of a know-it-all. Despite this, his business-minded nature always seems to find a way to capitalize on his skill. He is from a merchant family so it's understandable but I really hope he's not as obsessed with money as I described him.

Then there's Rai. His spiky black hair and intense yellow eyes make him easy to pick out from a crowd. He possesses a natural affinity for lightning magic, a power that comes with its own set of challenges. His reckless nature and the lack of control over his magic often land him in hot water. But there's no denying his ambition and competitive spirit. At the moment he should only be able to create a spark, his swordsmanship should be basic at most.

Lastly, there's Flora. Her curly green hair and emerald eyes match her affinity for plant magic. She has the ability to control and communicate with plants, a talent that suits her nurturing nature. However, her lack of confidence often holds her back, much to my frustration. She has a lot of potential if she could just believe in herself. The OP character I wrote, with her innate talent she could grow certain things considered impossible by others.

The four walk in, their eyes sweeping the room before landing on the royal siblings. Their greetings are polite and respectful, and they seem to be off to a good start.

Just as I finish taking my mental notes, one of the girls walks up to me. From her curly green hair and emerald eyes, I recognize her as Flora.

"Hello," she greets, offering a small smile. "You're a commoner like us, right? Or are you a noble?" Her voice is soft, filled with a quiet kind of strength. It reminds me of a gentle breeze rustling through leaves.

"If only, I'm a commoner so you don't have to be respectful. Nice to meet you I go by V" I reply, returning her smile. The script is unfolding just as I wrote it, but what will happen when the characters start going off-script? I don't know why something feels so off at the moment.

"V? What a weird name, Anyway I go by Flora, that over there is Rai, Arin, and Kaida," she says pointing at the group.

"Haha, I get that a lot, Nice to meet you, Flora"

"Yea nice meeting you, I better go back to my seat before the professor arrives, we are going out to eat after classes if you want to join us," she says smiling as she leaves.

The arrival of the twins stirs the classroom into a different kind of energy. Biana and Oliver, two seventeen-year-olds with a peculiar dynamic, step into the room.

Biana, strolls in with a groan, clutching a pillow. She's a paradox, a lazy genius who prefers the company of a good drink and a soft bed over the intellectual stimulation of the academy. Still, she's clever, her mind sharp and alert beneath the veil of her disinterest. But it's clear the academy life isn't her chosen path. Her mother kinda forced her in here.

Her twin brother, Oliver, follows her in, his eyes — a deep-set, warm hazel — exuding a focused intensity. He's the polar opposite of his sister, his every breath seeming to revolve around the art of potion brewing. The passion he has for his craft can be a bit intimidating, as it tends to eclipse his social skills, making him come across as brusque and irritable.

"Dammit, hurry up and go in, why do i have to force you out of bed all the damn time?" Oliver yells at her.

"Come on bro, you know we were both forced into this academy, why don't we just chill out until they kick us out?" Biana yaws while complaining.

"You know Mother will not let that slide"

The contrast between them is palpable as they enter the room. Oliver, focused and serious, pushes Biana ahead of him, urging her to move faster. Biana grumbles under her breath, clutching her pillow tighter.

Upon entering, Biana's eyes lazily scan the room, coming to rest on me. A flicker of recognition passes through her eyes. Without a word, she walks over and plops down next to me, letting out a tired "yo" before resting her head on the pillow she's been clutching.

I sigh, "You know there are other seats"

Biana yawns, "Come on, you know I'll be bothered by others if I do that, it's best to sit next to someone with a scary face"

"I have a scary face?"

"haha, more ugly than scary, I mean compared to the others you're the ugliest one here so technically I'm more likely to not be bothered around you than with the others"

"Cause I'm ugly, huh, well I can't say I'm handsome but Definitely not ugly,"

Oliver follows his sister, casting a disapproving glance her way. He greets me with a curt nod before making his way to a vacant seat, as far from his sister as he can get. It's evident that their relationship is strained, their bond as twins overridden by their contrasting personalities and interests.

"your brother hates you doesn't he?"

"Tsk, my brother is obsessed with potions, that guy is going to end up dead one of these days, he thinks he can control a battlefield with nothing but potions. How laughable."

"Well It's still better than sleeping around all day doing nothing don't you think?"

"Ugh, don't be like that dude, I can tell you're lazy yourself, let's just chill out"

The door to the classroom swings open once again, Her presence alone is commanding, her potential daunting. This is Isabella, a noble with magical prowess that surpasses the norm. The abilities she displays are diverse, spanning across a variety of elements. The juxtaposition of fire and ice dances at her fingertips, just as talented as her mother.

Isabella possesses an uncanny sensitivity to magic, enabling her to detect its presence with ease. But such power comes with its own complications. Her raw, untamed potential is a double-edged sword; while her abilities are impressive, her lack of experience and control can lead to unpredictable outcomes. Though at the moment all she has is an ego with little power.

Her arrival, however, isn't as pleasant as one would anticipate. Isabella carries the pride of a noble, along with a formidable ego. She looks down upon commoners with distaste, viewing their presence in the academy as a taint. As she steps into the room, her eyes sweep across the class, passing over the commoners with a contemptuous sneer.

Her attention shifts to the royal twins, a smirk curling on her lips as she prepares to greet them. But before she can do so, Flora steps forward, ever the friendly spirit, attempting to welcome her.

"Listen here you commoner, why don't you go back and leave this place, we don't need dirty animals around here"

"I..I, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," Flora says walking back to her seat.

"pathetic commoners, disgusting, why don't you all leave this place, you are all nothing but pests!"

However, the tension is broken as Princess Aella strides over, her royal bearing in full display. In a calm, assertive voice, "Isabella, we are all students here, the academy treats all commoners and nobles equally, do not attempt to use your authority here."

Isabella falls silent, her face neutral as she listens to Aira. She doesn't respond but the atmosphere in the room shifts subtly. Aira's words resonate, serving as a reminder to all in the room. Here, in the academy, they are not divided by their social standing but are united by a shared objective: mastering their abilities.

The tranquility of the classroom is interrupted once more as another figure steps through the entrance, her appearance as distinctive as her reputation. Her long, straight black hair cascades down her back, contrasting starkly with her pale complexion. Her eyes are as black as the night sky, cold and devoid of any discernible emotion. But what truly sets her apart is the sword that hangs by her side, an extension of her own self. Damn what took her so long, I thought she would've been the first one here.

As she enters, a hushed silence descends over the room, the murmuring conversations dying out abruptly. Every eye is drawn to her, pupils dilating in recognition and a hint of respect. She glances at me before turning back.

Isadora doesn't falter under the scrutiny, her gaze indifferent and aloof. She walks with a quiet confidence, making her way to an unoccupied seat next to a window. She sits alone, her posture erect and her expression impassive. With a silent sigh, she pulls out her sword and places it carefully on the table before her, her fingertips lightly grazing the hilt. Damn she is obsessed, if it wasn't for the fact that this class is mandatory she would be training right now.

Fun Fact: Isadora's goal is to become a weapons master not just a swordmaster.

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