
Dystopian Strolis

Even though there were around 1000 people in Boulderstrand, it was like a ghost town.

Not only were there no people in the streets, there was no noise or liveliness coming from the buildings around them.

The general village architecture was nothing like the students were used to. The buildings were made of a dark stone, while the roofs ranged in colour from brown to orange.

There were a few number of cars littered across the village and they didn't see a single car actually driving across the roads.

The air was tense as several guards walked the streets, while the silence made the air even tenser.

The only noise that filled their ears was the sound of their luggage rumbling along the sidewalk with them.

After a few minutes of walking, he arrived at the inn and on the outside, it said 'Boulderstrand Inn'. They waited a few seconds at the door but before they even took action, they were let into the building.

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