
Triple Stack

Brandyn decided to wait in the stands for the next match. There was little to do in the other parts of the stadium and he liked the security he felt in the stands, knowing the location of all the other students.

Botan, the burly gorilla warrior, stepped through onto the arena floor and so did his opponent, Nicolas.

Nicolas had long, dirty blonde hair with beautiful hazel eyes. He stood at 6'3 and had a sharp jawline with a slim physique, weighing in at 84 kilograms. From first glance, there wasn't anything striking about his appearance. He couldn't detect any sort of ability so he decided that his ability had to be some form of physical enhancement.

"I wonder what ability he has. This guy's never been in my class and I've never been bullied by him so he might be around my strength level. Alright, let's see!" Botan thought to himself.

As they stared each other down before the match began, Nicolas stomped the ground twice. With his second stomp, it felt heavier and much more sand was briefly lifted off the ground as he hit the ground with the sole of his shoe.

"May the match begin!"

Botan slowly approached the centre of the ring but, suddenly, Nicolas charged ahead.

As he clocked back his fist, it started to become slightly redder and it also possessed a dim glow across it. What was noticeable, also, was that it was making slight vibrations as it came towards him. Botan perceived its abnormal speed but since he was in his completely human state, there was nothing he could do to combat this beast.


This fist slammed into Botan's jaw and launched him away, spinning and stumbling in the direction of the fist's travel.

"That was no human attack! I'm lucky I'm even conscious after that, that felt like the weight of an ogre or something! There's no way I'll be able to fight like this." Botan realised, beginning to retreat.

His arms cloaked in a blue-black fur and his hands considerably darkened to the point where they were significantly darker than the rest of his body. However, they also grew much larger and became far more muscular.

Nicolas followed him back through his retreat and jabbed his forearm intently. He used his weight from pushing off with his back foot and increased the force of the jab but it still felt like a dull shove to Botan.

The next attack was a hook, and once it landed, he felt that its power was far more than that of his previous attack. He knew that jabs were supposed to be weaker than the power hand but he didn't expect this attack to be that much stronger. For his third attack, the left hook, his fist already started to glow. Again, his attack was incredibly swift but Botan was able to block.


This third attack was insanely powerful and felt like an attack that Botan would dish out with his own fist.

"You must be wondering how I can do that!" Nicolas stated, noticing the confused expression on his face.

"My ability gives me the power to stack on 2 of my previous attack's forces into my third! I've trained my punching and kicking power for 10 years now, so even without this ability, I could probably beat you!" Nicolas explained, showing off his developed and muscular arms.

"So that's what it is. Wait, so how did he get that third hit before we even fought? The slams! He stomped his foot to add this force to his punch. Well, the first 2 hits will mean nothing to me then." Botan noted, running towards the tall warrior.

Nicolas tried to use his superior range by throwing a jab but Botan easily slipped past the attack. The previous momentum from his charge allowed him to get close to Nicolas in no time. With his left side and head wide open, Botan swung his heavy arm into his ribcage then came right over the jab with a left hook to the centre of his head.

Both attacks definitely seemed to daze him as he was utilising the power of a gorilla. Since gorillas are also much shorter than humans, his elongated arms are even longer than that of a gorilla's.

Seeing his weak legs, Botan decided to pounce. Nicolas was holding his nose with his left arm while keeping his right arm ready for any attacks that may come for him. Botan cocked back his fist as he closed in on his target. His dark fist clenched extremely tight and even vibrated lightly as it soared through the air.


Nicolas used his arms to block this incoming attack. The attack was most certainly forceful and it launched the taller fighter back quite a significant amount.

"If he can't hit me, then I win. It doesn't seem like he's even trained his martial arts ability that much but has, instead, focused on strength too much. He doesn't stand a chance!" Botan declared, with a more confident tone of voice in his mind.

Nicolas, deciding to try and alter his strategy, decided to back away while circling away from his opponent. Botan followed around in this circling movement and the two warriors did not stop focusing on one another. Botan waited for his opponent to attack him and, just like he predicted, but something odd happened.

His first stride was normal but his second stride was swifter and much longer. As he came close to Botan, his fist gained that same dim glow as before. His fist almost exploded from its stationary position and slammed into his breastbone. The attack felt like a gunshot and he was literally launched off his feet and away more than 4 metres.

"Even people without speed-based abilities can exert five times their bodyweight in terms of force in one stride. You just felt almost 11 times by bodyweight in terms of force with one punch only exerted over the surface area of my fist!"

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