
138: I Love You; the place is same yet the night so different

Beta'd by SnowyEgrett

After Andrew hurried out of the airport — without a second glance — as if the place was on fire and it was threatening to burn his arse, Lin FenXiang gently squeezed Yan Hansheng's wrist, trying to get himself to calm down and proceed as planned.

At the touch Yan Hansheng turned his head to look at him, question and concern swirled in his warm brown eyes as he pursed his lips, as if stopping himself from saying something.

Lin FenXiang blinked at him. It was surprising even for him how easily he understood the question hidden within Yan Hansheng's look.

“Everything's all right,” he replied, flashing the musician a smile as he pulled the latter towards his car with his luggage in other hand. “I'm fine, are you?“

Yan Hansheng silently watched him from the side as Lin FenXiang carefully put his suitcase and several bags in the trunk and opened his mouth to speak.

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