
Bone Man

Brandyn slowly forced himself forward but he stayed aware and cautious. The last thing he'd want to do is act too rashly and lose himself the battle entirely. Colbert, on the other hand, charged towards Brandyn like a raging bull. As he ran, his speed continued to increase and his strides noticeably lengthened in size.

Brandyn thought that he had the advantage with his speed but his theory was quickly beaten down by this showcasing of physical prowess. As his claws and fangs took effect, Colbert made a strategic side step, blowing right past the enemy. However, he planted his foot and completely stopped himself somehow. He had went from top speed to 0 miles per hour in almost an instant. Before he could even throw an attack of his own, Brandyn was forced to take a hook to the side of the body. It felt as if a hammer had crashed into his body and he was stopped in place. Feeling this attack, Brandyn was forced to use his tough block, walking back to try and secure distance.

"How am I supposed to win now? That felt like a literal hammerhead crashed into my side, how is hand so hard!" Brandyn thought, holding out his left hand to try and intercept any incoming attacks.

"You must be wondering how I was able to get faster and stronger? Well, it turns out I can get faster by just fortifying my leg muscles! You stand no chance, now!" Colbert disclosed, growing bony claws from beneath his skin.

His claws grew to a decent length, around half the size of the fingers they were on. These claws didn't resemble fingernails but, instead, were a dull and opaque white.


There was the sound of sand getting thrown into the air as Colbert approached Brandyn. As his white claws soared towards Brandyn, he predicted and intercepted. He managed to drop his head directly under the incoming attack, leaving himself unscathed. He also made a step forward once the attack was thrown and it allowed him to throw a certain slash of his own. A rejuvenating slash.

The elongated claws shredded through Colbert's abdomen and sapped him of his energy. This is exactly what he desired but, in retaliation, Colbert threw a combination of slashes and punches. Brandyn was able to dodge past every incoming slash and he utilised his forearms to block the incoming punches. However, Colbert then performed an abnormal movement with his leg.

A sharp bone appendage tore threw his dark sole and grew to almost the size of his entire shin. He explosively swung this leg forward, while also slightly elongating the single thigh bone (femur).


His pin-pointed bone appendage slashed directly through the left quadricep of Brandyn and it leaves quite a deep slash. The blood covers most of the wound but the overall appearance of it is still gory and discomforting.

"Damn! I can barely stand with this now! My healing better get this healed soon!" Brandyn thought in worry, as he saw the focused fighter charge in his direction.

He threw an ambitious right punch but Brandyn managed to evade, forcing himself to land on his injured leg. He made an audible grunt as he landed, feeling this sharp strike of pain release from this slash and across his leg. Colbert decided to switch his approach as he arrived again, aiming lower. He clenched his fist tightly and drove up his fist towards Brandyn's gut. The attack was swift but it was telegraphed. Brandyn had been told about how to notice these telegraphed attacks and he was able to defend himself by blocking with his palm.

However, he had rashly blocked with both hands. This left his entire upper torso and head open for an incoming attack. Colbert swiftly noticed this and swung over with his right, landing his intended attack.


Brandyn's entire body turned over in the opposite direction and it left a bruise across his cheek. The force of the hit certainly wasn't something the archdemon could just forget about and he'd have to actually stop himself taking a lot of those hits.

"Where are you going!" Colbert exclaimed, charging towards his opponent.

What Brandyn didn't notice was that his cut across the thigh was sealed quite well now. It was only a graze now, and the pain had almost totally subsided. 3 punches came towards Brandyn but he stayed aware, managing to block the first attack with his forearms. Next, he handled the remaining attacks by simply swerving his body around to miss them. Seeing that the chance was open, Brandyn decided to throw a few attacks of his own. As he dipped his head down and closer to his right foot, he launched his left fist ahead at the same time. It soared through the air swiftly and collided with Colbert's nose.

Before he could even retract his arms for defence, Brandyn slammed his sole into his abdomen. The attack sucked in his stomach significantly and launched him off his feet with ease. As he was airborne, he decided not to take the force of the fall and swiftly grew bones from the end of his spine. This bone had several different fragments, with a sharp appendage on the end of it. The tail-like bone was around 75cm in length (30 inches) and the dull white of his claws. As he approached the ground, it wrapped into a sickle-like shape and allowed him to handle the force of the collision by simply rolling with the sickle-shaped tail.

"What an ability! He can spring out those bones quite quickly and I thought I dealt enough damage with that kick to stop him for quite a bit! This'll be harder than I thought!" Brandyn thought to himself, astonished with the skill he had with his ability.

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